
Neildo, I'm not interested in casual sex, so I guess I speaking for myself there. Big age differences are usually a problem, but not always. I'm all for people being with who they want, and if they can work it out, hey that's great.

There is a beautiful sweet woman where I work who is twenty years younger than me (I'm thirty nine). She has been flirtatious (I'm sure that she doesn't realize just how much older than her I really am), but as lovely as she is, I have no interest in trying to pursue anything with her. I'd probably fall in love, and she'd grow up, leave me, and break my heart. No thanks. I think she is a Christian anyway (sour grapes?).

Xev, the average Dan savage column would be far off topic here. I just stuck to the ones I could remember that were relevant to this topic.
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this whole problem can be destroyed at the root by stopping the propoganda that says women are more mature than men,
women of equal and lower maturity and intelligence pursue older men because they think that the older man will be equal to them, when in fact their pursual of older men is ignorant and blindly fed by illegitimate facts.

stop telling them that they are mature/intelligent and they will be put in their place to date men of a similar age.

my sister actually said she didnt want to date guys in her year level (when she was at school) because she was very intelligent and the guys she was around were idiots (that was her opinion of them)
Dear Judge, You Can't Rape The Willing
Girl defends pedophile lover

As she was questioned by detectives about her 29-year-old male companion, the 13-year-old girl started writing a letter.

"Dear Judge," it began. "I would like you to know that he asked me to marry him and I said yes. ... Just remember you can't molest, rape or kidnap the willing."

Nevertheless, Davis Michael Romero was charged yesterday in U.S. District Court with one count of transporting a minor with intent to engage in illicit sexual activity, a day after they were captured at the Seattle Public Library downtown.

It wasn't the first time Romero has gotten into trouble over the girl, identified as DGA, both from Glendale, Ariz.

Essentially, he was seeing the mother, then the girl, got kicked out over that ... yeah, it seems to be a mess. He's been charged before in Arizona, with 80 counts of sexual misconduct, but the girl--then twelve--refused to cooperate, so the case fell apart.

• • •​

Should we choose to respect the girl's claim that she is willing, what does that imply about competency? An historical footnote reminds that in 1875, the age of consent for a girl was 10, and you could convince her to participate through bribery. Essentially, legal prostitution of pre-teen girls. It's an interesting contrast: as the onset of menses has moved younger, the age of consent and standards of social propriety have pushed back.

Picture this girl, DGA, in seven years. She's twenty, has three kids, two of whom still live with her. She's a wreck, on welfare, fill in the morbid details.

One social policy would bring her into the fold, attempt to meet her needs, and seek a way to make her into a productive person. Another social policy would leave her to fend for herself, having made her decisions.

This basic juxtaposition is often merely generalization, but if society is to honor DGA's wishes at this time, it should in the future, too. While the truth of the situation will likely fall in between--or, who knows, she may grow up stable and normal--it is the cruel option that highlights the conundrum.

Is a girl, at 12, competent to make such decisions? Is a man, 29, who cheats on his girlfriend in order to bang her preteen daughter, competent at all? Respecting her decision at age 12 or 13 suggests that we will almost certainly see the public institutions seeking to respect her needs again in seven or eight years. While it may seem disrespectful to absolve any human being of competence, there are people who will get pissed off and demand, "What the hell are you doing?" if you reach out and stop them from wandering in front of a moving bus.

And while some may be content to let such folks die, or suffer in poverty and consequences, the rest of us live in society, and whether our compassion is motivated by human solidarity or simple greed, our society works better and benefits more people to a greater degree if we protect the incompetent against themselves.

This is why we don't let crazy people sign contracts, and why you need a parent's permission to have a credit card.

Oh, well. Maybe we can blame the gays. Or the Democrats. Or Hollywood. Or Britney. Or the French. Or ....

Just remember she's already tripled her chances of cervical cancer. I mean, hell, I'm all for public health, but I remember living in Oregon listening to people complain about the idea that cigarette taxes funding the healthcare system would pay for all people, and not just non-smokers.

So ... how many folks think the cops should just lay off?


Associated Press. "Despite teen girl's claims, man, 29, charged in sex case". March 1, 2005. See
Asguard said:

my sister actually said she didnt want to date guys in her year level (when she was at school) because she was very intelligent and the guys she was around were idiots (that was her opinion of them)

thats exactly what i mean, if there wasnt so much sexist propoganda then she would not have put herself above those guys(some of them probably were idiots, but the older guys that many of my friends date are no more intelligent, they just have cars and money)
actually vslayer, as alot of the people she is talking about are my brothers friends (they went to the same school) or just as bad i have to say that she is right. She said the guys at her uni are MUCH more interesting
well obviously, university is where the idioits get filtered out, but it seems that if they really are more intelligent than us then they should be able to pick us out of the crowd before the universties filter us.
Vicodin and Vaseline?

I don't know what it means in Australia, Britain, France, or anywhere else for that matter, but around here, "Older guys are more interesting" usually refers to either booze or a patronizing participation complex. Take the infamous Dana Plato, for instance. She cozied up to older men in lieu of a stronger male presence in her life (e.g. father figure). They listened to her chatter, plastered her with booze and platitudes. They were more interesting because they made her feel as if she was more interesting.

I think of a girl I went to school with, dead at fifteen. For her, "more interesting" involved cigarettes, meth, sodomy, and grand theft auto.

Rarely do the girls seeking "more interesting" older men turn out to be well-adjusted Lisa Simpsons seeking their intellectual and spiritual match. At least, that's how it seems over in my corner of the Universe.
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oi tiassa, my sister WAS actually looking for someone smarter. you cant really blame her tho, both my parents have 2 degrees, my brother was doing an computer engernering degree and she is now doing a physio degree. So it MUST have looked to her like most of the boys at her high school were imature, when her mind was on getting a high TER and theres was on drugs, achool and cars
drugs and alcohol have no negative effects on learning and academic ability as long as they are not mixed with school, i get as drunk and stoned as i can on the weekends, then i go back to school and im top of the class still
vslayer you missed the point, at school she was trying to work ect and they were mucking around. She felt they were imature and really who are we to say she was wrong? Its HER decision who she finds to be interesting and a descussion on beer, drugs and chicks doesnt excite her very much. She finds older boys to be more interesting so why is that wrong? Rember we are talking aproxamatly 2-3 years older than she is not 50
Older guys just tend to be more financially secure. That's basically what it all boils down to. The high school guys that get chicks, have a job. Who wants to go on a date with a boy's parents and all or with loaned money? And then just because a high school guy does have a job, it doesn't mean they're not an immature idiot, so just having fun with someone out of high school has better odds of them being more financially secure as well as having a higher chance of being less immature.

And this applies to older women too, not just high school girls. Most women don't want to date a guy that's under 25 or so because at that time they're more financially secure, don't live at home, already finished school, has a better job, etc. It's just a graduation from one type of secure guy to another.

- N
From David M. Buss's The Evolution of Desire, strategies of human mating:
In all thirty seven cultures included in the international study on choosing a mate, women prefer men who are older than they are. Averaged over all cultures, women prefer men who are roughly three and a half years older than they are.The smallest age difference is seen in French Canadian women, who seek husbands who are not quite two years older, and the largest is found among Iranian women, who seek husbands who are more than five years older. The worldwide average age difference between actual brides and grooms is three years, suggesting that womens marriage decisions often match their mating preferences.
To understand why women value older mates, we must turn to the things that change with age. One of the most consistent changes is access to resources. In contemporary western societies, income generally increases with age. American men who are thirty years old, for example, make fourteen thousand dollars more than men who are twenty; men who are forty make seven thousand dollars more than men who are thirty. These trends are not limited to the Western world. Among traditional nonmodernized societies, older men have more social status.....
.....Older age, resources, and status are coupled across cultures.
Well, as I would agree with the intent, in that these people should be off the street.. it is still entrapment. So if it is acceptable to make these exceptions to our freedoms as a whole, it begs the question, what other exceptions will we accept and where do we draw the line?
Asguard said:
vslayer you missed the point, at school she was trying to work ect and they were mucking around. She felt they were imature and really who are we to say she was wrong? Its HER decision who she finds to be interesting and a descussion on beer, drugs and chicks doesnt excite her very much. She finds older boys to be more interesting so why is that wrong? Rember we are talking aproxamatly 2-3 years older than she is not 50

exactly, most older men will be either more settled down, or will realise the age gap and not try to bridge it, while the guys who are just 2-3 years older are still just as immature as their younger counterparts, and will take advantage of these girls who want to date older.

but then again, if they are stupid enough to not see this then they deserve what they get.