Patriot act psychics

tiassa said:
I hate to point out the ... uh ... obvious, but Dubya doesn't need psychics on the Homeland team. Remember that he claims to get his orders directly from God, and who could possibly have better intel?

Er ....

That's a good point, Tiassa. Also I'd mention that it seems that the Bush administration seems to have no problem at all with fabricating information, so what real purpose would the psychic department fulfill? They'd be nothing but a redundant waste of tax-payer money when dubbaya can have is own very convincing visions of WMD and terrorists in Iraq.
FieryIce said:
I did not mention predictability but accuracy in the possibilities.

So essentially what you're saying is that it's indistinguishable for guess work? Goodness, what an incredibly useful phenomena.
If there are any homeland security people listening in: I had a dream related to 9/11 that was most complex, this morning I had a smaller dream about trains on fire and a large industrial complex exposion and fire. Don't know much else but that maybe its in a small town area.
There was a famous Horizon programme on BBC2 about RV, which for most of its length appeared to take it seriously, before pointing out the flawed basis for its operation, and ultimately its untruth. In hindsight it beggared belief that the US government spent so much money on something that could produce no real results - only "test" results on known targets, in which of course those human failings listed above form an important part.

But it seems to me from that link that RV is definitely dead and buried, because David Morehouse describes himself as the World's leading teacher of "Remote Viewing and Spiritual Transformation".

Can anyone give me a guess as to how much money the US government would have spent on RV if it was called Remote Viewing and Spiritual Transformation in the first place?
For the believer no proof necessary, for the sceptic no proof possible.
Psychics by the way have already been proved in laboritory tests.
Anyone to say that psychism and psychics do not exist is truly ignorant.
Next time you get a sensation of being completely safe or on the other extreme really unsafe in a new situation, what will you refer that to?
Will you say it was intuition (a normal natural phenominon) or will you say you didn't have a feeling?

Will you declare that you don't have feelings? If you do you are saying you are senseless...
Yes, there are con artists and charlatans in the psychic field. But aren't there charlatans everywhere in every other industry?
Are your expectations of us that high that you do not allow psychics to be human too????????
I have an extreme distaste for any person posing as a psychic who has no skill or ethics. That is why I belong to a professional association which I thoroughly researched before joinging. I was tested, vetted, checked and finally listed.

As psychics we endanger ourselves when we report our impressions of events to come, or locate the bodies of abduction and murder victims.
James Van Praagh found numerous bodies of adolescent victims of abduction and murder and was at one stage accused of having had somethign to do with it until he found a victim still alive which he dug up out of the grave that the kid had been buried in!!! The perp was found and he was declared innocent of any involvement other than his psychic skills in finding the bodies and solving the murders.

If we are not endangered by the perpretrators when we report our impressions, we are certainly endangered by what we know, and the claim from right wing idiots that we have conspired or to have been involved in the inital crime upon which we are getting impressions.

The war is no longer between countries it is between the right wing and free thought. I do not like Saddam or Osama, so don't get me wrong there either.

George W is going to hell in the next two years and his father with him.
He did anything and everything to ensure he would be re-elected including under handed deals, voter intimdiation behind the scenes as well as organising a whole bunch of his right wing followers to come to aid of his voting numbers. America said they re elected him on moral issues (gays etc) how moral is it to blow up 100,000 civilians in Iraq? I guess morality must be geographical rather than universal musn't it?

We as psychics (in the group I am involved in) did know this was going to happen before it did, but what is the point of broadcasting it when we are attacked so openly. Right wing people feel perfectly safe to attack us for being what we are which is spiritually gifted people. They justify killing by saying they are doing god's work of anhiliating anyone who opposes them, or is different. How is this holy? The Catholic saints-if you actually read your history were rather psychic and had horridly difficult lives. Most people who are psychic-a-phobic really just would like to be psyhic and are jealous. Its like a homophobic homosexual.

The truth is the democrats don't have much of a polairty to offer to stand against the burning Bush. They need Hillary to come in as leader if they are to get anywhere, because she's the only one that offers something different completely. The Bin Laden and Bush families along with the Cheneys have been in business and in league together for decades, so what did you really expect?

(My assumed name).
I would be stupid to name myself or come forward when this would endanger my personal safety.
Hmm if its been proven in laboratory testing why don't you show us reliable documents proving physics exists? As for knowing about Bush's involvment in Iraq, anyone could have made that assumption, his acts weren't what I would call out of the ordinary.

Next time you get a sensation of being completely safe or on the other extreme really unsafe in a new situation, what will you refer that to?
Will you say it was intuition (a normal natural phenominon) or will you say you didn't have a feeling?

Personally I would refer to it as my subconcious.
azamanda said:
We as psychics (in the group I am involved in) did know this was going to happen before it did, but what is the point of broadcasting it when we are attacked so openly.

Oh, let's think, ... to save 3.000 lives in the WTC, and the tens of thousands slain in reprisals in Afghanistan and Iraq maybe?

Your inaction demonstrates lack of any ability. You should assume the name of 'Charlotte-Ann' perhaps?