Pedophilia coverup by the Vatican

also, it is the lowest form of human that is so lazy or so selfish that they don't want to put forth the effort at working toward or wooing someone they want etc so it's easier to rape a child or young person. that way they don't have to give of themselves or be accountable.
Pedophilia is listed in the DSM IV as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older). fMRI shows differences in brain structure between normal and pedophile brains. Pedophiles don't decide that children are easily. Often, they are incapable of normal relationships.

One study estimated that by the time of entry to treatment, nonincestuous pedophiles who molest boys had committed an average of 282 offenses against 150 victims.

Cure rates are very low.

This information came from this link:

Until there are better treatments, pedophiles need to be permanently separated from children.
Pedophilia is listed in the DSM IV as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older). fMRI shows differences in brain structure between normal and pedophile brains. Pedophiles don't decide that children are easily. Often, they are incapable of normal relationships.

One study estimated that by the time of entry to treatment, nonincestuous pedophiles who molest boys had committed an average of 282 offenses against 150 victims.

Cure rates are very low.

This information came from this link:

Until there are better treatments, pedophiles need to be permanently separated from children.

as i already pointed out, not all perpetrators are exactly the same. they have certain things in common but they will differ somewhat in other ways and how they operate. also, it's not just pedophiles but hebephiles and ebebophiles (i already pointed this out in a previous thread). also, it is true that not all pedophiles even act on their urges. the attraction is not in all cases what is evil as much as the lack of empathy or rights for their victim. it also depends upon the nature of the attraction and how. some are quite perverted and sadistic. they enjoy corrupting others, this is part of the attraction to innocence or what they can overpower. there are pedos who don't have any such inclinations so it all depends on the individual. i understand statistics but i am also speaking from life experience which i think means a lot more. also, because of my life experience i know other people who have gone through it too.

incapable or capable of relationsips is a relative term. many people have unhealthy relationships or dysfunctional relationships but they stay together. my abuser was married twice and had from all acounts a normal life or what statistically is normal life but they still were attracted to young people and is a rapist, especially young teenage girls or boys. he also tried to find victims through being a girl scouts leader.

my perpetrator is still married to an adult woman but it did not stop them from bathing me and grooming me as a child (six/seven) from the time he married my mother to the time he raped me when i first had my menstrual cycle at thirteen. he was more obsessed with me and paid more attention to me than even his own daughter and son but it was negative and destructive attention. from the outside world's view, he appears regular even statisically. that's because they don't know what goes on behind closed doors, eh? what a revelation, right?

he volunteers to teach sunday school to young children all the time. whenever there is something to do with kids, he is on it. but he is also married and has church friends and a family. no one thinks or knows besides a few people that he is a rapist and a pedo/hebo. they still protect him and just want to keep that buried under the rug. all his abuse, immoral and nasty behavior and cruelty is conveniently hidden. isn't that how most perps and assholes live and the ones that protect them? of course. i'm not really sure how to classify him exactly as just like most people, not all of them are going to all fit into some cookie cutter box. he seemed to be attracted to just young people in general the most and that he could have power over them. but he's the type who would also rape a grown woman if he could get away with it too. he did try that with one of my aunts. see? not exactly fitting into just one particular slot. it seems he's just a sexual predator or sociopath in general but with some preferences to young people.

what's more real? a dry, faceless statistic or my real life experience? is he an exception? maybe but i seriously doubt it. i've heard many countless people sharing in group and perps don't all fit into some exact statistic. some will and some won't. they are perpetrators and many are masters of disguise. they aren't going to all be obvious like that man who tried to molest a kid in a store aisle. those are the easiest ones to catch as they really do seem to have some type of self-control issues. the worst ones don' have a self-control issue, it's just that they are true sociopaths and don't really care(some are sadists) but know how to cover their butt so they won't get into trouble. it's being blind to think they will all artificially fit into neat slots. people who actually have experience know this. got it?
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...pedophiles but hebephiles and ebebophiles...
pedophile - sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary).

hebephile - sexual preference for individuals in the early years of puberty (generally ages 11–14, though puberty may vary).

ebebophile - sexual preference of adults for mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.
You misunderstand.

I want the Church to face the same laws that the rest of the population faces. Why should pedophiles be allowed to be moved by the organisation? Why should the community be forced to tolerate the hindering police face when investigating these priests, by Bishops and Cardinals intent on preventing them from investigating fully? Shouldn't they be made to kowtow to the same laws that govern the community? Should a Church be sneaking priests around, and sometimes out of the country, to avoid prosecution for raping and molesting children?

Actually Asguard has a point here: other organizations do and have flouted national and international law in similar ways. They, too, should face the same laws as the rest of the population - but power and money buy immunity in many places. Is the coverup of such attacks different from any other organization's coverup?

Can you name me one instance where police officers raped and sexually molested children and then were moved to another district and even equal access to unsuspecting children there?

I think what you're criticizing is the visceral horror that one feels when hearing of such a crime. You can't say that police don't cover up the crimes of their own. Or has the Catholic hierarchy merely been more effective because of its international presence?

One wonders if this occurs in other religious communities or organizations on such a scale.