Parasites that use mind control

I would have to agree that the metaphor ‘junk’ is not very useful in descriptions of DNA. But I do question this ‘If even small section of “junk” DNA are remove the organism is no long fertile in that it cannot reproduce because the chromosomes no long match up properly when crossing-over during mitosis.’ Is this not how we ended up with having the XX, XY?

So there are minor exceptions, try doing this with an Autosome! There is always an exception to everything.

As for the discussion about parasites and mind control, it strikes me that some of the language used is very deterministic. ‘Rabies controls it host by destroying specific sections of the brain to induce rabid behavior (so the host will bite other potential hosts and speared the disease).’ I would suggest that ‘effects’ would be a better concept, leaving a wider idea of the self awareness of the rabies virus.

Oh god! Your right I forgot to be politically correct! :p I am so ashamed!!!
I beg your humble forgiveness if I implied concern for ‘political correctness’, rather I wished to note some disillusion with the metaphor of ‘control’. :p
Weebee has a point - It's a bit dangerous to talk about 'control' as if something was being done on purpose. Flukes just happen.
Well sure but it simplifies explaining things, for example:

“A molecule wants to react this way (in some direction).”

In reality a molecule cannot “want” anything so:

“A molecule enters a lower state of energy if the reaction goes in (some direction) thus do to the laws of thermodynamic the equilibrium will be in this direction at X temperature and Y conditions”

Same thing fore this explanation the parasites are of no sentient control and don’t want anything they are just doing as evolution found best for them.
I agree that using metaphors like control are a way of explaining things in simple terms, but I believe it creates difficulties, especially if applied to genes and evolution. It may be easier and less damaging to use these simple terms in chemistry and physics, but biology seems to be closer to our heart.

‘… the parasites are of no sentient control and don’t want anything they are just doing as evolution found best for them.’ Evolution did not find anything best for them. . . This may seem like nit picking but its increasingly important that scientist be able to communicate complex descriptions accurately. Btw I’m not say is easy.

But this is off topic. . .

ah, anthropomorphizing flukes, parasites and molecules, the mind boggles.
Personification of scientific oddities is a wonderful thing.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
... we forget some of the really amazing things that are happening on this rock because we are to busy learning who J-lo is banging.
This is one of the hundreds of TRILLIONS of remarkable things that will go down each day on this planet unnoticed.

I think you mentioned people interest in J lo to point out peoples pursiut of information that is trivial. J Lo's specifics are definitely trivial, but the same thing could be said about this thread and all science...

100% off the topic, but a point that I think is worth pondering...
Originally posted by Canute
Who's this J Lo person?

are you joking or are you serious? coz if ur joking , that's hilarious, but if your not, then i don't blame you but say you're probably not watching a lot of tele.
No joke I'm afraid. TV's too sick for me these days (excepting erotica of course). You didn't enlighten me on J Lo.
Originally posted by Canute
No joke I'm afraid. TV's too sick for me these days (excepting erotica of course). You didn't enlighten me on J Lo.

J Lo is Jennifer Lopez's new name.
That's what she is now know as... you know Jennifer Lopez, that insult of a woman who wears very little as often as she can. The one who uses her body to succeed. Oh wait, that's too broad a description, there are a million women who fit into that category.

And, yes, TV is pretty sick. I don't watch too much either.. News is a joke and most TV shows just show me how shallow the Earth's population is becomming.
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I thought see was all real! but i guess if she wasn't, that wouldn't be a great surprise...