Pennies: Should we have them

The swedish have already abandoned the two smalles euros. Those cost a lot a piece now.
Hey Shadow, I took that test. I'm either a Snake or a bat. Is that good?
No fair. You got the cool ones. I got a guy with no legs and a blind guy

thats becuase mostly lazy people –[hey is it so bad to be lazy?]- live off food stamps and never work.

i used to live in an apartment full of them. i think those people would be better off on the streets. they'd die quicker, and the rest of us wouldn't have to pay for them as long. –[but we'll miss eachother all the joy we bring.]

food stamps should be issued on a six month period
–[id love 2 get fs for 6 months straight. the way it is now, you only get 3 months and it barely lasts 2.]-
every five years (per person).
[how about a 6 month period twice each year for everybody! forever! yay!]

if ya dont have a job in six months. well. damn. wait five years, cuz you blew it. [-lol. **roams the wastelands for 5 years**]

if they do get a job, then they can continue on foodstamps/welfare but the jpb must last atleast six months. [–hmm. . .is it really possible to work at the same place for 6 months without going mad? ]

if they loose it within six months.. shitty. wait five years. [**roams the wastelands for another 5 years**]

if they loose it after 2 years or something, they get a six month waiting period. but none of the lifelong deals we see everyday. [hey which lifelong deal? why wasn’t i informed? how can i get in on it? tell me tell me!]

i also beleive there should be a random drugtest once a month for that six months.
[while your at it lets just cancel foodstamps as we know it.]
where they call you and say, "hey.. you've got 6 hours to get here. " that number 6 is pretty luck here. lol. and ofcourse. if they fail the drugtest. they're off.
[too late! already sold it all for crack]

i also beleive a woman with more than two children must be required to get some form of birthcontrol to be on an aid system. [lol. but i thot they r on birthcontrol. u mean to say that reusable condoms with the holes in them don’t count?]

i dont want to pay for any more of her illigitimate children. [you mean you wouldn’t pay for me? Gee. :(

sorry if any of this seemed rude to any. i did not mean to offend. im just very opinionated on this subject... as i said, i grew up aroud these people [of course and we are not one of these people for we are us and they are them and us and them are never we], ther screaming children, and their dirty smelling apartments.

[after all why refer to “them” as anything else but “them” when we are oh so perfect. it would never suffice to actually consider “them” us as if they are a part of us and us a part of “them” and therefore eliminate the “them” completely by replacing it with “us”. why should we group ourselves together as one when we can feel better by separating our more sophisticated selves from the untouchables. them “lazy” untouchables. lets not help “THEM” because “THEY” are lazy. lets deport “THEM” who illegally enter “OUR” country so “WE” have less people (aka: human beings) to worry about supporting.
“US” “THEM.”

Should people work because we have to or because we want to?
Why are we lazy? what causes laziness?
Would i consider you lazy if you told me that you would rather have no job than work in the fields under the hot sun under hard labor all day for little pay?
If you ran out of food, would you eat me?
cool skill.. first off, dont even give me that roams the wasteland crap cuz i KNOW you have a job.. well.. were quite late the other day.... -laughs-

second. there definately is and us and them. i am an us working to pay for them, and i dont like it very much, cuz i see what these people do with it. they buy ciggarettes and blow it into their children faces, so later i can doante more money to them to help with cancer. they sit on their ass and get wasted becuase they dont have to get up for work. and ofcourse, all the while teaching their children to grow up and live off everyone else just like they do.

third, this has nothing to do with immigration and who's on what land, its who's not working for their peice of pie, and stealing the filling out of everyone elses. we are all imigrants. of course.. i do beleive if you live in the us, you should speak english, but thats about my biggest opinion on immigrants. i know that i wouldn't be here either. my family was cast out of englend a couple hundred years ago and sent to the fingers of michigan to stop causing trouble there. there arn't very many of us that arn't immigrants or the children of i suppose to the US.

and finally fourth, i did not mean you specifically, i told you none of it was aimed to anything/anyone personally. and if it was it would be to my old neighbors, who spent a VERY long time on welfare. however, she did not spend her time at home watching tv like most of my nieghbors... she spent it making ass-cheek marks in a stool at a bar called "Fat Boys" thats is constantly being shut down and reopened becuase of drug trafficking.

All that we fight for and all that we stand for is all that will keep “US” from falling. There is an “US” and there is a “THEM”. But the relationships within the reality of my personal experiences and the experiences of those whom I consider a part of “US” exist within my own frame of reference.

When I say “US”, i in my own frame of reference am speaking about the “US” who have to live in a society run by “THEM”.
I sure don’t run things, and neither do the people around me. And these are who I define as “US”.

When I say “THEM”, I am referring to “THEM” who exploit “US”. “THEM” that force “US” to work for the benefit of “THEM”

But what happens next?
America has to uphold an image of freedom. When people look at the American flag, they need to be programmed to associate it in their minds to freedom.

But the masses feel that exploitation is not freedom. It is not the “American way”. Therefore, the masses might become upset. Therefore, America sets up a welfare system in such a way that it protects the image standard just enough to satisfy the masses.

A minimum wage system is created to implant the impression that America and exploitation do not go hand in hand. So what do employers do? They set up shop in other countries where labor is dirt cheap.

(I’ll give one out of dozens of examples to make some of you happy:
More and more American companies are turning to south America for production of goods. Microsoft pays a Mexican company to manufacture the XBOX because doing so is more cost effective than manufacturing it in America. They save millions in labor costs. And because Mexico is right there across the border, Microsoft has an advantage over Japanese video game companies that manufacture their products over seas. If I were in manufacturing, id be insane not look at the worldwide market to find out where I could pay the least to produce, and earn the most when I distribute. Many companies that slap a “made in America” tag on their merchandise, are not being completely honest. If you manufacture your product in another country, you can assemble it in the united states for the sole purpose of putting the “made in America” tag on your product.)

Furthermore, I consider the people in far away countries much more a part of “US” than I will ever consider “THEM” people in my own country that control my life.

So why do certain people sit there all day and do drugs and do nothing and have illegitimate babies? Im not only referring to the ones on welfare, but anybody with rich to super rich parents to leech off of. Is it because they are inherently born lazy? If we take away their support system, would they not get up and do something?

There are more ways to look at this situation than by lazily staring at our shining surface.

We can say that we have limited resources. And that the mature person does not inherently have a support system. Therefore, the society decides weather or not to provide a support system.

We can say that we have an abundance of resources. And thus, the mature person inherently has a support system. Therefore, in this situation, society decides weather or not to take away the support system.

I feel that both are realistic depending on the way you look at it, and that example B would be a more beneficial frame to use. we do live in a world of abundance in nature, and we always have been throughout history. But that doesn’t mean that we can be wasteful. the abundance of nature can only be harnessed if and only if we understand that nature functions in cycles that should not be tampered with. (if we do, we end up inflicting a cancer on the planet that causes it to slowly and painfully deteriorate. Yes “B” we are abundant, but no “A” don’t abuse it.

Say you did not have to work. You have a place to live and food to eat and clothes to wear. All of your medical and hygiene needs are attended to. You have transportation, furniture, your computer, and everything you need to function in life.
It is all yours and nobody has the right to take any of it away. You are after all human.
What would you do?
Would you sit around all day because you feel comfortable that you don’t have anything to worry about?
Say that you choose to sit around and do nothing all day.
What would happen?

Would it be right for somebody to take it away and force you to work for them?

Its true that we Americans are lucky because it’s so easy to get work. We are so fortunate that we don’t have to hunt or grow our own food.
Its true that we Americans are lucky because it’s so easy to get work. We are so fortunate that we don’t have to hunt or grow our own food.
There are people in other countries who live in garbage dumps. I’ve seen it. To them, job is an unreachable goal. they are not free to work. They would love to have the ability to earn money. They wouldn’t care what the job is or who they are working for. They would give anything for the opportunity to work. But does that make it right to capitalize on the situation? To say we have ample supply of food, medicine, and shelter, but we will not take care of you unless you work for us because it is not our responsibility to share our wealth.

I don’t think you should be forced to work. I think you should have the right not to work. I don’t think you should do things you do not really want to do just so you can have food and shelter. Receiving food and shelter should be just as automatic as having a decent education system, transportation system, security and protection system, and healthcare system. Do you think it is ok that cities with more money get better systems than those with less money?

We are at a point in civilization where we can benefit by providing people with all of these necessities.

Saying that humans do not have a right to food and shelter is like saying that humans don’t have the right to education. Humans don’t have the right to health care. Humans don’t have a right to have security. Humans don’t have a right to decent transportation. Humans don’t have a right to life.

This may have been true in the past. In times when only people with money were educated, protected, and received better healthcare than people without money.
With the advanced knowledge and abundance we live by today, saying that humans should be forced to do something they do not want to do is unnecessary and harmful.

The current state of the world is not so human friendly. Either you contribute to the society you live in or go away. And all the societies are just so bad that you end up choosing the best of the worst and live in it like a drone.
Should I take away your food and shelter when you refuse to contribute to my cause?

i dont think so.
If somebody doesn’t want to do something, the person should not have to.
If somebody doesn’t want to sing for the king, the person should not have to.
If somebody doesn’t want to bow down to a specific religion, the person should not have to.
If somebody doesn’t want to consent to fornication, the person should not have to.
If somebody doesn’t want to contribute to a tyrannical society, the person should not have to.
If somebody doesn’t want to jump in the lake, the person should not have to.
If somebody doesn’t want to work, the person should not have to.

Humans deserve a nurturing environment where they can grow and work together without being forced to do things they do not want to do for the sake of survival.

Some might say that if humans are given better treatment, they would take advantage and not work, and society as we know it would collapse. Therefore, people should be forced to work, and if you don’t, you shall not be treated like a human and shall have no human rights.
In this case, either way, you will not be treated like a human.
If you do work, yes, you will be provided food and shelter and whatever, but your humanity suffers because you are doing something you do not want to do.
If you don’t work, yes, you are doing what you want to do, but you really cant do anything because everything is taken away from you.

Again, I don’t think you should be forced to work. I think you should have the right not to work. I don’t think you should be forced contribute to a society you totally disagree with. i think you have the right to food and shelter and a clean nurturing environment wothout beinf forced to do things that yuou do not want to do.

If I had money and power, I could create a society where everybody has a clean nurturing environment where they can learn and grow will be taken care of physically and emotionally. Weather you want to help or not, you would always have food and shelter and real education without deception and prejudice. Therefore, the individuals would be happier, healthier, and more productive for their own lives and therefore benefit the lives of those all around.
If somebody doesn’t want to do something, the person should not have to.
but then they shouldn't expect to get the reward.

I do not feel like working this next week because it is my town festival, and my 18th b-day. I did not want to work. So i quit work (not the only reason. but anyhow)
but i do NOT expect to pick up a check.

that is the point. if you dont work for something.