Parasites - Methods to eliminate them!

Our DNA has many DNA copies of viruses within its code. Thus there is a large amount of immunological protection straight from birth.

The mother's experience in infection is passed onto the new born in mother's milk.

A child is well equipped to live in this world, after all this is the world LIFE made for it, and it is surrounded by other super cells that are normally completely compatible.

However reducing metals from their ors is not written in the good things for LIFE

Metal ions disrupt everything (proteins=enzymes), and if a metal is actually employed by LIFE it is highly wrapped (insulated) and the ion is very carefully handled.

Human beings are totally unaware of the danger they face as their minds go down the drain due to the accumulation of toxic metals. We don't have to look for them they grab us very tightly and accumulate, even within the nucleus of cells.

The USA's behaviour is a classic example of incipient madness.... business execs are psychopaths..... chaos, until total annihilation.
Our DNA has many DNA copies of viruses within its code. Thus there is a large amount of immunological protection straight from birth.

Why should Virus DNA confer protection?
URI: was your suggestion of wearing a rubber glove and washing the anus with a particular care to avoid cross-contamination specific to avoiding further re-introduction of a known parasite to the GI tract? Or was it general advice for everyday bathing?

I initially took it to be the latter, but thinking about it over the weekend made me realize that I'd agree totally if it was a step in treatment of a known infection/infestation. Seems overboard for everyday use, though.
Definitely if you have symptoms... intestinal bloating, cramps, itchy anus, some food intolerances etc.. take treatment and use glove
or just use glove.

Some intestinal parasites live for years,,,,,, so it is not unreasonable to continue rubber glove use first thing in the morning...toilet then shower...
It is not overload because reinfections (yes you will get enough "immunological challenge) are happening all the time from dust drawn from dried faeces... (toilet paper just leaves a layer of faeces that then dries and dusts.. ) (wash anus and don't use toilet paper, there is a grave risk of finger contamination)

The idea is not to become Mr Clean, it is just a precaution to prevent the anal to mouth route (by your own hands) and it is a good way to keep your intestines in the best shape you can.

Keep you body healthy and you will not become a target for eradication by LIFE's immunosystem... from either cancer, parasites or micro organisms.
Please stop this threat it's disturbing to me now, some comments made are disgusting and would never work, I am feeling scared :L
(wash anus and don't use toilet paper, there is a grave risk of finger contamination)

What about toilet paper + washing ones hands? In many situations, soap and water are not viable for butt-cleaning right after poopin'
What about toilet paper + washing ones hands? In many situations, soap and water are not viable for butt-cleaning right after poopin'

you can remove mechanically a lot of cysts that might have gotten stuck on your hands by washing it with water and soap, but depending on the degree of contamination, just washng your hands might not be enough to remove all of them... In the end you can never be sure your hands are really clean... just do your best with whatever resources are avaliable
yes Varda has it right

If you look at the skin under a microscope, you will find it is a little like the Himalaya mountains, and washing just scrubs the peaks, leaving the vallies untouched.
Many cysts etc hang on electrostatically and no amount of washing will remove them

Who is feint hearted ?... this is living so you might as well get used to it or you will become a victim.
in my experience?

Abuse of paper towels :p
Try not to touch anything, specially door handles, and for opening/closing the water, use a whole buch of paper towels... just use a bunch of paper towel whenever you need to touch anything. Wash your hands before and after going. Do not touch the toilet seat, you must to do whatever you have to do standing up. Put your clothes back on before flushing. Keep purell in your purse/pocket :)
LOL, Mr Clean

No in this respect another earlier poster is partly correct.

If you are healthy and have no hidden illness or disease,,,,, in other words LIFE does not mind you being alive, you basically have nothing to worry about... you will pick up everything just breathing air. LIFE's immune system will only attack you if something is amiss, so basically you are marked and deserve to die,,,, you are compromised.

The skin if left to its own devices self disinfects.... but with common cleansing products most of that protection is washed away.

Bugs electrostatically cling to you, so the bugs like you washing, because it removes many of the natural defences of the intact skin, ,,,,, you will have more chance of removing bugs from "dirty" skin than from clean skin.

So for public hygiene?,,, just try to keep contact to some specified skin surfaces only, such as open doors with left little finger at all times, don't kiss toilet sets LOL, or strange equivalents, and remove yourself from the immediate area as soon as is possible when toilets are flushed,,,,, etc
best be alert, and stay healthy, rather than be paranoid.

The rubber glove method will disrupt the everyday transient infestations you will encounter.
Thanks for sharing this helpful information. The rubber glove method of keeping one's anus clean is interesting and a useful addition to a daily hygine regimen.

What do you think of using a bidet to help the anus stay clean? I would think any additional washing of the anus, whether with a bidet or with the application of rubber gloves to methodically manipulate the anus, would be a prudent measure.
yes, hygiene was why a bidet was designed.....

but a squirt hose would be just as good...except for splashing onto the nozzle... maybe it should be fixed in place,,,, and air drying.... certainly more user friendly

A lot of people have retained faeces just inside their anus after defecation, it is wise to remove this as it contaminates clothing, and.......

Arab society tried to address this problem, wash anus with left hand and eat with right... or whatever
Our society then developed eating utensils to prevent hand to mouth contamination,
then they developed underwear..... basically underwear is illusionary if the anus is not washed after defecation.

And clothing becomes a real problem for people who retain faeces just inside the anus as this will contaminate inner and outer clothing.
well... I live in a 3rd world country
you should see some of the public bathrooms I've been in :p

Recently I came upon a TV show called "Eaten Alive". It was discussing how many people walk around carrying parasites, some harmful, and never realize it. One such instance was a massage therapist (female) that felt something moving between her legs. She ignored it for awhile until her session was over. Later she went to pee and a worm fell out! I think it was a round worm?! Anyway the main point here is I want methods to kill parasites, ones we can impliment right now! I've come accross this:

And I bought some for myself. It has many of the herbs I've read that help kill off parasites. I also picked up something similar to this:

So yeah, those are some of the things I'm doing to keep myself free of parasites, the question for you all is whether or not they will work!

I mean can herbs really kill parasites, and if so under what circumstances, do I need to fast? Do I need to drink 4 cups of that tea a day? 4 tablets of the herbs a day?
I usually stomp on parasites, like I did IceAgeCivilizations.There is nothing worse than a parasite of the mind.
Sometimes when the infected is too far gone he must be put to sleep.
oh well there is an ideal, and the practical. We were all ignorant of parasites once upon a time in the dim dark ages.

A rubber glove can be used many many times, on one hand.... if you learn how to put it on and take it off without touching the outside...
proceedure is to fill glove with clean water and insert hand.... uses
to remove, fill with water again and remove each finger in turn, until glove is free... set glove down somewhere to drain and dry.

cost per use can be as low as 0.05 cents... ie about $0.50 per year.

And what a difference a glove makes, LOL.
or you can just get a box of disposable procedure gloves... they're pretty cheap
>>> a box of disposable procedure gloves.

yes, you can use those several times.

Remember every product slowly destroys the environment, so keep disposables to a miniumun and uses often.