Parallel Universes and String theory could they explain the existence of God?


Registered Member
It seems yes, for some people, as for me I am glad I have finally found what science thinks about the para-normal, parallel universes, and existence in other dimensions. There are lots of web sites. But the scientists that are more into this are Dr. Michio Kaku professor of theoretical physics at City College of New york and and Dr. Brian Green professor of Physics at Columbia University.

For those interested on a scientific approach to these subjects I recommend to watch these videos in you tube:

Elegant Universe, Can string theory detect God? Brian Green

Parallel Universes. Michio Kaku and several other physicists. 5 parts (BBC)

String Theory, M-theory, parallel worlds. Michio Kaku, brian Green and Lisa Rhandall 6 parts (parts 2 and 3 they talk about the posibilities of dead people living in other dimensions)

Take your time, they are kind of hard to grasp for those who do not know much about physics, like me.
The web site where this is explained in easier terms is:

What do you think?
It seems yes, for some people, as for me I am glad I have finally found what science thinks about the para-normal, parallel universes, and existence in other dimensions.
Apparently not.
Science denies (due to lack of evidence) the para-normal.

For parallel universes and/ or string theory to explain the existence of god first of all you'd have to show that god exists.
I suspect (not having seen the videos but I have read Greene's book and Kaku's - [and neither mention "finding" god or dead people - I strongly suspect TV audience-pulling "fluff" for that]) that any "god" talked about would be Einstein's/ Hawking's i.e. the "answer" NOT the guy with the beard...

In other words: no.

As previously explained to you if there are parallel universe we cannot access them, nor they us, so if they exist, and if "god" is there it's all moot anyway: no connection between them and us so they might as well not exist.
I think you should delete this thread. I watched Brian Greene's Elegant Universe and he never made any mention about dead people living in other dimensions. I even have an audio interview of him saying that from a scientific POV, a human being is just a very sophisticated computer. Your computer doesn't go to computer heaven when you unplug it, and there's no scientific reason to think a human does either.
Then again some religious people believe that souls exist in other dimensions that manifest in this dimension as physical objects. It is like your computer connected to a cloud computing system. For a child, it would appear that information travels magically in thin air (wi-fi) to your computer.

If human beings are truly a sophisticated computer, there is more reason to believe that we are connected to the cloud computer by means yet to discover like quantum entanglement or whatever...

Besides the value of computer is in networking....

Just a humble POV...
I think you should delete this thread. I watched Brian Greene's Elegant Universe and he never made any mention about dead people living in other dimensions. I even have an audio interview of him saying that from a scientific POV, a human being is just a very sophisticated computer. Your computer doesn't go to computer heaven when you unplug it, and there's no scientific reason to think a human does either.

Obviously you have not seen the video where is interviewed by Michio Kaku, actually it is just a audio.The one I mention above. The idea is, you need to watch the videos and then give an opinion.
Apparently not.
Science denies (due to lack of evidence) the para-normal.

[ QUOTE] and neither mention "finding" god or dead people - I strongly suspect TV audience-pulling "fluff" for that]) that any "god" talked about would be Einstein's/ Hawking's i.e. the "answer" NOT the guy with the beard...

I agree, they do not mention God (I do not believe in God). They mention the paranormal, dead people living in other dimensions. They mention "Elvis Presley can be alive in another dimension". Again part 2 and 3 of the third video mentioned above

As previously explained to you if there are parallel universe we cannot access them, nor they us, so if they exist, and if "god" is there it's all moot anyway: no connection between them and us so they might as well not exist.

Are you a physicist? What makes you believe you are entitled to come up such conclusions when these scientist say the oposite?
You have not watched the video I mention above!!! where he is interviewed by Michio Kaku, why would I listen to you and not to them?
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Then again some religious people believe that souls exist in other dimensions that manifest in this dimension as physical objects. It is like your computer connected to a cloud computing system. For a child, it would appear that information travels magically in thin air (wi-fi) to your computer.

If human beings are truly a sophisticated computer, there is more reason to believe that we are connected to the cloud computer by means yet to discover like quantum entanglement or whatever...

Besides the value of computer is in networking....

Just a humble POV...

Have you watched the videos above?
I agree, they do not mention God (I do not believe in God). They mention the paranormal, dead people living in other dimensions. They mention "Elvis Presley can be alive in another dimension". Again part 2 and 3 of the third video mentioned above
Not as a dead person but as not having died yet: in a parallel universe things don't necessarily happen the way they do in ours.
I.e. you misunderstand the meaning.
Elvis CAN be alive in another dimension, (but he'd be knocking on a bit by now wherever he is, at 74 he'd probably be retired...)

Are you a physicist?
As I've already told you in another thread: no but I do try to keep up.

What makes you believe you are entitled to come up such conclusions when these scientist say the oposite?
And as I've shown above they DON'T say the opposite...

You have not watched the video I mention above!!! where he is interviewed by Michio Kaku, why would I listen to you and not to them?
Because I've read the books, not watched selected TV fluff interviews tailored to low attention-span couch potatoes.
So you get it now?
It's not dead people, it's counterparts that didn't die.
So you get it now?
It's not dead people, it's counterparts that didn't die.

People who died in this dimension could be alive in another, that is all I need to know for now.

Sorry Dywyddyr I have to go, my favorite show Ghost Hunters International is about to start!!!....:p
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People who died in this dimension could be alive in another, that is all I need to know for now.
But, by the same reasoning, they AREN'T the same people they would be in our dimension.
Merely counterparts...
I am sorry I know it takes time to see them all, but I thought it is interesting to know what they are up to.Just food for thought!:)

Yes, I know. But by the time it is in Nova, the ideas are 15 to 20 years old. Many years ago (1990) a physicist was doing research on gravity and hyper charge. We still have not heard anything yet.
Yes, I know. But by the time it is in Nova, the ideas are 15 to 20 years old. Many years ago (1990) a physicist was doing research on gravity and hyper charge. We still have not heard anything yet.

Do you think they have abandoned these theories by now?
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Do you think they have abandoned these theories by now?

Who knows. It is difficult to talk about any new idea even in a pseudoscience forum - because flat earth society people really get mad and trun in to Rush Limbaugh. That is the nature of our society.
It seems yes, for some people, as for me I am glad I have finally found what science thinks about the para-normal, parallel universes, and existence in other dimensions. There are lots of web sites. But the scientists that are more into this are Dr. Michio Kaku professor of theoretical physics at City College of New york and and Dr. Brian Green professor of Physics at Columbia University.

For those interested on a scientific approach to these subjects I recommend to watch these videos in you tube:

Elegant Universe, Can string theory detect God? Brian Green

Parallel Universes. Michio Kaku and several other physicists. 5 parts (BBC)

String Theory, M-theory, parallel worlds. Michio Kaku, brian Green and Lisa Rhandall 6 parts (parts 2 and 3 they talk about the posibilities of dead people living in other dimensions)

Take your time, they are kind of hard to grasp for those who do not know much about physics, like me.
The web site where this is explained in easier terms is:

What do you think?

Interesting, but I can't quite relate....... probably due to my lack of Physics knowledge.
Who knows. It is difficult to talk about any new idea even in a pseudoscience forum - because flat earth society people really get mad and trun in to Rush Limbaugh. That is the nature of our society.

I agree, the typical attitude of someone who does not know much about a subject is the radical approach. I think it is just a natural tendency, when we are uneducated about something we start by seen it in absolute terms: black or white, republican or democrat, capitalist or socialist, religious or atheists. As we face reality we start figuring out that there are multiple degrees of grey between black and white, so we become less radical in our assessments.

If a person is used to use his brain to figure out his problems, for instance someone who has a formal education, he would have more chances of having a moderate approach to any subject. Just because when you are constantly confronted with your own ignorance, mistakes and flaws( when you take tests to advance in your career) your ego becomes stronger and you are not that uncomfortable thinking that may be you are wrong.

Going back to the subject of this forum, I hope this just help people to be more open and less radical about their assumptions, it is tyring to see endless futile theoretical exchanges based on personal opinions where people are more concerned about look smart or winning the argument than figuring out the truth, what a waste of time!