paranormal photo

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I took a photo in 97 with a instant polaroid camera and after it developed I and a couple friends noticed an appration that looked reptilian form to me. The photo is now being examined by the U.S.A - U.F.O reseach team and some other groups who wanted it. The appration looms over St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church in Lou,Ky. Some people claim it's the Face of Christ and others Satan, a E. T or nothing at all, whichever, its a controversial photo,whichever, there are also other paranormal photos for your enjoyment......Peace: ;)
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You shouldn't have mentioned it was a reptilian form. Leave it up to people's look on it. Now they will look prejudiced at it.

So, what were the conclusions from the examiners? Heard something on it yet?

I am curious...:)
It could be something strange indeed.

Alternetively, the glare of that extrodinarily bright light source (is it the sun?) could have caused some kind of imperfection in the camera lense to show up. I would honestly lean twards that belief until such time as your equipment is checked. If an equipment check is not possible, then I'll leave it a 50 / 50 chance of being paranormal.
Originally posted by Banshee
You shouldn't have mentioned it was a reptilian form. Leave it up to people's look on it. Now they will look prejudiced at it.

So, what were the conclusions from the examiners? Heard something on it yet?

I am curious...:)


Reptilian is my take on it..........there's has been many other's who believe's it looks like Christ, an angel (with a great big heart) and the kids just say monster but I like to make know up front my take since I took the photo.(But I will let it be know that it's just my take) As far as the examiners go.........they can't explain what they don't understand.(peculiar) When we speak of aleins we are use to thinking of little Green Men that we can kill.......if called for, not spiritual aleins. If scientist don't adhere to any sort of religion but science alone.(harder to Comprehend) The United States U.F.O Researcher's contacted me and offered a chance to do some studies (basically dig deeper into unknown) and some spiritualist have recently contacted me about the photo.........
Originally posted by Xevious
It could be something strange indeed.

Alternetively, the glare of that extrodinarily bright light source (is it the sun?) could have caused some kind of imperfection in the camera lense to show up. I would honestly lean twards that belief until such time as your equipment is checked. If an equipment check is not possible, then I'll leave it a 50 / 50 chance of being paranormal.


I'm still using the camera to this day and the photo was taken in 97. Works fine, notice the sun ray revealing the apparation........the eye of the camera doesn't lie.(As if it wanted to be seen)

Why does a line run across the top section of the photo about 1/4 down from the top where there appears separate colors of the sky ?

Why are there two more lines running down from the aforementioned line on both sides of the sun which further discolor the sky ?

What is the figure in the top left hand corner of the photo ?
Originally posted by (Q)

Why does a line run across the top section of the photo about 1/4 down from the top where there appears separate colors of the sky ?

Why are there two more lines running down from the aforementioned line on both sides of the sun which further discolor the sky ?

What is the figure in the top left hand corner of the photo ?


The left corner is wear the photo has been bent and it's not on the original.As far as the lines I assume it's the reflection of the inside of the camera but I don't know for sure. As far as the coloring to the sky perhaps it has something to do with the distortation of light spectrum(who knows) Looking closer I notice some of the coloring also manifested on sun's ray's
yeah, whatevah. i must say it makes a pretty picture, but imho it's just the reflection and breaking of light on dust particles on your lense.. remember, the sun sends out an immense amount of light, so when taking pics straight from it, every little failure or incompletion of/on the lens will be visible
Originally posted by Enqrypzion
yeah, whatevah. i must say it makes a pretty picture, but imho it's just the reflection and breaking of light on dust particles on your lense.. remember, the sun sends out an immense amount of light, so when taking pics straight from it, every little failure or incompletion of/on the lens will be visible

I know its hard to accept but dust on my lense........thats a new one.Why don't you test your theory see if you get the same results. Download it.

As far as the lines I assume it's the reflection of the inside of the camera but I don't know for sure. As far as the coloring to the sky perhaps it has something to do with the distortation of light spectrum(who knows) Looking closer I notice some of the coloring also manifested on sun's ray's

That is a reasonable explaination, and is most likely the same reasons why the apparation appears. You've solved your own mystery.
Q is saying the same thing I did for the most part. Wether or not it works fine under normal conditions has nothing to do with wether or not the conditions in which this photograph were taken were normal.
I'm still using the camera to this day and the photo was taken in 97. Works fine, notice the sun ray revealing the apparation........the eye of the camera doesn't lie.(As if it wanted to be seen)
If you want to get me on board (and if you've been here long enough you KNOW I am one of the biggest supporters and advocates of paranormal phenomenon here), then you have to rule out what Q and I both have said. You do that by making 100% sure that your camera is in perfectly working order across the board. Extrodinary claims require extrodinary evidence, and if your camera is in perfect order with no problems, then you have VERY extrodinary evidence - the kind I like to see and I point to when I advocate unusual phenomenon.

Let me put you at ease though - I'm in your courner. I do not in the LEASE think your faking the photo, or in any way being dishonest. But, until your camera has been ruled out as a source of the photo (have the guys interested in the photo check your equipment - I'm sure they will if you ask!) I can't give you a big verdict in your favor. I'll leave it 50-50 for now and wait and see what the people investigating it say.
Originally posted by Xevious
Q is saying the same thing I did for the most part. Wether or not it works fine under normal conditions has nothing to do with wether or not the conditions in which this photograph were taken were normal.

If you want to get me on board (and if you've been here long enough you KNOW I am one of the biggest supporters and advocates of paranormal phenomenon here), then you have to rule out what Q and I both have said. You do that by making 100% sure that your camera is in perfectly working order across the board. Extrodinary claims require extrodinary evidence, and if your camera is in perfect order with no problems, then you have VERY extrodinary evidence - the kind I like to see and I point to when I advocate unusual phenomenon.

Let me put you at ease though - I'm in your courner. I do not in the LEASE think your faking the photo, or in any way being dishonest. But, until your camera has been ruled out as a source of the photo (have the guys interested in the photo check your equipment - I'm sure they will if you ask!) I can't give you a big verdict in your favor. I'll leave it 50-50 for now and wait and see what the people investigating it say.

The camera folks from the news station did check the camera, gave me no response, only asked for a copy of the photo......but notice the sun ray is attached to the appration. It's only my opinion that the camera has nothing inside of it that looks like a face and if it does how does it IMPOSE itself in the sun ray? Nevetheless I will have other camera stores check it out.
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Originally posted by Frieda
well, if this is Jesus, he sure is angry! :D

Finally some one ele's who doesn't think it's Christ......When the news folks asked me who I thought it was I said it was too ugly to be Christ. However I think because it's above a Catholic Church they refused to show it due to my answer.
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I took the camera to a camera shop and let the guy examine it. He couldn't find anything out of the ordinary but he was shocked to see the photo. He like most people wanted to know the story behind it.
If your camera has been checked top to bottom (including the lenses) and they find no flaws, then the camera is ruled out as the source of the photo.

Congrats, Lady. You have something WIERD. :bugeye:
If your camera has been checked top to bottom (including the lenses) and they find no flaws, then the camera is ruled out as the source of the photo.

Not at all true. When I was a lab tech, I saw stuff like this all the time. It looks like a condensation flare, or a peripheral light flare. It has absolutely jack-all to do with the camera.

Or, David Icke might be right, and our society has been infiltrated by extradimensional reptiles called Draconians.
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