People v. (Fox) News Corp.

Thomas Tlusty

Registered Member
Please sign and share to stop the ¡n$aNi+¥!!!

This Petition seeks to demand an injunction be filed against Fox News Corp. to prevent them from using the word "NEWS" in any of the names of any of their shows or in any of their advertising. It can be plainly and legally be established that it is patently "false advertising". Furthermore, they should be forced to consider either changing their name or their business model.
Please sign and share to stop the ¡n$aNi+¥!!!

This Petition seeks to demand an injunction be filed against Fox News Corp. to prevent them from using the word "NEWS" in any of the names of any of their shows or in any of their advertising. It can be plainly and legally be established that it is patently "false advertising". Furthermore, they should be forced to consider either changing their name or their business model.
While I agree that Fox News is extraordinarily deceptive and unethical, your petition goes nowhere because our freedom of speech allows much sinning. It's legal to lie. A better solution is to bring back The Fairness Doctrine. Republicans have been living in fear of its reinstatement since they repealed it in the 80's.

" The Fairness Doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows, or editorials. The doctrine did not require equal time for opposing views but required that contrasting viewpoints be presented.[2]"

Additionally, hitting Fox News and conservative entertainment in the pocketbook is a better option. There are few things I will not invest in on ethical and patriotic grounds, Fox News is one of them. You should consider a boycott. There are some products and services I don't purchase because I have moral and patriotic objections to their owners or where they spend their advertising dollars. Hit them in the pocketbook. Russ_Watters and Republicans like him can laugh, because he and they know your petition will go nowhere. It's legal to lie in this country as long as you don't do it in a courtroom or to a police officer or under oath.

Unfortunately folks like my aunt, grew up in an era when news was credible. So they believe whatever the news broadcasts. They heard on the news so it had to be true. While that was true in the past, is certainly isn't true now. Folks like my aunt are unfortunately casualties of a sea change event, the termination of The Fairness Doctrine. Fox News and Republican entertainment is certainly entertaining, but unfortunately most of it just isn't truthful. It if could be as truthful as it is entertaining, it would be something to watch.
If you don't think that a news company is any good just don't watch them. To me they are all biased, exaggerating, spin businesses that only tell people whatever they wish to and very few truths.
If you don't think that a news company is any good just don't watch them. To me they are all biased, exaggerating, spin businesses that only tell people whatever they wish to and very few truths.
It sounds like you have bought into the Fox News myth. It's the everybody does it excuse to justify Fox. All news media isn't biased. NPR isn't biased, they report the news the old fashioned way...honestly. CNN, doesn't have a political bias however the do have a bias towards sensationalism. You will get all the news, but the sensational elements be they beneficial to Republicans or Democrats will get extra play (i.e. attention). With NBC carries liberal, conservative and unbiased programing on their networks.
It sounds like you have bought into the Fox News myth. It's the everybody does it excuse to justify Fox. All news media isn't biased. NPR isn't biased, they report the news the old fashioned way...honestly. CNN, doesn't have a political bias however the do have a bias towards sensationalism. You will get all the news, but the sensational elements be they beneficial to Republicans or Democrats will get extra play (i.e. attention). With NBC carries liberal, conservative and unbiased programing on their networks.

You live in a world of illusions.
LOL, says the pot. :)

Here is the difference my friend, I don't have to make stuff up and ignore a mountain of evidence to validate my "illusions" as you do.

I only have to watch any news company and see all the spins they make. They also pick and choose what they talk about so that we all are only getting a very small part of the events that are happening.
I only have to watch any news company and see all the spins they make. They also pick and choose what they talk about so that we all are only getting a very small part of the events that are happening.
Cosmic, we have had many discussions. And you believe what you want to believe. And you always believe the Republican Party line regardless of the facts. You endlessly repeat Republican memes.
Cosmic, we have had many discussions. And you believe what you want to believe. And you always believe the Republican Party line regardless of the facts. You endlessly repeat Republican memes.

I guess you don't get what the news is all about and only see through your eyes what you want to see. I look at the news and say again, it is all biased to a degree and spun to work up the population into believing what they want them to believe. I again state I don't trust any of the news that is being discussed not just the left but the right as well. If you refer to me as A Republican that's your view but I can't see that I've ever said I was. I take on both sides equally and with common sense which many have lost but do hope one day they will find it.
I guess you don't get what the news is all about and only see through your eyes what you want to see. I look at the news and say again, it is all biased to a degree and spun to work up the population into believing what they want them to believe. I again state I don't trust any of the news that is being discussed not just the left but the right as well. If you refer to me as A Republican that's your view but I can't see that I've ever said I was. I take on both sides equally and with common sense which many have lost but do hope one day they will find it.
You don't trust any of the news and you are not Republican/conservative? I guess that explains why you keep repeating and defending Republican memes and repeatedly ignoring mountains of evidence in the process.
You don't trust any of the news and you are not Republican/conservative? I guess that explains why you keep repeating and defending Republican memes and repeatedly ignoring mountains of evidence in the process.

I believe in equal rights, womens rights , abortions, the right to buy weapons and on and on. So I'm neither left or right but I am just me. There are thousands of things that are out there and if I can be convinced that something should be changed then I also will consider that. No I never will trust the news for cases in which they DISTORT the truth or put their spin on it . If you don't want to believe that the news is biased then please do so but leave me out of your views because I'm not you and don't want to ever be .
I've found NPR to have some evident preferences... but at least, in what I've heard from them (I tend to listen to them during my drive to and from work, and sometimes at work) they tend to try to at least present both sides of an argument/situation before making a conclusion.

I can appreciate that.
I've found NPR to have some evident preferences... but at least, in what I've heard from them (I tend to listen to them during my drive to and from work, and sometimes at work) they tend to try to at least present both sides of an argument/situation before making a conclusion.

I can appreciate that.
NPR is news the way it used to be back in the day when The Fairness Doctrine was the law of the land and journalistic standards were upheld. A good number of people, especially senior citizens haven't noticed the changes. They heard it on Fox News or on Republican entertainment radio, so it must be true. But it isn't. And that is why consumers of Republican entertainment have been consistently found to be the least well informed...less informed than those who consumed no news service at all. That is bad, and does not bode well for our democracy.
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NPR is news the way it used to be back in the day when The Fairness Doctrine was the law of the land and journalistic standards were upheld. A good number of people, especially senior citizens haven't noticed the changes. They heard it on Fox News or on Republican entertainment radio, so it must be true. But it isn't. And that is why consumers of Republican entertainment have been consistently found to be the least well informed...less informed than those who consumed no news service at all. That is bad, and does not bode well for our democracy.

Indeed - honestly, I found shows like The Colbert Report to be a better source of news than Fox!!!
It's legal to lie.
It is not legal to advertise falsely, to misrepresent a a product or service or fail to deliver what has been paid for.

The question then becomes: who pays Fox, and what does Fox promise to deliver in return?

I would like to see a public discussion of that, with Fox providing evidence that they are describing their product or service accurately to the people paying them.