Pain vs prison

"Aye. I hadn't heard that, though. How has he changed?"

Last reports I read in Toronto Star said his demeanour had changed to that more like a common sex criminal. The interesting thing about Bernardo is that he is far, far from the "prototypical sex criminal" (not unlike in American Psycho). He's going "stir-crazy" and the prisoners and such near his cell have said that he spends a lot of time banging things, yelling and screaming and the sorts. It's only been 5 years. He has many more. My bet is he'll be insane within another five.
He's going "stir-crazy" and the prisoners and such near his cell have said that he spends a lot of time banging things, yelling and screaming and the sorts. It's only been 5 years. He has many more. My bet is he'll be insane within another five.

Wow, that is so fucking cool. It's like they're methodically destroying his humanity by keeping him in solitairy.
"Wow, that is so fucking cool. It's like they're methodically destroying his humanity by keeping him in solitairy."

I know, it's fucking awesome. I remember being like 10 years old when this whole thing came out and first questioning the death penalty and whether it would be more useful in this situation. All I can say is seeing Bernardo going insane seems much, much more fitting!

Though, what happened to Homolka is probably the biggest case of bullshit in legal history.
And they're trying to somewhat make up for it now.
I know, it's fucking awesome. I remember being like 10 years old when this whole thing came out and first questioning the death penalty and whether it would be more useful in this situation. All I can say is seeing Bernardo going insane seems much, much more fitting!
I know! Slowly destroying what remains of his humanity and turning him into little more than an animal, simply by constantly wearing at him......fuckin' brilliant!

News about the Homolka case is kinda hard to come by in the 'States.
Well I don't know if you remember (it was a long time ago), but because she gave all the necessary info to put Paul away forever - she got let off with like 10 years in a minimum security prison.

Anyway, now they're denying her any chance of an early release (despite that it falls well within the limits of her contract) based on (get this) - they say she's still a "violent sex threat" because........(drum roll)........she has a lesbian partner in jail and has.....(watch for it)......"expressed interest in having a male sexual partner". Oh shit! She wants to fuck! She must be a mental case still!

By the law, she's been on complete good behaviour and has showed no signs of danger - she should be let out. But they realize that she actually deserves to be in jail just like Paul and she only got out for ratting on Pauly boy. Thank god. Five years in jail for what she did would disturb me to no end.

Frankly, I don't think she's much of a threat. She was highly, highly swayed by Bernardo and is definetly in need of psychiatric help - but she's receiving that after/during jail. Something tells me without a Paul around she's not much of a threat. It's just that what she did was beyond sick. I don't believe in objective morality or the word "sick" actually being beyond subjective - but please. Pulling out a girls fingernails and then fucking her as she screams? Ugh.
"News about the Homolka case is kinda hard to come by in the 'States."

Actually, this kind of surprises me. I know you guys don't get much of our news period - but this was an absolutely MASSIVE case in Canada. And rightfully so, it was probably the most disgusting and disturbing case I've ever heard of.
By the law, she's been on complete good behaviour and has showed no signs of danger - she should be let out. But they realize that she actually deserves to be in jail just like Paul and she only got out for ratting on Pauly boy. Thank god. Five years in jail for what she did would disturb me to no end

Wouldn't it be so totally cool if she was raped and killed when she got out?

Actually, this kind of surprises me. I know you guys don't get much of our news period - but this was an absolutely MASSIVE case in Canada. And rightfully so, it was probably the most disgusting and disturbing case I've ever heard of.

I know. I mean, we do get news on the case, but only when it comes to major developments.
"Wouldn't it be so totally cool if she was raped and killed when she got out?"

I'm going to admitt, I wouldn't really mind it. I'd rather have her rot in jail for ever and ever - but sadly our government needed to sell out to complete the case. It's an interesting study in ethics, actually. One of the defence lawyers knew about tapes that proved everything to put both of them away and chose not to tell.
I don't think torture would make any difference in preventing multiple and repeated criminals. This people are already used on pain, and it would made them only more tough.

For worse criminals (like serial killers, mass killers, child molesters, ritual sadistic killers and also heads of organized crime) I would legalize a punishment of painful death (crucifixion and pike impelling) so their agony can last for days. Also I would make it public, so that other potential criminals can see it. It would be an ideal general prevention.

For minor age delinquents I would organize public flogging (vandalism, destruction of property like gang gaffiti ect.) as pedagogic measure. By repeating the same crime I would double the number of lashes so the multiple and non reparable offenders would not survive the number of lashes at the end of their crime carrier.
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