Passion Of The Christ Snubbed By Academy

Medicine Woman

Where is your compassion!

I liked what Rush Limbaugh said about the Passion snub.

"Mell Gibson don't need no stinking Oscar!"
and the Oscar dont need no stinkin film which glorifies sado-masochism but pretends it doesn't

shit, i HAte hollywood pap conveyor belt profit films meself, but i'd sooner se one of THem than that bloodfest. which gives all them fundys the jollies of righteous indignation

there is probably nuthin worse than a hypocritical christian. doing 'good' for your own good
brutus said:
Medicine Woman

You just took a lash at Christ with that statement.
and I'll take another "bullshit"
brutus said:
Medicine Woman

Where is your compassion!
it's just a fantasy film, your moron, we will put the "m" back later, when you take your head out of you arse.

I agree the movie was difficult to watch but I thought it was important to see. I know many LDS people would not see it because of the R rating. I think that is fine, but I felt I needed to see it anyway. My church does not fixate on Christ's suffering. You will never see a bloodied Christ on a cross in an LDS chapel. We do not really use the cross as a symbol because we worship a living Christ, not a dead one.
Well, I haven't seen this movie so I can't say too much about it. I really have no plans to see it, either. What really pisses me off about this movie though, is that it was not about religion in the long run. Mel knew before he even wrote the movie that people will be lining up for miles to see it. He's knows that religious people are gullible conformists and that they will gobble up anything you feed, especially if it's showing the "humanity of Christ", as he sees it. In the end, this movie is about making money, which is what all Hollywood movies are about. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is a man writing a movie about what he thinks happened 2000 years ago, that he knows will hit a soft spot in people, and then bragging about it, saying that he is a very religious man and all that bullshit. In reality, this movie is just an overplayed snuff film that would have gone nowhere if 1) it wasn't written by Mel Gibson, and 2) was about a fictional character (well, at least one that is portrayed as fictional).
Aborted_Fetus said:
Well, I haven't seen this movie so I can't say too much about it. I really have no plans to see it, either. What really pisses me off about this movie though, is that it was not about religion in the long run. Mel knew before he even wrote the movie that people will be lining up for miles to see it. He's knows that religious people are gullible conformists and that they will gobble up anything you feed, especially if it's showing the "humanity of Christ", as he sees it. In the end, this movie is about making money, which is what all Hollywood movies are about. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is a man writing a movie about what he thinks happened 2000 years ago, that he knows will hit a soft spot in people, and then bragging about it, saying that he is a very religious man and all that bullshit. In reality, this movie is just an overplayed snuff film that would have gone nowhere if 1) it wasn't written by Mel Gibson, and 2) was about a fictional character (well, at least one that is portrayed as fictional).

Yea just like all the conformist lemming liberals that ponied up to see Fahrenheit 911?
Yes you mean the film which attempted to communicate to the people what a criminal BushW really is, as is his family

You see Brutus....i have no personal bad feelings about you. like any good Mormon, you tend to be well mannered (though these good manners MAY hide a big SHADOW).......But your defense of Mormonism, and right wong politics really says it all doesn't it?

I am not a lemming liberal, yet i know what the politicians are up to 'left' and 'right' and 'middle'. I have looked at this with a passion, cause i deeply cae for our world--and i mean OUR-insluding all of the bisophere, and all other species, and children, and children to coome, and the poor of the world...etc

Your political naiveity leaves a lot to be desired, and highlights you gullibility regarding your religious fantasies to a T

You've sked me courteously to let you in about more of where i am coming from--ie, about GODDESS. well, politically (though i dont separate politics and spirituality) let me ask you to read Arundhati Roy ...i dont have the exact urls on me righ now but simply type her name + 'The New American Century' and her name with '2005' so you can read some more articles by her. she wil tell you waht is what. MORe than your american biased mass media will tell you

also check out 'Skull and Bones Society

here's a quote:
The Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale Univerisity:
President George W.Bush, past president Bush senior, and his father are all three proven initiates of this occult lodge based at a windoless mausoleum -kid you not - The Tomb of the Yale campus. a death cult at the heart of the United States establishment?........[Its] badge is a skull and cross bones with the lodge number 322 below it. Lodge 322 is believed to have been founded on June 28th 1832

also Brutus see
The Rules of Power

checkout Sutton's "America's Secret Establishment 'interview with Anthony Sutton

all you have to keep in mind is the MYTHs these fascists are living by. this goes right to the roots of all else i am exploring about. the FEAr of the dark, of the Feminine, of Nature........?
duendy said:
all you have to keep in mind is the MYTHs these fascists are living by.
If you have the time (and if this query meets your standards of respect and intelligence), am I one of these fascists?
Yea just like all the conformist lemming liberals that ponied up to see Fahrenheit 911?

I did see that movie, and it makes me even more angry than The Passion. I don't even want to start on that...fucking Michael Moore, I hate him...
Aborted_Fetus said:
I did see that movie, and it makes me even more angry than The Passion. I don't even want to start on that...fucking Michael Moore, I hate him...

alright ...a powerful statement. But you can't leave it at that, can you? Can you elaborate where this passiona of yours is coming from to help me feel you? WHy do you hate Michael Moore, and that film?
Ophiolite said:
If you have the time (and if this query meets your standards of respect and intelligence), am I one of these fascists?

Now how am i gonna answer this without offending you, alienating you? Yes, there is some feel about some of the things ou say that seem quite commensurate with what i feel is wrong with the way things are

Like for example, one of the first posts i read of yours where you SEEMED to suggest that people in general were much better off because they had certain possessions and so on.
What i am looking at is more than that. i am seeing a manipulation going on that creates a vacuum that then is filled with products...consumerism. This consumerism is eating up the planet. but the people who are running this show dont care, because the main game is profit and expansion. No thought of what is actually happening to the earth, orther species, the whole ecosystems
I am calling this fascism cause that's what it is. 'work will set you free'..they love all that double speak
I saw the film but cannot really report too much on it.

While I am not bothered in the least by gore or violence, I am bothered by bad films. This, while perhaps not as bad as feardotcom or the grudge, certainly ranks as one of the worst films of all time. Let me stress that I have no issue with the main character in the movie being a religious icon, or the movies entire theme based upon assumed historical actions, but just that it really was overwhelmingly boring.

Boring does not = academy award winning films.

Brutus: You need to lay aside your obvious biases.

As a final question: Why was the actor that portrayed jesus... white?
SNAKElord...BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!! for asking that. that's somethin i'd forgotten to ask meself so....Bravo...i mean jeeezus. he has em speakin in Aramaic ....and pseudo detail etc and has /jesus WHITE....?
Aborted_Fetus: I did see that movie, and it makes me even more angry than The Passion. I don't even want to start on that...fucking Michael Moore, I hate him...
M*W: I totally agree. He riled up the actors against Bush, then they all had to go public with their anti-Bush propaganda. I'm still waiting for the likes of Streisand, Baldwin, Pitt, et al. to move to Europe. So much for Michael Mooreon. He didn't have the influence he thought he had.
F911 and The Passion were both important movies, but not the best ones. If they got people more interested in the subjects, if only to refute them, then they served their purpose. Important subject matter doesn't give them a free pass.
Brutus1964 said:
The movie was supposed to be difficult to watch. It was to show the world a glimps of what Jesus Christ went through for us. He suffered for every one of our sins. I came out of the movie greatfull to him, but also ashamed that I personally caused Christ pain. I myself take a lash at the flesh of Christ every time I sin, and Christ willingly took it and forgives me if I only follow him and repent.

Comedic gold. Thank you.
Brutus, I want to ask ya something, so I can clear up any suspicions and preconceptions I may have.

Did you want The Passion of the Christ to win an award because you thought it was a prime example of cinematography, direction, cast, etc.? Or did you want it to win an award because the main character was your Lord and Savior? Or is it a combination of both?
Athelwulf said:
Brutus, I want to ask ya something, so I can clear up any suspicions and preconceptions I may have.

Did you want The Passion of the Christ to win an award because you thought it was a prime example of cinematography, direction, cast, etc.? Or did you want it to win an award because the main character was your Lord and Savior? Or is it a combination of both?


I think it should have been at least nominated on its own merits. I thought it was beautifully filmed and acted. I do believe it was snubbed because of the controversy surrounding it. I think the complaints of it being anti-Semitic were unfounded. I would say the critics were using the film to attack the New Testament itself.
SnakeLord said:
As a final question: Why was the actor that portrayed jesus... white?
LOL! Because Christians view Jesus as a blue eyed, blond haired, golden boy. Look at ANY image of Christ put out by the Church and the image portrays a man with light brown to blond hair, blue eyes and just a slight golden tan.

That was one of the first things that stood out in that movie. The fact that if Jesus did in fact exist would mean that he would have been dark probably frightens the Church. One can't have a darkie as a son of God now can we? ;)