Patriot act psychics


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
Why have the president of the United States and its congress yet to form a bureau of psychics to aid in homeland security? Our primary problem with fighting the war on terror is a lack of sources of information, psychics could provide us with the leads we need to prevent future catastrophes but so far it seem that the Bush administration is asleep at the helm as far as this goes. Is it because psychics vote green? Is that the problem? It seems like an awful partisan reason to ignore such an important national resource.

What do any psychics, or psychic enthusiasts, think of this antipathy towards psychic intelligence gathering? The president claims to be a spiritual man, he should be all for it. If you are a psychic, would you participate in a program that would make the nation safer from militant extremists?
I thought it was Ronnie Raygun and his missus that was a regular visitor to psychic medium?

So wrong pres. Bush jnr might be a dipshit, but even he hasn't sunk so low as to believe in psychics. Yet.
The reason they don't do this is because they have no evidence of psychics even existing. It would be a waste of money to form a bureu full of con artists
Originally posted by SpyMoose
If you are a psychic, would you participate in a program that would make the nation safer from militant extremists?

Are you kidding here?? No psychic would participate in this effort as they would have to produce actual results. It's much easier to continue running their cons on the credulous and promote their efforts on LKL.

Couldn’t they at least get Silvia Brown to go down to Guantanimo bay in Cuba to work a crowd of detainees and tell which ones were just poor dirt farmers and which ones were the Taliban liaison to Al-Queda ? I mean heck, shouldn’t that work even if her abilities are just a lot of fast talking flummery?

I mean, even if debunkers are right, and she gets you to volunteer information, and homes in on that, and she just keeps talking until people start telling her things, and there is no real mind reading going on wouldn’t that work with those people?
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My point was directed to the question posted "Why have the president of the United States and its congress yet to form a bureau of psychics to aid in homeland security?"

Pyschics and Homeland Security had already been investigated according to those that were a part of the program.
I hate to point out the ... uh ... obvious, but Dubya doesn't need psychics on the Homeland team. Remember that he claims to get his orders directly from God, and who could possibly have better intel?

Er ....
FieryIce said:
My point was directed to the question posted "Why have the president of the United States and its congress yet to form a bureau of psychics to aid in homeland security?"

Pyschics and Homeland Security had already been investigated according to those that were a part of the program.

Yes - according to those that were part of the program. So...if RV works - then were the hell is Osama and how come it took so long to find Saddam????

Look, it's like this;
1. The Pentagon/CIA a bunch of $$$ on RV - and other ESP nonsense for years.
2. They finally decided to give up as the results were not there.
3. Ex-program members now run around touting the fact that they worked for the government on these projects.
4. What they neglect to tell you - as they so cheefully take your $$$ - is that the government no longer funds programs like these because, THEY DON'T WORK.

I agree, they don't work, RV has it's limitations such as accuracy in the realm of future infinite possibilities.
Are you all still talking about RV i thought it was established several times that RV is false.
FieryIce said:
I agree, they don't work, RV has it's limitations such as accuracy in the realm of future infinite possibilities.

What we generaly concider as military intelegince also has these exact same faults, because the future is not 100% predictable. This is not a valid excuse for why real psychic phenomina is not being exploited.

cosmictraveler said:
Why everyone knows that psychics are all Democrats and wouldn't help the Republicans! :D :D

Really? They must know something we don'. We aught to vote democrat in the next election, lest what the psychics see coming comes to pass.
I did not mention predictability but accuracy in the possibilities.
Barkhorn1x said:
Umm...and this "real" phenomina has been proven, how??


I can't believe I even have to dignify this with a response. Sure there is no 'evidence' for psychic phenomenon, but in case you hadn't noticed there is an entire forum right here dedicated to it, and dozens of people here alone who claim to be able to use it in some capacity or other. Like NEMESIS in his thread "To All Esp Skeptics: Read It And Weep!". They can't all be self absorbed liars who want desperately to be special, can they?
SpyMoose said:
Sure there is no 'evidence' for psychic phenomenon, but in case you hadn't noticed there is an entire forum right here dedicated to it, and dozens of people here alone who claim to be able to use it in some capacity or other. ?

Just because some Woo Woo posts about his anecdotal experiences or in one breath makes mention of a one shot experiment that has significant results, and in the next claims that, "well you really can't test PSI anyway, yadda, yadda", you expect me to discard my present understanding of how the world works in favor of some metaphysical phenomena, the workings of which you can't even explain???? Get real guy!

Like NEMESIS in his thread "To All Esp Skeptics: Read It And Weep!". ?

The NEMESIS thread proves NOTHING. NEMESIS fails to understand the scientific method (re: repeatability) and believes his incredibly vague Tarot card readings actually signify a special talent. The funniest guy is Quantum Quack w/ his crack-brained theory of Skeptical interference ("Too many negative waves, Moriarity!"), he puts the Woo in WOO WOO.

They can't all be self absorbed liars who want desperately to be special, can they?

No, but some are, others fail to understand/allow for the following;
cold reading
communal reinforcement
Occam's razor
the placebo effect
the post hoc fallacy
selective thinking
subjective validation
wishful thinking

Barkhorn1x said:
you expect me to discard my present understanding of how the world works in favor of some metaphysical phenomena, the workings of which you can't even explain???? Get real guy!

Look again, I think I also called you closed minded. I do believe I'm covering all my bases. (Note: If upon a rereading of this thread you think you detect a hint of flipant irony... maybe you do)
phlogistician said:
So wrong pres.

I assure you that everything the goodly moose said was congruous with identifying George W. Bush, he doesn't have the wrong man. Your idea that he may be talking about Regan seems to be based entirely upon your interpretation of the moose's post as perceived through the filters of your own poor reading comprehension skills.

I suggest writing the moose's thread down, then bringing it to your English teacher and having him help you slowly through each sentence so that you can properly understand what he's talking about.