Paradox of the Stone


Nothing should be impossible for omnipotent god. What seems to be logically impossible can be possible for omnipotent god perhaps at the cost of logic. God can tweak the basic premises for the logic, partially/temporarily.
Oh gee you dont get it yet. At its simplest logic is concerned with two values, true or false. Something cannot be true and false at the same time. A god, with whatever power cannot change that. E.g. the uinverse cannot exist and not exist at the same time. I.e. a god cannot create a paradox.

For omnipotence to make sense then it can only pertain to what is logically possible.

Oh gee you dont get it yet. At its simplest logic is concerned with two values, true or false. Something cannot be true and false at the same time. A god, with whatever power cannot change that. E.g. the uinverse cannot exist and not exist at the same time. I.e. a god cannot create a paradox.

For omnipotence to make sense then it can only pertain to what is logically possible.

It's you who doesn't get it.
Can God become a human in every respect?

If He does then He isn't God anymore. Do you think God is dumb enough to try?
When faced with paradoxes and double binds, psychologists suggest to look at the metacommunicative aspect in order to resolve the uncomfortable situation.

In the case of the OP topic, this means asking oneself questions like -

Why am I wondering about the Paradox of the Stone?
What's in it for me to solve the Paradox of the Stone?

- answer such question to yourself, and then work from there.

Why the hell not?
Why question anything?
Why wonder? Why think?
What else is there to do?

Originally Posted by Cris

Oh gee you dont get it yet. At its simplest logic is concerned with two values, true or false. Something cannot be true and false at the same time. A god, with whatever power cannot change that. E.g. the uinverse cannot exist and not exist at the same time. I.e. a god cannot create a paradox.

For omnipotence to make sense then it can only pertain to what is logically possible.

It's you who doesn't get it.
Yet, you don’t attempt to explain why, making your comment somewhat worthless.

I commented because I feel others have explained this quite well.

What seems like a logical conundrum to us does not make it so for God by definition.