Parallel Dimension and Ideal Future

rocket art

Registered Member
Hi, I'm new here and I would like to share my new view that I initially call as "Rocket Theory". I present this for open scrutiny, and open minded discussions regarding this are welcome.

I perceive that to define our existing Present universe (E=mc^2), there is the need to incorporate 3 more dimensional 'realities.' But these must be perceived from the observer's viewpoint within the Singularity, where past, present and future gets blurred. We will follow 4 perceived realities that interlink one with another, and to perceive these other three parts are necessary to define one part (our Present existing physical universe).

The first is what I would term as Ideal Past, wherein it incorporated our classics, myths, legends, glories that we put into our memory. This reality is implosive, centripetal, that’s why I will have it in squareroot. The pattern of Ideal Past will be:

E=mass times square root of c^2

The Ideal Past will constitute the rest mass of the Present E=mc^2 which is expansive, centrifugal by nature. The patterns of the Ideal Past is necessary to create our Present. Our Present is the E=mc^2, where:

E = mass times c(rest mass) times c(observer-relative)

Then the third reality, in which we are about to enter, will be the Ideal Future, which, like the Ideal Past, is implosive, centripetal in nature. Here I will assign a third powerful unit, c alpha=Awareness and the observer now becomes aware. The “c” in E=mc^2 relative to the observer is now differentiated. There is an observer who is “unaware”, and an observer who is “aware”. Such makes a big difference and should be considered. The Awareness is acquired after the knowledge from the Ideal Past is revealed, extracted from Present, then transported as quantified knowledge for the Ideal Future. Being implosive, centripetal, the pattern of Ideal Future will be:

E = mass times cuberoot of c(rest mass) times c alpha(Awareness) times c (observer-relative-Aware).

Then, we will proceed to what I term as the Parallel Present, which is the parallel dimension to our Present, and it is also centrifugal, expansive in nature. The equation for Parallel Present will also be E=mc^2, but this time incorporating with it the powerful 3rd force of Awareness and the Ideal Future becoming its rest mass (cuberoot of c^3), and eventually integrated as new data for the Parallel Present:

E=mass times c(rest mass from Ideal Future cuberoot c^3) times c alpha(observer-relative-Aware)

The Parallel Present, similarly as the Present, both being centrifugal, expansive dimensions, are like catalysts for the expansion of our Universe.

The new c alpha(Awareness) is powerful enough to transform the Future we are about to enter, into an Ideal one. And when such time comes, the Aware Ones (as we choose to be 'Aware') would be highly able to propel such energy into technologies as interstellar and interdimensional, or time travel, free energy, ESP with our highly Evolved Consciousness by then.

The actual Ideal Future would by then be E=mc^3. This profound addition c alpha=Awareness would most likely manifest physically with one's evolution like additional strand DNA, extra sensory perception, highly advanced technology, etc. This is the era of Ideal Future, in which we are about to enter when we choose to.

Actually, it first started as my painting, until eventually I prodded myself to translate it tangibly through this. You may see the visual painting of the theory on the blog "Rocket Theory" at my homepage found in my username link.

This is also consistent with my 'rocket philosophy' that 'Consciousness is the source of gravity', in which I also posted in another forum 3 years ago (I conceptualized last 2000 in a chatroom). This is also posted in my homepage blog.
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When you say 'ideal past and future' are you talking about the ideal past and future of individuals, the ideal past and future existing within the entire human consciousness/genetic memory? Or ideal past and futures existing as tangile parellel universes physically experienced?
When you say 'ideal past and future' are you talking about the ideal past and future of individuals, the ideal past and future existing within the entire human consciousness/genetic memory? Or ideal past and futures existing as tangile parellel universes physically experienced?

I stated the "Ideal" in Past and Future for the purpose of extracting the 3rd c alpha= Awareness. Our Past may be frought with travails and mistakes, but it is in our learning of the Past that 'awareness' sets in (Ideal Past). There were also classics, glories, knowledge that humanity had achieved and these may also consitute as our memory prefers to remember them, being 'aware' of the patterns where we find lessons. Some of the knowledge that would play the crucial role of eliciting awareness may had been 'supressed' in the Present, and it is with its relevelation that "awareness ' on a massive level would set in. An example would be the revelation of the secret knowledge of sacred geoometry as revealed to the masses in massive scale by the modernity of media such as the internet, where such patterns of 'awareness' may even be traced within each of us even going back while we are in embryonic, mitosis stage. Such pattern would then manifest both from the glories of the Past and the Future that will be created by the Awareness of it, referring to it as "Ideal".

With such added knowledge and awareness, we will then be able to envision an Ideal Future that we prefer to, based on the pattern of 'Awareness' from the knowledge gained. Such Awareness would then propel a much more enlightened future with promises for higher human development and higher civilizations as we choose to be 'aware', than to compare with a bleak future had humanity remained 'unaware'.

Even in our Present Dimension we may have gained much knowledge and create civilizations, yet the viewpoint of being 'aware' remains to be seen. Had we been more 'aware' society would not have gravely affected the planet with technologies that resulted to pollution and excessive exploitation of resources, or with systems that caused imbalance to its distribution, causing much injustice and strife at global level.

For us to envision an Ideal Future based on the patterns of Awareness which acts like a blueprint (where such profound Awareness is assigned by the Theory with the added powerful unit c to E=mc^3 and will manifest in our physicality as highly evolved Future Beings, highly advanced technology and civilization), would necessitate a Parallel Present that would differentiate it from the Present where we were yet 'unaware'.

Such effort then would require its manifestation from the inner awareness relative to each individual level, that will influence the Collective Consciousness of humanity, and influence the physical dimensions as Awareness becomes the tangible experience of one and the whole.
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It may take that, and it takes more than that.

DNA mutation tends to occur when environmental agents such as ultraviolet light anomalously cause its damage. If, in a more quintessential perspective, such environmental factors beyond one's yet untapped capacity would trigger a 'reawakening' in the the "Light' of Awareness by us being at one with nature and universe, surely it would enable us to evolve to a higher level with the Awareness more profound than the capacity of an anomaly to mutate it.

I tend to believe that evolution occurs when the living species, having been subjected to varying factors, 'divert' beyond the usual norms and patterns that previously define and limit it.
Can you prove that such environmental factors can cause what you percieve to be a 'reawakening' or higher level of consciousness, since this is part of your theory?
Also to be honest im kind of lost again as to watch youre actually trying to outline with all of this, im not sure if its because youre using details to fog what could be alot of half-formed ideas central to your theory. If its because what youre saying is simply going over my head.
Life is a continuous process of learning, and to seek for proof, I as a Conscious entity, may have to prove such for myself, as you may have to prove for yourself. Yet such environmental factors had obviously caused us to evolve and develop to higher levels of achievement from cavedweller to highrise office employee, as the process of learning continuously progresses.

Except that some factors may have been deliberately supressed to keep us unaware, such that in religion it may be the 'tree of knowledge of life' had been kept away from us, or in the Present society and paradigms the knowledge that would otherwise create much difference to our present dilemma may have been kept by secret societies with secret knowledge had kept it for themselves, until the advent of internet that revealed such profound knowledge as 'sacred geometry', informing any interested individual around the world simply by accessing sites as youtube or and appreciated even by a simple interested person. Such Awareness would then reawaken us on a massive scale and could create a difference to our Present dimension. Yet it starts with every individual.

Be holistic with your perspectives, it may take more than just using one's head, when our heart may also be susceptible. Outside can be very noisy, it may be by listening with the faint whisper within, and it doesn't always have to be analyzed; feeling, experiencing, relaxing on the profoundness of Life and of nature's handiworks may even be what it would simply require.
Youre moving from claim to claim with nothing to back any of this up - if you believe that knowledge has been with held to keep us 'down' as a race.
Then i think your first hurdle would be proving that is even true, which could possibly be a life times work in itself.
Youre moving from claim to claim with nothing to back any of this up - if you believe that knowledge has been with held to keep us 'down' as a race.
Then i think your first hurdle would be proving that is even true, which could possibly be a life times work in itself.

Our role as Conscious entity related to this issue cannot be subjectively defined, but rather subjectively approached. A more holistic perspective is required, relative to our Consciousness.

If I finally tell you that I backed up my Theory with the evidence that I had subjectively approached, such that when I initially sketched visually my theory, it then confirmed that the clouds above me reflected the exact sketch that I scribbled, I will not demand to subjectively define it in a way that I demand you to also sketch cloud formations to prove it. In your own personal pace, you will then seek for it within you.

Such knowledge gained was inner in nature, and when one talks about it outside, it will be simply regarded as absurd, ridiculous or fantasy, as the general populace had been conditioned to such mentality.
sounds to much like preaching of a new Evangelical scientological religion
Really? Sounds amusing because I have no plan whatsoever of founding another religion. nor do I plan to become a bearded ascetic or guru. Anyway, we can discuss about this based on scientific views and basically based on Einstein's formula: E=mc^2.

Ideal Past

May as well discuss about my idea detail by detail. We may begin with my concept on the Ideal Past:

Based on Einstein's formula, I assigned it as:
E = m times sqrt{c^2}

I used the squareroot because I perceived of the Ideal Past as implosive, contained within our memory. Encoded within such dimension are the profound datas that acquired itsef with the term "Ideal." such profound datas may be in synchronicity with the implosive nature of the Ideal Past, which may be perceived as intuitive, inner knowledge that created such profoundness but was eventually regarded by the expansive nature of the Present as 'myth, legends, fantasies'. Such inner knowledge of Ideal Past, being implosive in nature, eventually succumbed to the expansive, reason and logic based nature as our space-time existence approaches the Present. Hence, with the advent of the victor being the ones rewriting history, such implosive knowledge were eventually forgotten, supressed, or waiting to be revealed.

But then, I assigned sqrt{c^2} as the unit for rest mass of the Present instead, which became the basis for the unit of c in E=mc^2. Such unit had incorporated the data (Awareness) embedded within rest mass, from within nature's secrets waiting to be unlocked.

This data embedded within nature may be made tangible with evolution and mutation that one observes, just as primeval flora that used to be fern-like varieties had evolved with more complex and intricate vegetations. These data may be manifestations of more complex geometric patterns, but these patterns primarily follow basic structures, and ultimately follow the grand composition of the Universe itself. In the Ideal Past, such knowledge were then known, and it may be oftentimes referred to as 'sacred geometry'.

Such inner, implosive knowledge that had blossomed in the Ideal Past but dismissed by the Present as mere myths, legends or fantasies, may be revealed again as Humanity inevitably must gain knowledge. Despite obstacles and ignorance, such Awareness must then be known for all Humanity to collectively achieve a new vision of Ideal Future, otherwise such would only succumb to a Future that our state of 'unawareness' may deserve.

After the topic of Ideal Past will be thouroughly discussed and eventually resolved, we may proceed with the discussion on the Present, and so on.
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I should have posted my Universe painting (used it as avatar though) that started it all, but default says I must post at least 20 before I could upload it. I layered out the formulas over there for more effective visual presentation. You may look for it instead at my homepage when you click on my username.

I see. It has a surreal outsider art quality that I like, especially the pseudoscientific text. I like art that contains diagrams.
I had to do the equations by myself because I haven't met someone more in technical field who could grasp the idea I wanted to express. I could have just leave it down, and just soar above, the Essence of the idea is with me anyway. But I had decided to rake a risk until its practicality will finally be understood.

The formulas were just add-on from photoshop.