Pascal did invoke Hell in his original Wager, which is one of the assumptions that most of us don't have today. It defies reason that a loving God would send anyone to Hell for eternity, let alone for the "crime" of honest atheism. To flatter such a God in order to save your own skin is pure cowardice!!They must have given him the keys to the convent
So religious people live longer healthier lives according to stats.
Stats also show that people with high IQ's are less apt to be religious. Yet people with low IQ"s don't live as long as those with Higher IQ's. IOW low IQ people are are more apt to be religious (believe in God) and will die earlier than their higher IQ atheist counterparts. Plenty of websites will verify my words. SOmebody's got it wrong. Pascal didn't give two shits about this life, it's all about being judged when you die.
Hence, if alive today, I think Pascal would change his wager to make emphasis on the many benefits of religion (so I've done it for him).
As for the stats about more atheists among people with higher IQs, who also live longer - I do agree, on average. Low IQ people are generally poorer and less well educated, possibly more superstitious. However, the two sets of stats do not contradict, as each is an intersecting subset e.g. High IQ atheists may only live slightly longer than low IQ believers. However, low IQ atheists may live very short lives, and high IQ believers very long ones!
Therefore, it very much depends on the proportions within each subset.
e.g. (fictional example)
High IQ belivers = 20% = 80
High IQ atheists = 30% = 70
Low IQ believers = 30% = 60
Low IQ atheists = 20% = 50
Av.lifespan believers = 68 Av.lifespan atheists = 62