Pediatrician faces 471 Counts of Child Rape


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
A Delaware pediatrician faces 471 counts of child rape for sexually assaulting 102 girls and 1 boy in the years since 1998. Do you think he'll survive long enough in jail to face trial?
A Delaware pediatrician has been charged with multiple acts of child rape and abuse over the course of more than a decade in what may be the worst pedophilia case in US history.

A grand jury indictment unsealed on Monday by Delaware's Attorney General's office charges Earl Bradley with sexually assaulting and molesting 102 girls and one boy in the years since 1998.

He faces 471 separate counts, reflecting the multiple times he is alleged to have raped and abused children who visited him as patients at his Baybees pediatric office in Lewes, Delaware.

The charges include first-degree and second-degree rape, unlawful sexual contact, sexual exploitation of a child and continuing sexual abuse of a child.

The indictment cites videos Bradley made of the various abusive incidents, which were seized from his office after investigators began looking into reports of child abuse last year.

In unsealing the indictment, Delaware's Attorney General Beau Biden said the investigation was continuing and he expected more cases to be uncovered.

He described the case as "unique" in the state's history, local newspaper The News Journal reported. "I know of no other that has this many victims" in US history, he added.
A Delaware pediatrician faces 471 counts of child rape for sexually assaulting 102 girls and 1 boy in the years since 1998. Do you think he'll survive long enough in jail to face trial?
A Delaware pediatrician has been charged with multiple acts of child rape and abuse over the course of more than a decade in what may be the worst pedophilia case in US history.

A grand jury indictment unsealed on Monday by Delaware's Attorney General's office charges Earl Bradley with sexually assaulting and molesting 102 girls and one boy in the years since 1998.

He faces 471 separate counts, reflecting the multiple times he is alleged to have raped and abused children who visited him as patients at his Baybees pediatric office in Lewes, Delaware.

The charges include first-degree and second-degree rape, unlawful sexual contact, sexual exploitation of a child and continuing sexual abuse of a child.

The indictment cites videos Bradley made of the various abusive incidents, which were seized from his office after investigators began looking into reports of child abuse last year.

In unsealing the indictment, Delaware's Attorney General Beau Biden said the investigation was continuing and he expected more cases to be uncovered.

He described the case as "unique" in the state's history, local newspaper The News Journal reported. "I know of no other that has this many victims" in US history, he added.

he'll survive they separate people like him from the rest of the population. if he was within the normal population I'd give him a week at most.
I doubt he would actually be murdered in prison. Probably just beaten up a lot. I'm certainly not an expert on prisons, but according to the people I've known who spent significant time in prison (most of whom were actually really nice), the vast majority of murders involve either gangs who bring their outside-world disputes into prison with them, or two people who develop personal grudges against each other.
I doubt he would actually be murdered in prison. Probably just beaten up a lot. I'm certainly not an expert on prisons, but according to the people I've known who spent significant time in prison (most of whom were actually really nice), the vast majority of murders involve either gangs who bring their outside-world disputes into prison with them, or two people who develop personal grudges against each other.

i watched a video of a guy getting a beating from multiple inmates on a rumor he was a pedophile. he wasnt a pedophile, it was just a made up rumor. i think the prison system tries to protect them because they dont want the inmates to resentence them.
Remember Jeffrey Dahmer? How long did he survive before someone killed him? 471 counts of child rape? I say this guys a dead man.
Remember Jeffrey Dahmer? How long did he survive before someone killed him? 471 counts of child rape? I say this guys a dead man.

He should be officially. It's called the death penalty, and it's there precisely for scum like this man.
Maybe he got raped, or abused as a child also? And now he's taking his frustration out on the other kids so that they get to know how he felt. So that he'll have co-sufferers.
Shame for him he's not a priest, he could have looked forward to a long career with plenty of travelling.

I doubt the guy will be dumped into general population. Perhaps if there was a legal outlet for people like this to get their kicks we wouldn't have so many tragic cases of damaged children. Not sure what that would be...any ideas?
I actually felt an icy chill run down my back when I read about this today.

You take your sick child to a doctor and the absolute last thing you would expect is that the doctor would sexually abuse your child.

What I am curious about however is when and how did he get the opportunity to do it? When we take our children to their doctor, we always remain in the room with them at all times.

I have never once been asked to leave the room and leave my child behind with the doctor. Is it different in the US?

Worse still, it seems that reports of abuse were surfacing in 2005 and nothing was done about it:

Biden's office has faced questions over why reports about Bradley in 2005 were not passed along to the state's professional regulation official or the Board of Medical Practice.

He has ordered an investigation into whether mistakes were made that allowed Bradley to continue practicing after parent complaints.
What I am curious about however is when and how did he get the opportunity to do it? When we take our children to their doctor, we always remain in the room with them at all times.

I have never once been asked to leave the room and leave my child behind with the doctor. Is it different in the US?
Yeah, I wondered exactly the same thing. In the US it's standard procedure for parents to remain in the room while their children are being examined, if for no other reason than to keep the kids calm and under control. If the doctor asked the parents to leave, it would definitely raise eyebrows.
I actually felt an icy chill run down my back when I read about this today.

You take your sick child to a doctor and the absolute last thing you would expect is that the doctor would sexually abuse your child.

What I am curious about however is when and how did he get the opportunity to do it? When we take our children to their doctor, we always remain in the room with them at all times.

I have never once been asked to leave the room and leave my child behind with the doctor. Is it different in the US?

Worse still, it seems that reports of abuse were surfacing in 2005 and nothing was done about it:

bells, you know cases like this cause massive problems for everyone in health care. I actually had a 10 year old pt a while ago who had been kicked in the genitals, i got him to put ice on it but he was still complaining that the pain was increasing. At this point i was left with the very uncomfertable situation that i HAD to examine his groin (both visually and by touch) to check for sweeling, brusing and any other damage. However to do so ment that i left myself open to these sorts of allergations. Firstly to ensure HIS privacy i had to kick all my partners out of the room which just left me, his mum and the pt there.

Not the most plesent case i have ever had (putting ECG dots on old ladies and having to move there breasts out of the way wasnt pleasent either but it was less of a risk than having to do this) and its all to do with people like this who alegedly abuse the trust of there pts for there own pleasure
The should chop his legs of, and make him feel what its like to bwe helpless, imean he just might learn a thing or two
How did that even happen? Why aren't the parents' back there with their kids? I know the parents can be asked to leave if the child requests it, but that usually only happens with teenagers.
Firstly to ensure HIS privacy i had to kick all my partners out of the room which just left me, his mum and the pt there.

Yes. But his mother was there.

In this instance, it seems this doctor was alone with his patients. How else would he have had the opportunity to do it to his patients?
Maybe he got raped, or abused as a child also? And now he's taking his frustration out on the other kids so that they get to know how he felt. So that he'll have co-sufferers.

This makes perfect sense. You should volunteer to be this scum's public defender. It's as logical as murderers murder so that others feel what it's like since they were murdered or men beating wives and children was because they were beat and were women in the past and had a sex change to become men so that they could do it to women so they would know how it felt.

It can never be because some people take advantage of people because they can and it's abuse of power. It's like seeing loose money and being tempted to steal it and using the excuse that you stole because someone else stole from you. I suppose the looters after hurricane katrina looted because someone looted from them. It makes perfect sense except you would have to get to the root at the end of the line and realize someone DID do the evil deed without someone else having done that to them for it to have started anyways.

It's a perfect excuse. I suppose men who use date rape drugs to take advantage of women did so because that happened to them or women who use the same type of drug to steal money from their victim must have had that done to them. It can never be from greed, that's novel isn't it? Crazy much? so in ALL cases, it must be that they were a victim of the crime so they repeated the same crime. It can never be that it's the fact people are inherently selfish and some are just assholes or jerks who do not apply empathy or ethics toward others which is a lot more people than is realized. That is why there are laws and consequences so that people get in trouble if they do a crime. Without it, there would be a lot more. Why do you think people do crimes in the dark or hidden from public most of the time?
Yes. But his mother was there.

In this instance, it seems this doctor was alone with his patients. How else would he have had the opportunity to do it to his patients?

Most parents wouldn't let their children alone with any doctor, but a small fraction of the parents perhaps would or could be persuaded to trust him.

Now, the OP says it happened since 1998, so it's about 12 years. Let say in average he got like 5 patients per day (I assume it should be higher, but there are holidays etc.), so that's about 5 patients/day x 365 days/year x 12 years = 21900 patients. The 471 out of 21900 is only 2% (i.e. about 2% of the parents trusted him to leave their children alone with him).

Edit: Oh, btw this is my 777th post..!! o_O
Yes. But his mother was there.

In this instance, it seems this doctor was alone with his patients. How else would he have had the opportunity to do it to his patients?

yea that protects the pt, not the teater. Procidure (which im annoyed everyone ELSE didnt follow) is that ONE more st john member stay as an observer so that if IM accused (by the parent) of improper conduct (which has happened by people wanting money to teachers, coachs ect) then i have more than just my own words to back it up. In this case i happened to know the mum and feel slightly better that im not going to have coppers knocking on the door in 6 months time but im still peved that when i asked for all the women to leave, one guy didnt think to actually stay