Parasites - Methods to eliminate them!


Valued Senior Member
Recently I came upon a TV show called "Eaten Alive". It was discussing how many people walk around carrying parasites, some harmful, and never realize it. One such instance was a massage therapist (female) that felt something moving between her legs. She ignored it for awhile until her session was over. Later she went to pee and a worm fell out! I think it was a round worm?! Anyway the main point here is I want methods to kill parasites, ones we can impliment right now! I've come accross this:

And I bought some for myself. It has many of the herbs I've read that help kill off parasites. I also picked up something similar to this:

So yeah, those are some of the things I'm doing to keep myself free of parasites, the question for you all is whether or not they will work!

I mean can herbs really kill parasites, and if so under what circumstances, do I need to fast? Do I need to drink 4 cups of that tea a day? 4 tablets of the herbs a day?
Intestinal parasites are hard to remove.

Shit sticks, and dries and dusts... so even riding on a bus, in a car or sleeping between the sheets does result in a continual infection from dust, ... if the people in your personal space or yourself are infected.

Anus to mouth is the route of egg delivery and if you touch your anus, then this will occur.

You must prevent this anus to mouth cycle
so first
(a) never touch your anus with bare hands
(b) Toilet paper is an illusion of hygiene
(c) so after defecation, step in the shower, place a rubber glove on R or L hand and wash your anus, ensuring all faeces are removed. Soaping is done with the other hand, but only over buttocks, then spread with gloved hand and wash anal area.
(d) always wear underpants, and change them daily... wash/rinse them daily and dry in the sun.

The results may take a while for you to feel a difference, some of the adult parasites live for years
BUT if you continue this practice, and encourage your mate to do the same, the infections will only be transient and your alimentary tract will recover health and be more effective in repelling boarders.

You can take a course of drugs
eg daily for 5 days.... 1 Doxycycline and 3 flagyl per day
but then you must prevent reinfection as described above.

You will never look back on your butt !!!!

On Edit
Note Cloxicillin was my brain dead.... changed to... doxy..
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The tea and herbal supplements you are you looking at are mostly things that deal with the so called 'liver detox', where it supposedly cleans the liver, etc. Personally I think it's a load of bull, but hey, some fall for it.

If you think you have a parasite that is causing you harm, such as tape worms, your best bet is to go to your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

And you need to stop being paranoid lol.

If you want to be careful, just make sure you don't eat meat that has not been cooked properly, wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them, always wash your hands before preparing, handling or eating food. Always wash your chopping boards and knives, especially if you have cut raw meat on it. If you cut raw meat on a chopping board, wash the board and the knife before cutting anything else on it.

In short, practice common sense and good hygiene.

And I will be moving this to the biology forum.:)
Thanks, I missed ya : cuddles Bells :

The world is a scary place :(

PS I am paranoid!

you have problems (aaaahaha), but dont worry about that right now. you cannot "kill" pareasites because any method would be toxic to yourself and parasites are kepping you alive.
Best way to compromise you and you’re child’s immune system..
You must prevent this anus to mouth cycle
so first
(a) never touch your anus with bare hands
(b) Toilet paper is an illusion of hygiene
(c) so after defecation, step in the shower, place a rubber glove on R or L hand and wash your anus, ensuring all faeces are removed. Soaping is done with the other hand, but only over buttocks, then spread with gloved hand and wash anal area.
(d) always wear underpants, and change them daily... wash/rinse them daily and dry in the sun.

Dangerous pathogens should be neutralized by constant vigilance and effective medical intervention.
>> Best way to compromise you and you’re child’s immune system >>>

The world is dirty, unless you live in a bubble, your immune system will be just fine. The air, the water, the food, the dust..... ever thought what happens to dog shit ?

If you wish to compromise your immune system just eat commercial food.... biotoxics are great for inactivating enzyme systems.

Intestinal parasites are a compromise to health. I know some quaks recommend taking parasite eggs for ?????? madness

But I can assure you being parasite free is a great relief and comfort from improved health and having a comfortable anus and calm intestine.

Like the removal of the fog in your head, it is best to be the way you were designed to be.

But it's a free world, and opinions are myriad... but absolute health is unique
That tea isn't really meant for parasite removal, but for liver cleansing, as bells said.

The tannins in tea, however, can be used for topical treatement of some infections. Used more often in veternary practice, IMO due solely to the stigma against non-'medical' treatments, placing a used tea-bag ontop of a number of different rashes, infections, and bites can help the area heal. AFAAIK, the drying an anti-bacterial properies are the main reason why this works.

Larger parasites, however, will most likely be able to handle the amount of tannins, and thus need to be dealt with more harshly to remove them from the body.

URI: the immune system needs training and exersize, just like every other system in the body. We have evolved to deal with a certain amount of filth - being too clean is just as harmful to your health as being too dirty. See the 1950's attempts at keeping newborns in sterile chambers, the rise in auto-immune disorders in today's youth, and some of the early 2000 studies on overall health in children growing up on farms (or with multiple pets) vs. "clean" suburban house-holds.
well another day another false opinion... you'r stepping on my profession, and I call you out, LOL.

What a load of..............
Intestinal parasites are hard to remove.

Shit sticks, and dries and dusts... so even riding on a bus, in a car or sleeping between the sheets does result in a continual infection from dust, ... if the people in your personal space or yourself are infected.

Anus to mouth is the route of egg delivery and if you touch your anus, then this will occur.

You must prevent this anus to mouth cycle
so first
(a) never touch your anus with bare hands
(b) Toilet paper is an illusion of hygiene
(c) so after defecation, step in the shower, place a rubber glove on R or L hand and wash your anus, ensuring all faeces are removed. Soaping is done with the other hand, but only over buttocks, then spread with gloved hand and wash anal area.
(d) always wear underpants, and change them daily... wash/rinse them daily and dry in the sun.

The results may take a while for you to feel a difference, some of the adult parasites live for years
BUT if you continue this practice, and encourage your mate to do the same, the infections will only be transient and your alimentary tract will recover health and be more effective in repelling boarders.

You can take a course of drugs
eg daily for 5 days.... 1 Doxycycline and 3 flagyl per day
but then you must prevent reinfection as described above.

You will never look back on your butt !!!!

On Edit
Note Cloxicillin was my brain dead.... changed to... doxy..

Oh, my god!! I wonder if anyone has told all the gay men about this situation?????

Baron Max
well another day another false opinion... you'r stepping on my profession, and I call you out, LOL.

cool, I like learning new stuff. Since you are in the profession, what is your understanding of auto-immune disorders?
metal posioning

Many aspects of the cosequences of enzyme inhibition are reflected in different modern diseases/illnesses... it depend upon the biotoxic alloy mix in the bodies biochemical systems.

This enzyme inhibition can also be reflected in genetics, and then passed onwards for generations.

And the sins of the fathers are those of the sons........

Very sad really, but money corrupts as surely as toxic substances.
Except biotoxics accumulate while money evaporates.... the consequences of biotoxics remain for many lifetimes..... The political picture seen in the USA/West is classical biotoxic induced madness.

Shouldn't you be concerned ?..... but nothing can be done until people admit they are frankly mad.
I am concerned: but I asked about auto-immune issues, not mental health issues (though that is a very interesting topic as well).
same issues. mental or physical or immunological

Once your biochemistry is upset, anything can happen.
Metals/pollutants change the activation energies of enzymatic systems, and too little of this, none of that, too much of these, leads to a total unbalance that can be expressed physically as a number of conditions, from frank mental problems to autism to auto immune disease... etc.

We are a bunch of interacting/interconnection bio chemical pathways, that only are in balance if we are free of biotoxics..... what is expressed when biotoxics are present or were present in the conception process (parents) fills a whole spectrum of physical/mental (same really) syndromes, illnesses or conditions.

The wide and growing occurrence of these is testament to the ignorance about and availability of these biotoxics.
I completely agree with every word in your last post. But only if I were to take it out of the context of your earlier posts.

However, where is your evidence that metal toxins are the cause of the issues under discussion? Just because they are a problem, and cause some health issues, doesn't mean they cause all of them.

Is the Flu caused by metal poisoning?

Sorry, flu was a bad choice; you we saying that metal toxins caused auto-immune disorders, not infections. I largely agree; environmeental factors seem to play a considerable part; diet foremost amongst them.

Back to my original question, then. Do you disagree that the immune system needs exersize? What about the attempts to raise newborns in sterile environments? They were complete failures.
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>> What about the attempts to raise newborns in sterile environments? They were complete failures. >>

Bad choice of evidence

The human body, as is the case for all life forms, NEEDS INTERNALLY various other life forms,... from these internal bugs certain hard to get nutrients are sourced.

In some cases without a natural flora on the outside will lead to disease as well. (skin, eyebrows/lashes, arm pits, vagina, anus....

LIFE, the super-organism always needs many different life forms to maintain just one life form.. Some bugs in our gut produce vit B12 for instance ..

Not all is know about this "symbiosis" so attempts to remove "foreign bugs" always leads to proplems

In many cases the resident bacterial flora prevents pathology.