Pedophilia coverup by the Vatican


Caput gerat lupinum
Valued Senior Member

Organized body, same result. Scumbags.


I think I'd march troops into the Vatican. It's time for some real reform - and, frankly, reform on the end of a bayonet suits me just fine. And you know what?: fuck it - I'd make Ratzinger put the crown on my head himself.

Vatican warned Irish bishops not to report abuse

By SHAWN POGATCHNIK, Associated Press Shawn Pogatchnik, Associated Press – 2 hrs 18 mins ago

DUBLIN – A newly revealed 1997 letter from the Vatican warned Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report all suspected child-abuse cases to police — a disclosure that victims groups described as "the smoking gun" needed to show that the Vatican enforced a worldwide culture of cover-up.

The letter, obtained by Irish broadcasters RTE and provided to The Associated Press, documents the Vatican's rejection of a 1996 Irish church initiative to begin helping police identify pedophile priests following Ireland's first wave of publicly disclosed lawsuits.

The letter undermines persistent Vatican claims, particularly when seeking to defend itself in U.S. lawsuits, that the church in Rome never instructed local bishops to withhold evidence or suspicion of crimes from police. It instead emphasizes the church's right to handle all child-abuse allegations, and determine punishments, in house rather than hand that power to civil authorities.

Signed by the late Archbishop Luciano Storero, Pope John Paul II's diplomat to Ireland, the letter instructs Irish bishops that their new policy of making the reporting of suspected crimes mandatory "gives rise to serious reservations of both a moral and canonical nature."


Meanwhile, John Paul is on the fast-track to beatification.

Fuck me anyway.
Bit more of an international problem than that - BTW, that's fucked also. Bayonet time again.
Bit more of an international problem than that - BTW, that's fucked also. Bayonet time again.

I agree GeoffP, and to think these asses are going to offer the guy in charge at the time effing sainthood.

What a slap in the face to all that were harmed.
So if child abuse is a reason to invade then its time to invade the US, after all the US previously murdered its children untill the supreme court put an end to it and what is worse than the murder of a child?
So if child abuse is a reason to invade then its time to invade the US, after all the US previously murdered its children untill the supreme court put an end to it and what is worse than the murder of a child?

Can you provide specifics please.
So if child abuse is a reason to invade then its time to invade the US, after all the US previously murdered its children untill the supreme court put an end to it and what is worse than the murder of a child?

:wtf: are you talking about??
So if child abuse is a reason to invade then its time to invade the US, after all the US previously murdered its children untill the supreme court put an end to it and what is worse than the murder of a child?

Apparently, no invasion is necessary, we could take over the Vatican with nothing more than a small child covered in honey and rat poison.
Umm how hard is it to understand? I wasn't hiding what I was talking about, it was bloody ovious. The US was one of only a few countries in the world to execute children (I think China and maybe some of the east Asian countries and maybe Iran are the rest). If killing a child is not concidered "child abuse" then nothing is

If this is what Asguard is referring to then I would have to disagree. I do find the issue far more complicated then saying we killed children.

One was 17 when arrested but was apparently capable of murder. So what do we do, treat them like a minor and let them out in a few years from Juve.

How would you as a family member of the victim feel about that ?

There is no doubt in my mind that our justice system needs some work and the subject is for another thread.

But I see a huge difference personally between a 17 year old murderer being executed and a 10 year old forcibly raped by an adult.

One is the victim the other, well is a murderer.
I am against executions of any kind. However, if they are going to be done, you can make an argument for 'juvenile' executions, since I see the US only executed 16 and 17 years olds - quite old enough to know that murder is very, very wrong. The record of such 'juvenile' criminals is not good. A very large proportion reoffend, becoming a major curse to society.

The argument is simple. If you execute a 50 year old, assuming he will live to 80, you protect society for 30 years. If you execute a 16 year old, that protection extends to 64 years.

Not that I want either. As I have argued on another thread, I think that serious recidivist criminals should be held in comfortable and humane quarantine until they are old enough to qualify for an old folks home.
So if child abuse is a reason to invade then its time to invade the US, after all the US previously murdered its children untill the supreme court put an end to it and what is worse than the murder of a child?

This might be semi-hyperbolical.

Or not.

Edit: actually, it'd be easy enough. Round up the See and the bureaucracy, shoot the responsible parties, and hey dory done, you're done. No trouble, really. Oh, and proclaim me the new Emperor of the new Holy Roman Empire while we're at it. Two birds, one stone.
This might be semi-hyperbolical.

Or not.

Edit: actually, it'd be easy enough. Round up the See and the bureaucracy, shoot the responsible parties, and hey dory done, you're done. No trouble, really. Oh, and proclaim me the new Emperor of the new Holy Roman Empire while we're at it. Two birds, one stone.

Wow Geoff...First East Korea, now seems you seek world domination..

Don't forget us little people when you accomplish your mission.:cool:
I promise to remember both my supporters and my detractors when my hour comes round at last. ;)

But honestly: who could possibly be a fairer emperor than I anyway? I'm only in it for the people, you know. The people. :shrug:
I promise to remember both my supporters and my detractors when my hour comes round at last. ;)

But honestly: who could possibly be a fairer emperor than I anyway? I'm only in it for the people, you know. The people. :shrug:

Such a people person and humanitarian...

If you need help with your inauguration speech, let me know..:D
Thankyou! We'll also be hiring for a "Brute Squad". Do you lack requisite human empathy and are you amused by the petty physical trials of others?

Organized body, same result. Scumbags.


I think I'd march troops into the Vatican. It's time for some real reform - and, frankly, reform on the end of a bayonet suits me just fine. And you know what?: fuck it - I'd make Ratzinger put the crown on my head himself.

You seem suprised by this?

Considering the number of reports of Bishops and Cardinals refusing to report abuse to the police and shifting the abusing priests to other areas, over and over again and considering how we know Ratzinger gave certain orders to keep quiet to the clergy in the US when he was in charge of investigating child abuse cases... You seem seem shocked?


Meanwhile, John Paul is on the fast-track to beatification.
Which makes you question - what does it take to be a saint nowdays? Not much it seems. Which puts the whole thing into doubt, doesn't it?

What God grants miracles to a priest (or pope) who covered up child abuse issues within the church for so long?

Most importantly, why are people praying to the former Pontiff, knowing he'd covered up child abuse cases for so long?

But welcome to the hypocrisy Geoff.
You seem suprised by this?

I seem surprised by this? I am a little surprised, actually: at least, at the scope of it. I'd expected something but not to this scale. Sort of diocese-on-down, if you get me.

Which makes you question - what does it take to be a saint nowdays? Not much it seems. Which puts the whole thing into doubt, doesn't it?

Oh, sure. Saints were people, like other people. Maybe a little touched by God, maybe not. It's sheer guesswork - although absolutely fascinating guesswork, like a riddle that can never be answered for certain.

What God grants miracles to a priest (or pope) who covered up child abuse issues within the church for so long?

None, I would expect.

Most importantly, why are people praying to the former Pontiff, knowing he'd covered up child abuse cases for so long?

Self-deception, deliberate ignorance. No organization is perfect, Bells: but the Church requires a very stiff wind to blow out the chaff. I think many Catholics know this; but that I would happily do it on the muzzles of armed riflemen may differentiate me in substance from many other Catholics, however.

I won't be praying to ol' Johnie, that's for fucking sure. The wife is in the same boat. And Ratzinger should be put in front of a firing squad.

(And really: is it actually praying to them? Maybe I diverge here, but I don't see it that way. I see it more as passing on a request, or an intercession. I believe it's interpreted as the act of prayer going to God, but the 'chat' being handled by the intercessor. Silly in a way, but that's culture for you.)