Pastafarian miracles


ʞǝǝƃ ɐ ʇsnɾ
Registered Senior Member


See, they all look precisely like His Noodlyness, The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

This proves that he exists.
I don't care if it can be "scientifically" explained. I just feel, you know, as Pastafarian, that this ice thingy is miraculous . It's an example of FSM (PBUH) making Himself known through nature. It just, like, strengthens my conviction. If it wasn't for FSM (PBUH) we'd all be living like cave people or mole-men or something. FSM (PBUH) is Great, FSM (PBUH) is Wise, FSM (PBUH) is Noodly :D
He even appears in the fossil record.

All praise His Noodly Appendage.
Kinda looks like cocks and balls... Should I post a picture? And because life stems from my cock and balls, then this must be the form of the divine one.
Kinda looks like cocks and balls... Should I post a picture? And because life stems from my cock and balls, then this must be the form of the divine one.
Truly, His divine messages are everywhere.


I asked for a sign and THEN stumbled across THIS!


For those that can see the signs, a Pacman on the moon is evidence that FSM (PBUH) predicted atomic orbital theory. See the dot? The one being eaten. THERE'S the PROOF! Right there.

FSM (PBUH) is The One. All good Pastarians know this and bask in His glory. If it were not for FSM (PBUH) we'd still be living in the dark ages.... ALL scientific discoveries originate in His glory.
What does it mean when there are adherents to wet, limp and skinny appendages?
By stupid pictures you mean pictures such as these ones:



nope, those pictures are signs from god who created stuff, on the stuff he created.
spaghetti is man made, where was FSM(PBUH) before humans invented pasta? or started to grow wheat?
nope, those pictures are signs from god who created stuff, on the stuff he created.
Yes, you'll notice that all of those images resemble spaghetti.

spaghetti is man made, where was FSM(PBUH) before humans invented pasta? or started to grow wheat?
His Noodlyness inspired humans to make The Great Dish in His image.
This picture is extremely holy. Pretty much seals the deal. FSM (PBUH) must exist. There's absolutely NO OTHER RATIONAL EXPLANATION. PROOF that FSM (PBUH) is real.
THAT, looks like an ac-130's FART:fart:

p.s. if i knew there are really some people who adhere to this religion over here, i wouldn't've said that.
if you want to use what i just said as an excuse to insult islam (some more), then either PM me to delete it or hit the report button.