Parallel Universes and String theory could they explain the existence of God?

Interesting, but I can't quite relate....... probably due to my lack of Physics knowledge.

I think yours is the right approach. This is just a theory, we need to see how they manage to prove it. But it gives people like me some hope that perhaps there is really more than we can see or sense around us. If this can be proven to be true then our perception of the world would change dramatically. Questions like: Who lives in the other universes? Do alliens live there? Do dead people live there? Can we travel from one universe to another? will arise. A new era for humanity.
Going back to the subject of this forum, I hope this just help people to be more open and less radical about their assumptions, it is tyring to see endless futile theoretical exchanges based on personal opinions where people are more concerned about look smart or winning the argument than figuring out the truth, what a waste of time!
Fatuous remarks.
You're assuming that there is something worthy of further investigation/ consideration.
You're mistaking "open" as being the same as "woolly-minded and ignoring the realities".
This is just a theory
What's just a theory?

we need to see how they manage to prove it.
Theories don't get "proved" they simply have accumulations of supporting evidence.

But it gives people like me some hope that perhaps there is really more than we can see or sense around us. If this can be proven to be true then our perception of the world would change dramatically. Questions like: Who lives in the other universes? Do alliens live there? Do dead people live there? Can we travel from one universe to another? will arise. A new era for humanity.
It doesn't matter.
If there are "other universes" they're cut off from us.
So you can tell yourself that they DO exist because we'd never know anyway and we couldn't interact with them if they did.
It's all moot.

And, one more time, dead people don't live there.
People who haven't died live there (if they exist).
People who had different lives anyway, so if you "found" your grandparents or whoever they wouldn't know you.
Elvis wouldn't have recorded things in the same order or he could be a hitman for the Mafia or a burger flipper at McDonald's...
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What's just a theory?

Sorry, I must have forgotten to include the names of these theories in the tittle, my mistake!

It doesn't matter.
If there are "other universes" they're cut off from us.

Professor Dywyddry, let me remind you that in the first video cited above, Professor Greene gave an example of how he could automatically go from Mount Everest to Paris and get a french baggette and be back in New York for his appointment on time. Don't you think, distinguished professor, he was talking about the possibilities of a connection between all those dimensions?

And, one more time, dead people don't live there

So, distinguished professor, you are a pioneer in the field, you have done research on this subjects and know facts that other scientists can't yet figure out. I believe you should share your knowledge with all of us and publish the research you have done:p
Professor Dywyddry, let me remind you that in the first video cited above, Professor Greene gave an example of how he could automatically go from Mount Everest to Paris and get a french baggette and be back in New York for his appointment on time. Don't you think, distinguished professor, he was talking about the possibilities of a connection between all those dimensions?
Let me remind you that he was be talking about a hypothetical event, a mathematical "trick" not an engineering practicality.

So, distinguished professor, you are a pioneer in the field, you have done research on this subjects and know facts that other scientists can't yet figure out. I believe you should share your knowledge with all of us and publish the research you have done:p
I've already pointed out what was meant about Elvis living there.
And as for "research" I've also already told you that I've read the books not simply watched the hyped-up TV low-attention span fluff.
The history of this stuff (and the genuine scientific speculation/ work) is OLD NEWS.
I've been reading about it for a long time.
Let me remind you that he was be talking about a hypothetical event, a mathematical "trick" not an engineering practicality.

Yes, that is why this is a theory

I've already pointed out what was meant about Elvis living there.
And as for "research" I've also already told you that I've read the books not simply watched the hyped-up TV low-attention span fluff.
The history of this stuff (and the genuine scientific speculation/ work) is OLD NEWS.
I've been reading about it for a long time.

So what do you think? do you agree with these guys? did they abandon these theories?
Yes, that is why this is a theory
No no no.
Even if it ever could become an engineering practicality it would still be a theory.

So what do you think? do you agree with these guys? did they abandon these theories?
There's no way to test the theory.
Therefore it's more speculation than scientific theory.
No no no.
Even if it ever could become an engineering practicality it would still be a theory.

There's no way to test the theory.
Therefore it's more speculation than scientific theory.

Now the professor's opinion it that is speculation not a theory! What nerve!! really amazing!

You have not seen the videos, have you? Not only there are ways to prove thetheory but also they have developed the intruments. You were suppossed to see them before you give an opinion.
If you watch the whole elegant universe series he does go into some of the problems of string theory, like the complete lack of experiemental verification.

Its nice math, but it needs to get physical to really count as full on physics.

On the bright side, they may have some anomolies in the new gravity wave detectors which may be related to string theory so stay tuned.
Not only there are ways to prove thetheory but also they have developed the intruments.
Theories cannot be proved. Ever. (Unless it's purely a maths theorem).

You were suppossed to see them before you give an opinion.
And one MORE time.
I've read the damned books, I don't need some unavailable website showing me glossed-over versions of stuff I've read several times.
Theories cannot be proved. Ever. (Unless it's purely a maths theorem).

And one MORE time.
I've read the damned books, I don't need some unavailable website showing me glossed-over versions of stuff I've read several times.

This thread is been closed. I will not participate in these forums any longer. Good bye!:)
The OP requested that the thread be deleted. I will not. We don't delete threads just because the OP gets in a hissy when no one will try the Kool-Aid™ with them.

I will however close it.
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On second thought, I'm not going to close it. Someone else might still want to comment. The OP is free to unsubscribe and/or place others in his/her ignore list.
Parallel Universes and String theory could they explain the existence of God?
What do you think?

The question is flawed. I presumes that some life form (God) exists (i.e. that there is something to be explained). What most (if not all) theories of reality actually do is demonstrate that *everything* always exists... no beginning... no end. It simply is. That of course does away with even the remotest theistical hope of a *creator*.
The whole notion of taking the gribberish from bronze age sheep herders and then expecting people to prove or disprove it is so wrong minded as to be astounding.

Let's just look at the universe as it is and see what we find for ourselves.
Just out of curiosity... if string theory and parallel universes were demonstrated which god's existence would they explain? Why that god and not others?