

Do a websearch on "the golden ratio in art" and take a look at paintings in which this principle was employed. Might be easier to understand what this is all about.;)
A second..... you suddenly remind me of something important! Thanks, Thanks Thanks!
I remember I have known this thing! I read in a book about this:
Assume you make a rectangle. The length of one side of it is 1.blah blah blah (that's what I forgot, but presumably that number) times the length of the other side. Now, if you try to divide the rectangle into a square and a smaller rectangle, the side-to-side ratio of the new rectangle is exactly similar to the original rectangle. Is that? If I'm not mistaken, this rectangle can be drawn in such a way with a.. er.... (what do you call that math device to draw circles) whatever...... right?
Yes, the golden proportion can be constructed with compass and straightedge, the geometric purist's constructing tools.

Checking "golden mean" websites, there was one that described a method involving the use of string, and a 1X2 rectangle.

That makes use of the fact that, when the equation that I posted is solved by the quadratic forumla, you get:

A = (1 + sqr(5))/2 , where "sqr" means "square root of".

Well, the diagonal of a 2X1 rectangle has sqr(5) as its length, because, by the Pythagorean theorem, it's: sqr(1^2 + 2^2)
= sqr(1 + 4) = sqr(5).

Since we want to add sqr(5) to 1, because that's what the formula calls for, we can do that by adding the diagonal to the short side. The author of that website shows an obvious way to do that with string.

But that can be done just as easily with compass and straightedge:

(I've indented the paragraphs because it looks neater. But it now occurs to me that format differences could make it look really lousy).

1. Use the straightedge to extend the diagonal of the rectangle
some distance out of the rectangle.

2. Place the point of the compass at the corner through which
the diagonal was extended. Open the compass so that its
pencil can be placed at the other end of the adjacent short
side. On the corner at the other end of that short side.

3. With the compass, draw an arc from that corner that the
pencil is on, up to the extension of the diagonal.

4. The line segment consisting of the diagonal extended out to
the compass arc is sqr(5) + 1, where 1 is the length of the
short side. That's because the diagonal is sqr(5).

5. Now all tha's needed is to bisect that line segment. One way to do that with compass and straightedge is to set the compass so that its point is on one end of the line segment and its pencil is on the other end of the line segment. The swing the compass in both directions so that it makes a wide arc in both directions. The arcs should extend back past the middle of the line segment.

Reverse the point and the pencil's positions, and do the same thing again. The 2 arcs will intersect at 2 points on both sides of the line segment. With the straightedge, draw a line between those 2 intersection points. That's the perpendicular bisector of the line segment.

Each half of that line segment is longer than the short edge of the rectangle by a factor equal to the golden ratio.

That compass and straightedge procedure is based on the
result (sqr(5) + 1)/2, gotten by solving the quadratic equation by the quadratic formula. I'd like a construction method that doesn't need tha algebraic calculation, a construction method based directly on A/B = (A+B)/A. Maybe there is such a construction method, but it doesn't occur to me, and I didn't find it at the websitges that I checked. That doesn't mean that some website or book won't describe such a construciton though.

Mike Ossipoff
an interesting aside to the pentagon.

When you take a laser light and refract it onto a circle of glass (say a round drinking glass with a mix of soy sauce and water)

The greatest numer of even refracted relections the light can produce is Five. It forms a pentagon
Its a sign of protection, associated with witches

The pentagram isnt evil, but it has been associated with witches and magic and evil people that would use magick against you and turn you into a toad or cause famine to the area, what have you.

The pentagram is associated with them because they use it. Its a field of protection, a star with a circle around it and you stay in the center. Its your protective circle to keep everything else out and keep you protected whenever you open yourself up to psychic energies.

I dont practice it, no patience, but it is pretty interesting.

The sad thing is many of the people that could be considered witches were just people that had a better gift in herbology or other gifts that were deemed to be too far removed from the christian church, and so they were to be burned for doing their evil healings. I doubt there were very many evil witches around.
Now, here's another mystic symbol I came across.
It's a circle, containing a right triangle with 3 little circles on it, plus there's some sketchy lines all inside the big circle. From what I read, it's called the mark of Samael. Explanation, please?
Haven't you guys read the Da Vinci Code?

The Pentagram was originally associated with fertility, with Venus, because if you haven't noticed during its cycle across the sky Venus makes a perfect (or almost perfect?) pentagram. The rose has five pedals also, and as such the Evening Star was generally associated with fertility or femeninity of some sort. However at the Council of Nicea, convened by Constantine the Great in the third or fourth century, while the Bible was being assembled it was decided that women were to be inferior to men in all ways. As a result all forms of worship toward females or things related to females, like the pentagram, were to be erased from religious practice in Europe, up until today even. Witches, who were originally wisewomen or medicenwomen were burned at the stake, I believe during the late medieval era five million of them were killed over the course of one hundred years. In order for Christianity to function, it seemed, females, femeninity, and fertility had to be eradicated.

I probably butchered the information but that's what I could remember from The Da Vinci code, which I haven't finished just yet. It's really a great book, very, very informative.
Someone asked why goats have a bad name... I think it may be because of that "seperating the sheep from the goats" line in the Bible...
BigBlueHead, thanks for pointing that out, can someone help looking more thoroughly in the Bible about that?
And Pollux, that's a great info, thanks...... By the way, did the Salem Witch Trials have something to do with what you said?
this is quite an interesting thread :D
i hope i can help out with my little knowledge.
firstly, i'd like to show you guys a picture that takes into consideration the golden ratio and the pentagram (both topics of this thread)
let me show the image first:

As you can see here, the golden ratio fits perfectly into the 5 pointed star, if placed carefully.

it creates what looks more like (to me) a fractal. fractals are interesting also, but lets save that for elsewhere. we're talking about the pentagram and its bad rep.

perhaps it is the mysterious properties that surround this pentagram. like someone posted, they used the pentagram as a sort of "force field" to stay safe when conjuring powerful energies- i've also seen sacrifices done inside of a pentagram circle... and like one of the earlier posts said- the image right-side up is not considered evil, but was actually good.

bottom line is, theres power hidden within this symbol- and thats why people attach labels to it (good/bad) but in reality it is in the eye of the beholder.
the only reason the pentagram has received a bad rap is because of Christianity. the pentagram has been a symbol of protection for many centuries, common among all sorts of old religions. but when roman politricks came up with the stories for the new testament & the bloodbath of christian crusaders occured in the middle ages, everything got thrown out of proportion, and now anything that represents a "false idol" is considered satanic. notice how BORING the bible is-- that's because anything creative is satanic. you are not supposed to create, that is what Lucifer did and was thrown out of Heaven for.

we are all satanic because satan represents that aspect of reality which had fallen from grace with God, or as Theosophists will tell you, that aspect of reality which became material, or the physical manifestation of spirit. (read up on the Merkaba myths, sacred geometry, & numerology for more detail).

think of this 666, number of the beast crap: the star of David (often referred to as the jewish star because of it's sacred geometrical patterns & connotations to jews) has six points, six sections under each point and a hexagon in the middle. so basically, christians are saying Jews are satanic. BULL-SHIT, if you ask me.

anyway, there is no big evil being with horns and hoofs that is responsible for the terrible actions of men. that is a cop out in which world rulers have provided in the form of Christianity to tote along with the bible in order to retain political dominance. christians stole the symbol of the cross from early Celtic pagan religions, not to mention Easter (Beltane), Christmas (Yule), the 12 apostles (zodiac signs) and the like. hell, i'd even doubt christ was a real person, but i've already said too much.

my point is that the pentagram is most definitely NOT evil. on the contrary it's a very positive symbol, no matter how it's displayed.

from Aleister Crowley's Magick in Theory & Practice:
"The attributes of Five are Energy and Justice."
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The pentacle is a symbol of wicca in it's non inverted state (one point up). I wear one on a chain around my neck as a symbol of my's often assocciated with satanism but in it's inverted state, but people get confused....
the pentacle represents the old elements:
the unknown

in the center where they all convene there are believed to be all the forces of earth. and so all pagans etc. use the centre of a geographical pentacle to perform rituals
That´s really a lot of information. Only thing I can add at the moment is, the pentagram is also called "the seal of salomon" in ancient scriptures. Thanks to my stupidity I am unable to find the explanation right now. :(
If you want to know what is so meaningful about a pentagram in a circle, it is a mathematical symbol (used with the star of david) to create a 25,920 year clock (cosmic cycle).

It is used on most of the countries of the worlds flags for a reason, the 'elite' of earth understand the 'power' of this symbol because they are satanic and just know this stuff, it is ancient knowledge, kept from the masses.

See this -

I have my own site with tons of info -