
jesus ,krishna, GOD...

Do u meditate? i think your problem is about your looks>
trust in god and bow before him.
the only reason that we are unhappy with us is " we have started adoring the gifts which are given by god to us in stead of him. accept his kingdom yaar, and "rest" is yours( rest means all that left and also "rest" means "peace".

Have u told this to your parents?

My two cents

Just to let you know I'm 25.

I did have a similar problem when I was around 13. It was the kind of thing where I thought everyone was out to get me.

Here's what I realized.

1- Everybody is out to get you. No sense being a baby about it.

2- God wont help you. He doesn't really care anyway.

3- There is no need to look for Jesus. If he wants to find you, he probably knows where you are.

4- Most people don't like you, so FUCK em.

5- Most people are DICKS.

6- The only person who truly gives a shit about you is you.

7- Your going to die anyway so why worry about what the rest of the ass's around you are going to think when your gone.

8- People are hypocrites. They actually belive half the crap that spews from there tiny little minds.

So in essence get out over it, buy something nice smoke a fattie, and say to your self


FUCK EM!!!!!!!

Thats the thing? On one hand if a person cares to much, your considered a sponge.

If you turn to being a hard ass and say to heck with everyone, they call you an ANTISOCIAL?

Cant win for losing.............Its confusing ??

The one's saying they dont like you, dont really know you?

They take a few relevent facts, and fill the story in to fit there agenda??

I guess to be true to ones self is all one can do?


for the self esteem part........if you worry about what others think about you....don't it will make you think to much about what someone might have said.......good or bad you will eventually begin to believe it. do your own thing do try to change for others...if someone doesn't like you for who you are then you don't need them. as far as the paranoia thing i do believe i probably comes attached with the self esteem thing.....being worried about what others think can cause a certain level of paranoia. but if not and i am totally wrong then you must be on some kick ass drugs that are makiing you paranoid and when you come off of them your emotions are all screwed...(just kiddin about that last part don't get offended)

While lostsoul is gone from the boards the post lives on. There is some good advice within the thread.

Paranoia is what we percieve and not always what is. It is a matter of prespective.

I think this goes back to choose you friends carefully and do not live within yourself to much. You color your world by your outlook in what you see and feel. It is not so much that the world is out to get you as it is that you see it as such. Perception colors reality.

If you have those around you who think your not up to the grade then you are better off without them. Surround yourself with those who support you not those who would drag you do to their level of veiw.

Time and again you find in the end that they are really jealous of you and what they think they are missing that they believe that you have.
seriously though...


Are your feelings of paranoia frequent and not triggered by anything you are aware of conciously? Have you ever done street drugs (hallucinogens) in the past? If so, then maybe there is one of your problems and you may need to seek medical help....don't know how much they'll be able to help you with that specifically but it beats sitting there and wondering about it....that doesn't solve anything.

A lot of us suffer from low self-esteem from time to time...especially when things are not going our way. But what concerns me is that you are experiencing both paranoia and self-esteem issues simultaneously. Have you considered going to a psychiatrist or heck, just your general doctor? You may have a chemical imbalance---I don't know....I've never really been paranoid but have suffered from severe depression...due to a neurotransmitter imbalance--it was something I couldn't help with therapy fact, I had nothing substancial to give me reason to be depressed. What I'm saying is that sometimes it's not a "it's just all in my head" thing.....sometimes it's a neurotransmitter imbalance....and there are certain drugs to treat things like depression, anxiety disorder, paranoia, etc.

The thing is to do something about it....if this isn't a transient thing with you (you've suffered from it for quite some time now and don't know why) then my advice is to get professional assistance. Don't be afraid (no pun intended)....they are there to help you and figure out what is wrong and how to treat it....and help you cope with it if it's a chemical thing. Wish you all the best. Take care'll find yourself soon.....just don't let others tell you who you are or what you should be, okay? :)

There's this great song in spanish, maybe you'll relate to it if you dig deeper than the thought of amnesia...I'll do my best (my translation sucks):

Day Zero:

I see what I think I see and can see no more
of what I could tell I can't remember at all
no reason to speak of it anymore
I believe to believe, I fear to fear that this is real
life has been clouded in totality
I'm lost
and I don't know how to look at what I left behind

on that long path
that once saw me walk
born was this blind wound
that erased today my yesterday

Strangers speak of who I used to be
they pretend to give me valor while knowing nothing
there's no need to even
cry about being here
my amnesia tells me absolutely nothing
except this feeling of anxiety

on that long path
that once saw me walk
I burned a biography
and blew away the ashes of my yesterday
don't try to show me who loved me
or whom I should love
Day zero has begun
and tomorrow will go on

(hope you like it and maybe think about trying to find an outlet once you've gotten that anxiety/paranoia under control---there's another song you might be more familiar with -- by say's "be good to yourself when nobody else will"---follow its advice and you can't go wrong).
And Also....

Well, as far as Im concerned this might be the case in, say 12% of the population in the "said" control group of substance abusers. Highly unlikely for the Acid, or mushroom heads that have not ever suffered it before would do so after several decades.

External consequences are much more probable. When the mind has two conflicting belief systems we call this a problem.

The answer isnt someone is always sick!

(This is usually a ploy to shift blame by involved parties to devalidate....old communist propaganda..)

In the case of William our test rat, the occurance of Paranoid delusional ideals doesnt make electronic detection devices go off!!(case study)

Not that that has anything to do with it you understand..

Occurance of Paranoid Sch., or delusional syndromes occuring by substance abuse are very high, but usually subside as soon as the chemical is no longer an active agent and the poisons are depleted in the body.

There are always exeptions to the rule, as this is not the "every case senerio!"

Usually when a baby cries, its not made up by the infant! There is a real problem to consider.

This doesnt support delusion or persep..

In the case study of William the test rat we find his syndrom occured at 408ghz,or mhz! (I cant remember)

High frequencys in a electromagneticaly charged area does effect certain people with psi probabiltities, of course those people are so numourous that all of 5% of the population have it...

just a thought.......


I personaly know who posted the original thread(Im not speaking about Ana's reply but the Thread starter), it was designed only for the purpose of belittlement, because of there guilty concience.....sarcasm!! This person belongs to the 12% society......:eek:
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it was only meant for consideration...I'm not a doctor, okay BobbyLee.:confused:

I understood what you where saying. I didnt mean to sound confontational toward your answer.

Thank you for caring enough to even comment! Its more than alot of people would have done...

Thank you

Rules for Life

Here are some rules for life a friend sent me. I think they are very relevant and I have them posted on the door to my office for everyone to read.

Rules For Life

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

3. Follow the three Rs:
Respect for self
Respect for others and
Responsibility for all your actions.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it

8. Spend some time alone every day.

9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.

14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.

15. Be gentle with the earth.

16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.