Pantheism - a one universe for all

just to add and extend, as I agree...
A sentient God can only be limited by his own volition and sanity.
Thus self limiting by his own self restraint. However the act of self limiting does not impinge on omnipotency or immanence in fact it exemplifies it IMO.
I think it is a consistent position to say God could be immanent but never chooses to. So God could but doesn't. But if his lack of doing this has to do with God being in zero dimension only or has no location and never does, then this seems like a claim about God's essence, which is what I thought BC was claiming earlier.

I.E. "Can a omnipotent immanent God play chess with out cheating?"
A pantheist must accept that God both cheats and play fairly.

In a Christian paradigm God is only what HE wants to be and justifies himself only unto himself and no one else.
And makes some very interesting, very specific choices.

In Panthiesm, God [ universe ] is exactly the same in that the universe is self justifying and not reliant on something outside itself. [there can be nothing beyond everything]

Is the universe immanent? IMO absolooooodelly so.
I would say in pantheism there is nothing transcendent, so the distinction loses meaning. Everything, including God, is here. There is none of that base matter vs. transcendent light split that is so strong in the Abrahamic religions. (and in my opinion a big problem is created by this way of viewing things)