Parallel Universes

What proof is there of such universes?

I get that there is infinite universes and infinite space but on those other planets there is no other me just a different species or evolved type of humans(alien) . cause even the likliness of the same language would be impossible even in the infinite because the amount of possible languages is infinite.
Originally posted by PacingYourName
...cause even the likliness of the same language would be impossible even in the infinite because the amount of possible languages is infinite...
I once thought, if I skipped a stone and then could rewind time, could I skip it exactly the same way again? Hit each piece of water in the same fashion – just so … splashing just so much water on the first skip and again in the second … moving each H2O molecule of that place in the ocean exactly as I did the first time.

Infinity is a long arse time…

ANS: Yes I could!
Originally posted by Michael
I once thought, if I skipped a stone and then could rewind time, could I skip it exactly the same way again? Hit each piece of water in the same fashion – just so … splashing just so much water on the first skip and again in the second … moving each H2O molecule of that place in the ocean exactly as I did the first time.

Infinity is a long arse time…

ANS: Yes I could!

or you could spend eternaty and infinite time trying and you never will hit the water the same way since there is almost infinite possibilties of the rock going ...and yet the language is till too complex and more then the rock there....since why say would they pick the word meat too call meat when they have never heard of us and heard us say it ..meat could be falihfjodlsahfklo and most likely would rather then meat.

ANS:no you cant
you can never be sure of what's out there unless you've been there and seen it. And even then....
If i were given the choice,if i were told:

a)there is a god and a single universe

b)theres no god,theres many many universes(multiverse)

Id choose B because its more scientifically probable theres no need for god with parallel universes,i may also accept this could lead us more into the understanding of the theory of everything.

I wont be surprised to find out that quantum computers are actually using counterparts in parallel universes,in fact prof david deutsch is convinced of it,superstring theorys have suggested it for quiet awhile or made it more likely,and we know that parallel universes or multiverse cannot be ruled out by any law of physics.

I suppose you can think of things like that:
if the laws of physics allow it then it can,will and maybe has happened/happening.
Originally posted by PacingYourName
What proof is there of such universes?

I get that there is infinite universes and infinite space but on those other planets there is no other me just a different species or evolved type of humans(alien) . cause even the likliness of the same language would be impossible even in the infinite because the amount of possible languages is infinite.

There is proof although people ignore it,the proof came in the form of the schrodinger thought experiment with a cat some time ago.

And i think before that the two hole experiment:you pass a photon through 1 of 2 holes but it appears to have interference such as light does,light is fine you can say it acts like particles and waves and interferes,but theres no way in hell you can say a single photon interferes with itself to act like when given the choice of two holes it appears to go through both.

Theres more to it than that if you look around but at the end of the day it appears the quantum world (the inner workings of this world)
seems to behave like its doing everything at once but only a single thing when observed,theres the uncertainty principle which
means you cannot measure both the velocity and position of a particle at the same time,you can check the position OR the velocity but not both,the quantum world wont let you.
Originally posted by doom
There is proof although people ignore it,the proof came in the form of the schrodinger thought experiment with a cat some time ago.

And i think before that the two hole experiment:you pass a photon through 1 of 2 holes but it appears to have interference such as light does,light is fine you can say it acts like particles and waves and interferes,but theres no way in hell you can say a single photon interferes with itself to act like when given the choice of two holes it appears to go through both.

Theres more to it than that if you look around but at the end of the day it appears the quantum world (the inner workings of this world)
seems to behave like its doing everything at once but only a single thing when observed,theres the uncertainty principle which
means you cannot measure both the velocity and position of a particle at the same time,you can check the position OR the velocity but not both,the quantum world wont let you.

I dont believe that it is solid proof because if it was then me and you would not be asking if it exists it would just simply be a known fact.
Originally posted by doom There is proof although people ignore it,the proof came in the form of the schrodinger thought experiment with a cat some time ago.
Thought experiments prove nothing, they simply suggest ideas.
Schrodinger's Cat was nothing more than that.

Originally posted by doom And i think before that the two hole experiment:you pass a photon through 1 of 2 holes but it appears to have interference such as light does,light is fine you can say it acts like particles and waves and interferes,but theres no way in hell you can say a single photon interferes with itself to act like when given the choice of two holes it appears to go through both.
The two-slits experiment had nothing to do with multiple universes.
It also didn't prove anything.
It provided evidence of wave-particle duality.
It was experimental evidence supporting the theory that electromagnetic energy exhibits properties of both a wave and a particle at the same time.

Originally posted by doom theres the uncertainty principle which means you cannot measure both the velocity and position of a particle at the same time,you can check the position OR the velocity but not both,the quantum world wont let you.

Not even close to proof of multiple universes.
Well i never said SOLID proof.
Again these things are a matter of definition,i guess ill be carefull in future with the word proof,i meant:
"The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true"

But then you gotta ask yourself
what mind might be willing to accept it and say "well that for me proves the many-worlds is true?"

Without a single doubt in my mind theres people that accept it as proof even if you dont.

It is proof if its convinced people many worlds is true,the dictionary definition of proof dont say

"The evidence or argument that compels EVERYONE to accept an assertion as true."

Originally posted by one_raven
Thought experiments prove nothing, they simply suggest ideas.
Schrodinger's Cat was nothing more than that.

The two-slits experiment had nothing to do with multiple universes.
It also didn't prove anything.
It provided evidence of wave-particle duality.
It was experimental evidence supporting the theory that electromagnetic energy exhibits properties of both a wave and a particle at the same time.

Not even close to proof of multiple universes.

Its not just electromagnetic energy though,its protons,pions,neutrons and electrons.

If you are just firing a single neutron at the screen and get wave particle duality it means EVERYTHING has wave particle duality including moving baseballs.
Schrodinger's Cat in a Box experiment:
A cat is put in a sealed box also containing a smaller box. This smaller box contains cyanide gas, which is instantly fatal. Connected to the smaller box is a device containing a small bit of radioactive matter, which is constantly shooting off particles at random times and directions. The device is set to release the gas if a certain pattern of particles is detected. So until that pattern of particles are released, the cat is safe. But the thing is that we, the observers, are outside the box with no way of knowing what has happened. Is the cat dead yet, or still alive? The only way to tell is to open up the box. Until someone gets a crowbar to open the box and check, the cat is in a superposition of states where it is both dead and alive. Not in an in-between state like night of the living dead, but actually both. When the box is opened and the cat is observed, a collapse of the wavefunction occurs and the cat is found to be either alive or dead.

So how does the cat be alive and dead?
this experiment can be done and we know from the way the quantum world works that somehow while we are not looking the cat must be alive and dead,or a superposition untill actually observed,thats the copenhagen interpretation,which is not very good.

Many worlds say its both dead and alive but split,so when we open the box the wave function collapses and either the cat is dead or alive,supposing it is alive when we open the box,we can say (in the many worlds interpretation) that there is certainly a dead cat in a split universe.

These splits occur at any irreversable process,lighting a cigarette for example is irreversable according to the second law of thermodynamics,such events cause splits but we are not aware of them.

Thats why we dont have half dead cats,the cat will know if its alive or dead,in the classical world everything seems to be normalthe cat is alive or its dead it cant be both,many worlds gives us back a classical universe,but now a multiverse instead to explain things,there are no supposition of states,youll end up in lunacy when saying "who observes the observers,who collapses the universes wave function to make it what it is?"

Hell some people prefer the copenhagen interpretation,you can say GOD collapses the wavefunction of the universe,so while hes still observing the universe,the universe still exists,after all the supposition of the universe as a whole could be its either there or it isnt till observed.
I don't see why we have to think about multiple universes. It seems more sensible to me that there are just fluctuations in matter throughout the universe. Couldn't these "Parallel Universes" that everyone is talking about just be really really far apart? It could have it's own big bang and possibly it's own laws of physics. Since we are dealing with infinity there would be identical bubbles and extremely similar bubbles.

Would you call these extremely distant potions of the universe a parallel universe?
Originally posted by Ectropic
I don't see why we have to think about multiple universes. It seems more sensible to me that there are just fluctuations in matter throughout the universe. Couldn't these "Parallel Universes" that everyone is talking about just be really really far apart? It could have it's own big bang and possibly it's own laws of physics. Since we are dealing with infinity there would be identical bubbles and extremely similar bubbles.

Would you call these extremely distant potions of the universe a parallel universe?

Erm sounds like your talking of superstring theory or M-theory,
MEMBRANES,quantum fluctuations of particles yeah,the uncertainty principle does allow brane worlds to appear from nothing bubbles,thats part of the reason i think uncertainty principle allows for multiple universes.

M-theory may just be a more accurate description of many worlds
or may prove to throw all that out and come up with something with better evidence,they are simarlar,it cannot throw out multiple worlds,its more likely to enforce it,who knows.

Each brane is a 4 dimensional sphere with 6-7 dimensions curled up very very small,or maybe some are 5 dimensional,they wont have life on,there wont be galaxys or anything,
i read stuff by stephen hawking,the universe as it is only works in 4 dimensions,it cant be 3 or 5,6 or whatever,each brane world may start out 11 dimensional and you could say 7 curl up and make the other 4 expand,the other 7 are still there just too tiny.

What it will explain if its true is why gravity is so freakin weak.

It can be strong in the fundamental theory,but its the spread of gravitational force in extra dimensions which will explain why its so weak in this brane which we live inside.
Originally posted by PacingYourName
You just did and it will be your last time its really not that deep dude. :confused:
Why? Which part can't I repeat? Why can’t I? Is it “physically” impossible? If so how? Can I repeat say only the very “first-instant”?

In reality, I can do it again given enough time?

It’s not that deep dude ;)
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Originally posted by one_raven
The two-slits experiment had nothing to do with multiple universes.
It also didn't prove anything.
It provided evidence of wave-particle duality.
It was experimental evidence supporting the theory that electromagnetic energy exhibits properties of both a wave and a particle at the same time.
You seem to treat this rather lightly when its impact is quite profound. How is it that a single photon can interfere with itself? There is quite a bit more than wave/particle duality going on here. There is a fundamental difference between quantum behavior and classical behavior.

One possible resolution to the problem is indeed the MWT (Many Worlds Theory).

Further possible evidence exists in the Feynman Diagrams which show that in order to calculate the path of a quantum particle you have to take into account every possible path.

There are indeed other possible explanations as to why this behavior occurs but no matter which solution you prefer to the conundrum you wind up with a rather strange Universe.

Here are a few:

Originally posted by Raithere
You seem to treat this rather lightly when its impact is quite profound. How is it that a single photon can interfere with itself?
Maybe I don't understand the point of the experement, but I thought that the point was to show that light has properties of a particle and a wave. A wave could interfere with itself if it were split.