Parasychology is compatible with physics

From River Post 13
Science has limits .

Science does not understand the full light spectrum of the Sun .
Science understands a lot more about the sun than you think it does.

It is interesting to note that prior to the early 20th century, science had no explanation for the energy output of the sun.

Scientists believed their lack of an explanation was due to ignorance of some energy producing process.​

Nuclear fusion was discovered to be the process & is the source of hydrogen bomb energy. The physics of the the sun's energy is well understood.
From GameLord Post 40
But I can personally attest to the paranormal.
Anecdotes unsupported by rational eye witnesses are not evidence.

Many folks have hallucinations.

Some folks tell lies to support their cherished beliefs.
From GameLord Post 40
But I can personally attest to the paranormal.
Anecdotes unsupported by rational eye witnesses are not evidence.

Many folks have hallucinations.

Some folks tell lies to support their cherished beliefs.
Sorry for the double Post.

Is there a way to delete it?
No. The usual thing to do is edit one and replace it with [ DUPE ] (if it's still editable).

One can also report it and ask to have it deleted, but I hate to bother the mod team for that.
Disclaimer I notice those with sufficient Energy to elicit a neurological response so I might miss some

Also some will be out of the range of my senses
Consider what would be required for paranormal events to be able to occur.

If we start with absolute fundamentals, we are speaking about sensitivity to waves and wavelengths, their collapse, and the "bings", those moments of cognition at quantum level. Penrose?

The opposite of extraphysical reception is dementia, the gradual breakdown of sensory processes by the microtubules in the brain. Hameroff?.............................:?
But I think witchery is real. This is because, this total person I hate, I loathe them so bad, they are a liar and in a position of authority. If its one thing I hate the most its a stuck up person of authority who lies and is unreasonable, they have always treated me bad and discriminated against me unfairly, second they have a good life and everyone likes them, which makes me hate them uncontrollably.
Think of witches as actors with the ability to present a false facade, acting on your empatic ability to merge with someone's emotions and behaviors.

If that person draws you in and then misuses your empathic response, the result in your mind is often a violent repulsion and loathing. The best thing to do is avoid such emotional vampires.
There are 5 types of emotional vampires.
1. The Narcissist,
Their motto is "Me first." Everything is all about them. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement, hog attention, and crave admiration. They're dangerous because they lack empathy and have a limited capacity for unconditional love. If you don't do things their way, they become punishing, withholding, or cold.
2. The Victim,
These vampires grate on you with their "poor-me" attitude. The world is against them, it's the reason for their unhappiness. When you offer a solution to their problems they say, "Yes, but..." Eventually, you might end up screening your calls or purposely avoiding them. As a friend, you may want to help, but their tales of woe overwhelm you.
3. The Controller,
These people obsessively try to control you and dictate how you're supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They'll control you by invalidating your emotions when they don't fit into their own rule book. They often start sentences with "You know what you need?" and then proceed to tell you. You end up feeling dominated, demeaned, or put down.
4. The Constant Talker,
These people aren't interested in your feelings. They are only concerned with themselves. You may wait for an opening to get a word in edgewise but it never comes. Or they might physically move in so close that they're practically breathing on you. You edge backwards, but they step closer.
5. The Drama Queen,
These people have a flair for small incidents into off-the-chart dramas. My patient Sarah was exhausted when she hired a new employee who was always late. One week he had the flu and "almost died." Next, his car was towed, again! Each time this employee left her office, Sarah felt tired and used.

I have had the displeasure of meeting all 5 types at one time or another....:eek:
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I don't see the diff between the Narcissist and the Talker.
Probably isn't much difference in ego-centric character of all 5 categories, except how the disease manifests itself in men and women. The specific emotional tool used to exploit others.
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Scientists have conducted studies where pets and owners were separated by considerable distance and found the pet could sense their owners's actions. For instance, if the owner went to leave randomly in a vehicle, around the same time, the pet would go to a window to see if their owner's car would pass by.

We know everything has a physical mechanism but the mistake is limiting possibilities or believing all is imagination just because you dont have the ability.


If you are really interested in this idea just do a search for the name Ms. Jan Price.

If you are really interested in this idea just do a search for the name Ms. Jan Price.

Do me a favour and check when the last post was made, Dennis.
This thread has been dead for 3 years.
If you want to discuss this, make a new thread.
Thread necromancy is bad manners.
Do me a favour and check when the last post was made, Dennis.
This thread has been dead for 3 years.
If you want to discuss this, make a new thread.
Thread necromancy is bad manners.

And metaphorically ripping off somebody's shirt and zapping them with electricity to get their heart going again could be considered bad manners as well...... but it often works.

Sometimes a sub-forum can be brought back to vibrant life again....... (and whatever discussions are on the first page of discussions are the easiest way to see if there are a number of people there who might get interested in Parapsychology again in 2021. I read and listened to a lot of related information over these past three years ........ perhaps others in this discussion did as well)?!
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And metaphorically ripping off somebody's shirt and zapping them with electricity to get their heart going again could be considered bad manners as well...... but it often works.

Sometimes a sub-forum can be brought back to vibrant life again....... (and whatever discussions are on the first page of discussions are the easiest way to see if there are a number of people there who might get interested in Parapsychology again in 2021. I read and listened to a lot of related information over these past three years ........ perhaps others in this discussion did as well)?!
It does pay to check the last post date. It is easy to forget to do this I might add. I have been guilty of accidental thread necromancy a few times over the years.
The main reason is that the member you are replying to and other members that have posted their replies to may no longer be active. ( may even be deceased given the average age of the active members lol)
If you want to revive the topic you can do so by starting another thread topic with reference to the old thread.
Parapsychoogy is compatible with Physics (#2)
"In a previous thread on this topic certain key points were raised....blah blah blah...."
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From River Post 13Science understands a lot more about the sun than you think it does.

It is interesting to note that prior to the early 20th century, science had no explanation for the energy output of the sun.

Scientists believed their lack of an explanation was due to ignorance of some energy producing process.​

Nuclear fusion was discovered to be the process & is the source of hydrogen bomb energy. The physics of the the sun's energy is well understood.

have they decided why the corona is hotter than the surface yet ?

covid19 fortold !

vampires did it !

Parapsychology again in 2021
talking about parapsychology in todays world is like sitting in a cafe frequented by political aids senators congress people & such others and having a loud discussion with a friend about anthrax and jeff bezos & dual identity verification systems & public hygiene habits

it is highly unlikely to end well regardless of any level of humour sanity or liberal pretext
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It does pay to check the last post date. It is easy to forget to do this I might add. I have been guilty of accidental thread necromancy a few times over the years.
The main reason is that the member you are replying to and other members that have posted their replies to may no longer be active. ( may even be deceased given the average age of the active members lol)
If you want to revive the topic you can do so by starting another thread topic with reference to the old thread.
Parapsychoogy is compatible with Physics (#2)
"In a previous thread on this topic certain key points were raised....blah blah blah...."

Thank you for that very constructive advice.....
many boards would prefer that a reply be posted into an existing thread if possible but I guess the
obvious exception to that rule would be if the discussion is too old.