Parallel Universes


Valued Senior Member
If you have an interest here's a fun article about Parallel Universes in Scientific American. I wonder if there are parallel Gods in these parallel universes. Maybe the Hindi are right ;)

The idea of such an alter ego seems strange and implausible, but it looks as if we will just have to live with it, because it is supported by astronomical observations. The simplest and most popular cosmological model today predicts that you have a twin in a galaxy about 10 to the 1028 meters from here.
Originally posted by Michael
If you have an interest here's a fun article about Parallel Universes in Scientific American. I wonder if there are parallel Gods in these parallel universes. Maybe the Hindi are right ;)

No. Parallel universes have the same God as us, but they call God by a different name in their language, and they are on a different evolutionary path which is more advanced than ours, but less advanced compared to other universes. In any event, parallel universes still have problems with smog, traffic, illegal immigration, and religious fanatics trying to force their own perception of God down the throats of others.
I don't know about other people Michael, but I don't go in for all that 'Deep thinking' "it's a possibility" stuff. The fact is. anything is possible, and people are capable of imagining anything. Reading it in print doesn't do much for me. Yes, we all know it could be possible, but it's not really much use to us is it.

Sorry if these seems a bit harsh, but it's just my opinion. :(

The fact is. anything is possible,
But that isn’t true. And that is also very much the point. Not everything we imagine is possible, and the real fact is that the vast majority of things we imagine are not possible.

and people are capable of imagining anything.
Exactly, possible and impossible things, and the only way to demonstrate the possible is to show evidence.

Reading it in print doesn't do much for me. Yes, we all know it could be possible,
What makes the difference is not so much the possibility but the probability. The article is pretty much stating that these scenarios are extremely likely to be actuality. But it puts our single big bang Hubble bubble into perspective; our observable big bang bubble is as insignificant as a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert, or more so. It makes the idea of a Creator god choosing a bunch of biological short lived creatures as something special as utterly ludicrous. It is only narrow-minded arrogance that allows some people to think that we are special.

but it's not really much use to us is it.
It is if it gives people a more accurate perspective of their place in the universe.
Not everything we imagine is possible
No but it is possible for us to imagine anything! This is why I don't really like fiction, or general fictious thoughts; it's like, "oh, well done. You've imagined something. I can do that too!" I especially hate it when what has been imagined serves no real purpose at all; it has just been image-ined (presented with images)for us, for no real need! Quite a few films do this, but I don't mind when there is a purpose or a point behind what has been imagine-d: Star Wars for example, shows what we could expect in the future, especially if there is no 'God', and if evolution is true.

our observable big bang bubble is as insignificant as a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert, or more so.
Yes and the chances of all of this creating life is so minute, that I'm a little bit surprised people beleive it. If atoms etc. are all just floating in space and, somehow, these have come together to form the planets, the suns, and ultimately the solar systems, and on teh planets certain chemicals have formed together to produce amino acids (DNA etc) and then some sort of creature that has free will, and 'life' then it's almost unbeleiveable. I can't beleive this is now given presidence over Religion!! I think religion probably did it to itself though!

It is if it gives people a more accurate perspective of their place in the universe.
True, but is there any evidence that actually makes this true?? If not it is all just 20th century 'hyper-thinking', just for the sake of it! If it isn't true then maybe people should get back to living their life and stop spending so much time 'thinking up shit'. (present company excluded!) :D
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I especially hate it when what has been imagined serves no real purpose at all; it has just been image-ined (presented with images)for us, for no real need!
Like art for instance?

….. and if evolution is true.
If? There is no doubt.

Yes and the chances of all of this creating life is so minute, that I'm a little bit surprised people beleive it. If atoms etc. are all just floating in space and, somehow, these have come together to form the planets, the suns, and ultimately the solar systems, and on teh planets certain chemicals have formed together to produce amino acids (DNA etc)
Start with physics 101 and learn the 4 basic forces and that will help you understand how elements and subatomic particles attract and/or repel each other and result in more complex structures. Proceed then to chemistry 101 and learn more about such forces and more complex structures and that leads to biology 101 and how the forces and structures you have just learnt lead to even more complex structures. From such mechanisms it is not at all difficult to see how life was inevitable.

I can't believe this is now given precedence over Religion!!
Ah and now you are beginning to see the issue – one is real while religion is about imagination. And here I take you back to your earlier statement – I especially hate it when what has been imagined serves no real purpose at all; it has just been image-ined (presented with images)for us, for no real need! But gods are a primary example of imagined objects that fulfill no useful purpose and in fact do great harm in distracting peoples minds from real useful things.

True, but is there any evidence that actually makes this true??
Read the article again – while the details are still somewhat speculative the conclusion if that something of this nature must be true.

If it isn't true then maybe people should get back to living their life and stop spending so much time 'thinking up shit'.
You mean like inventing even more religions?
Originally posted by Cris
Exactly, possible and impossible things, and the only way to demonstrate the possible is to show evidence.
which possible..? will be possible, could be possible, may be possible, would have been possible, now possible.....

will be possible - no evidence now.
could be possible - evidence : ?
may be possibe - evidence : ?
would have been possible - evidence : ?!!!
now possible - evidence : yes.
Re: Re: Parallel Universes

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
In any event, parallel universes still have problems with smog, traffic, illegal immigration, and religious fanatics ...
Not to mention pretentious kooks.

you are the reason..

OK so 'possible' -

Take two dice, you can roll them to obtain a result between 2 and 12. Possible in this case are those numbers.

Impossible would be 1 and 13 for example.

So if someone says that one shoudn't discount the existence of a god becuase anything is possible, is talking giberish. One would have to establish whether such a thing is like the 2-12 category or more like 13.
"God doesn't play dice" Albert Einstein
Yes very sensible. It would indeed be embarrassing for him to throw a 13 and to realize he doesn’t exist.
Yes very sensible. It would indeed be embarrassing for him to throw a 13 and to realize he doesn’t exist.

I can see now why thirteen is often considered an unlucky number;)
Originally posted by Cris
... But it puts our single big bang Hubble bubble into perspective; our observable big bang bubble is as insignificant as a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert...
Cris, I really like this analogy :) And in the grain of sand is another Sahara desert with grains of sand called planets - one of which is Earth...
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Well, so much fo "First Cause" arguments ...

It's sad that good sense is merely wishful thinking eh?