Pastafarian miracles

THAT, looks like an ac-130's FART:fart:

p.s. if i knew there are really some people who adhere to this religion over here, i wouldn't've said that.
if you want to use what i just said as an excuse to insult islam (some more), then either PM me to delete it or hit the report button.

So, if it's an actual religion, then even stupid ideas deserve respect? That's the whole problem with religion. There is as much evidence supporting FSM as Allah, and we have the pics to prove it, unless you want to admit that seeing images in nature doesn't mean anything.



Further evidence of His greatness.


I was a sceptic, sure I'd read the gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster but some of it just seemed...far fetched.

But now, based on this evidence I'm a born again Pastafarian.

May the sauce be with you.
this thread is a boiled\steam-cooked strawman, or should i say strawgod.

i mean couldn't the guy who came up with FSM(PBUH) as a strawman argument against religions at least make it a bit less obvious?:huh:

It's neither an AC-130 nor an ordinary C-130 - take another look. :rolleyes:
well you're right, it's a cargo plane, judging from its tail, it's also too wide and its hatch aren't those of the ac-130 either, i don't know the name, but it looks familiar..
A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. [wiki]

This is not a strawman argument, it's a variation on Russell's Teapot.

Celestial Teapot, is an analogy first coined by the philosopher Bertrand Russell intended to refute the idea that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon the sceptic to disprove unfalsifiable claims of religions. {wiki}

In other words, religion says, oh yeah, prove that God DOESN'T exist. FSM suggests that all manner of silly ideas cannot be disproven, and that doesn't make it logical to believe in them.
Exactly what you would expect to motivate insipid cruelty

S.A.M. said:

What does it mean when there are adherents to wet, limp and skinny appendages?

Noodle envy.
Pastafarianism is the State Religion of the Commonwealth of Independent Communist Antarctic States (CICAS - generally pronounced by the natives as KICKASS).
strawmen are a weakened version of an opponents argument substituted by the original argument to be refuted easily.
such is FSM and god.
His Noodlyness is just as valid as any other god (none of which exist as He ate them and turned one into His Holy Bitch).
Scourges of the Earth

Spidergoat said:

So, if it's an actual religion, then even stupid ideas deserve respect? That's the whole problem with religion. There is as much evidence supporting FSM as Allah, and we have the pics to prove it, unless you want to admit that seeing images in nature doesn't mean anything.

Good faith is integral to religious faith. Without it, you end up with people like Ted Haggard, Mullah Omar, or Pastafarians.

I think, however, Pastafarianism would be much more successful and useful as a religion if its adherents had even half a clue what they were talking about. Which is, in itself, much like the current atheistic upwelling in the Church of Dawkins. The most part of that movement is so focused on superficial bullshit that it's hard to take them seriously. It's like the old claim that atheists are better educated. Maybe on paper, but they still have to focus on the worst, least intellectual assertions of religion in order to feel better about themselves. Great, prove your intelligence by arguing against intellectual derelicts. Congratulations, Pastafarians. You are so smart, and deserving of so much respect. Hell, I don't know how I can ever match your contribution to society. Maybe if I had a wank and spooged on your cat. Or tried smoking celery stalks.

I won't tell you to not have your religion. But neither will I tell you I see any reason to give that sort of disingenuous, mean-spirited, intellectually flaccid proselytization any genuine respect.
Good faith is integral to religious faith. Without it, you end up with people like Ted Haggard, Mullah Omar, or Pastafarians.

I think, however, Pastafarianism would be much more successful and useful as a religion if its adherents had even half a clue what they were talking about. Which is, in itself, much like the current atheistic upwelling in the Church of Dawkins. The most part of that movement is so focused on superficial bullshit that it's hard to take them seriously. It's like the old claim that atheists are better educated. Maybe on paper, but they still have to focus on the worst, least intellectual assertions of religion in order to feel better about themselves. Great, prove your intelligence by arguing against intellectual derelicts. Congratulations, Pastafarians. You are so smart, and deserving of so much respect. Hell, I don't know how I can ever match your contribution to society. Maybe if I had a wank and spooged on your cat. Or tried smoking celery stalks.

I won't tell you to not have your religion. But neither will I tell you I see any reason to give that sort of disingenuous, mean-spirited, intellectually flaccid proselytization any genuine respect.
Sadly, I fear you may be right.
Pastafarianism would have never even existed if those religious derelict Dawkins punching bags hadn't tried to arm twist and push their bullshite religious pap into American biology classes. Thank Gorgonzola they failed in every region where the students and their future potentials actually mattered.
Good faith is integral to religious faith. Without it, you end up with people like Ted Haggard, Mullah Omar, or Pastafarians.

I think, however, Pastafarianism would be much more successful and useful as a religion if its adherents had even half a clue what they were talking about. Which is, in itself, much like the current atheistic upwelling in the Church of Dawkins. The most part of that movement is so focused on superficial bullshit that it's hard to take them seriously. It's like the old claim that atheists are better educated. Maybe on paper, but they still have to focus on the worst, least intellectual assertions of religion in order to feel better about themselves. Great, prove your intelligence by arguing against intellectual derelicts. Congratulations, Pastafarians. You are so smart, and deserving of so much respect. Hell, I don't know how I can ever match your contribution to society. Maybe if I had a wank and spooged on your cat. Or tried smoking celery stalks.

I won't tell you to not have your religion. But neither will I tell you I see any reason to give that sort of disingenuous, mean-spirited, intellectually flaccid proselytization any genuine respect.

We don't demand respect, it's not a religion. It's a joke on religion.
nope, those pictures are signs from god who created stuff, on the stuff he created.
spaghetti is man made, where was FSM(PBUH) before humans invented pasta? or started to grow wheat?

What are your thoughts SAM?
You don't need to demand respect

Spidergoat said:

We don't demand respect, it's not a religion. It's a joke on religion.

You don't need to demand respect. You're losing enough respectability as it is. One of the problems with jokes is that they get old, lose their punch, and eventually become annoying. Fuck, man, my daughter is seven and she can understand that.

It's a one joke routine. A one trick pony. A one horse ghost town creaking in the wind; a testament that once upon a time, intelligent life lived here.