Pacific Dark Matter Comet Uplifted Hapgood's Siberian Ice Mammoths 40kya


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Wait for Einstein's relativity to fall, otherwise anything I say doesn't make any sense. The famous Professor Hapgood is a hero of mine in that he investigated the mystery of the siberian frozen mammoths found with buttercups in their mouths. They were found in standing positions as if eating grass on a warm August day - but in the middle of Siberia! How could that be during an ice age?

I have a solution: An impact event from a large dark matter comet straight into the Pacific basin on the other side of the globe caused a massive shock wave which lifted the Siberian landmass by around 6km, 1/1000 of the Earth's 6000km radius. This instantly liquified the ground and raised the sunken mammoths into freezing arctic air above where they instantly froze.

This is one the best books on the subject Frozen fauna of the Mammoth Steppe: the story of Blue Babe By Russell Dale Guthrie

(The warm temperatures would have been due to the millennial warming cycle of the Moon's influence imo)
Wait for Einstein's relativity to fall, otherwise anything I say doesn't make any sense. The famous Professor Hapgood is a hero of mine in that he investigated the mystery of the siberian frozen mammoths found with buttercups in their mouths. They were found in standing positions as if eating grass on a warm August day - but in the middle of Siberia! How could that be during an ice age?

I have a solution: An impact event from a large dark matter comet straight into the Pacific basin on the other side of the globe caused a massive shock wave which lifted the Siberian landmass by around 6km, 1/1000 of the Earth's 6000km radius. This instantly liquified the ground and raised the sunken mammoths into freezing arctic air above where they instantly froze.

This is one the best books on the subject Frozen fauna of the Mammoth Steppe: the story of Blue Babe By Russell Dale Guthrie

(The warm temperatures would have been due to the millennial warming cycle of the Moon's influence imo)

I really don't understand you at all. Your basic M.O. is to discount all current scientific theories, but incorporate bits of scientific data or aspects of the theories you discounted and wind them into a wild bizarre conjectures - the crazier the better. It is very puzzling.:shrug:
I don't think a dark matter comet would need to hit the Earth, just pass it, as the gravity is reversed, but anyway...

Same MO as common sense seeker. How in the hell do you think there could be a 'dark matter comet' based on our understanding of dark matter?
I'm pretty sure that Pincho doesn't know what dark matter is.

He just likes the way it sounds.
I didn't even need to see the author label from the main page to know who'd written this thread...
It's a good question as to whether threads like this ought to be given a place in the "Alternative Theories" forum.

And, similarly, whether posts such as the one by Pincho Paxton in this thread ought to be tolerated at all.

This "alternative theory" is based on nothing. No evidence. No workable physics. Nothing but an overactive imagination. There's no such thing as a "dark matter comet". Nobody has ever found one. There are no reputable theories that such things might even exist.

I am inclined to dump this thread in the Cesspool, close it and ban the poster involved temporarily in the hope that he will really seek some common sense. But I won't.

I think we've almost overdue for a discussion of what does and does not belong in "Alternative Theories". If the current thread qualifies as an "alternative theory", then I think that sciforums has jumped the shark.
But where does it go? (if it goes anywhere at all)

Would this go in pseudoscience, or do we just say, 'this is so goddamned stupid that we don't want it associated with our site at all'?
A dark matter proto-comet is a theoretical type of comet made up of dark matter.

Crewman Mortimer Harren of the USS Voyager once wrote a paper on dark matter proto-comets. He theorized that a tertiary byproduct of stellar consolidation would be a comet-like assemblage of dark matter. It would be attracted to any source of antimatter and then neutralize it upon impact. He thought that the Delta Flyer was struck by a dark matter proto-comet in 2376 when the ship was impacted by an unknown phenomenon. However, it was discovered that the ship was actually struck by a dark matter lifeform. Therefore the existence of such a comet still remains only a theory. (VOY: "Good Shepherd")
;) lol
It's a good question as to whether threads like this ought to be given a place in the "Alternative Theories" forum.

And, similarly, whether posts such as the one by Pincho Paxton in this thread ought to be tolerated at all.

This "alternative theory" is based on nothing. No evidence. No workable physics. Nothing but an overactive imagination. There's no such thing as a "dark matter comet". Nobody has ever found one. There are no reputable theories that such things might even exist.

I am inclined to dump this thread in the Cesspool, close it and ban the poster involved temporarily in the hope that he will really seek some common sense. But I won't.

I think we've almost overdue for a discussion of what does and does not belong in "Alternative Theories". If the current thread qualifies as an "alternative theory", then I think that sciforums has jumped the shark.

I don't know what sort of theory this is, but picking names out in the thread is over judgemental I think.
@Pincho --

You should know.

Like this one above.. These members only come on here to annoy people. What I am working on is an Overnet. A governing body of the internet, so that Forums are situated inside bigger bodies, and the Overnet can interact with the internet, and hand out punishments for things like slander etc to the people running the forums. So that things are ran properly. I've worked for some big companies, and it is a matter of bringing the overseas companies together.
I don't think a dark matter comet would need to hit the Earth, just pass it, as the gravity is reversed, but anyway...
It's more likely that it was a direct impact as opposed to a fly-by. The moon would have to be a moon's diameter from the surface to achieve a 6km gravity deformation of the globe.

There *is* evidence for a mega-tsunami at 40kya: Mass movements in cave sediments: investigation of a ~40,000-year-old guano mudflow inside the entrance of the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Borneo

The West Mouth of the Great Cave at Niah in Sarawak, northwest Borneo and the North Passage that leads to the West Mouth contain large deposits of guano. The main deposit, several metres thick in places, forms the sloping floor of the entire North Passage. A mass movement deposit identified in the West Mouth, having a volume of 600 m3, originated as a guano mudflow up the North Passage in the order of 40,000 years ago. This failure of the guano slope was investigated to determine whether particular conditions or events could be identified as the most likely causes. The physical, hydrological and geotechnical properties of samples of the material were determined so that the stability of the slope could be assessed. Stability analyses showed that shearing failure of the slope would require inputs of water to the slope in quantities for which no feasible explanation can be suggested. However, the properties of the guano are similar to those of loess, indicating a high susceptibility to hydrocollapse. Very shallow failure of the slope, possibly as several smaller mudflows, could therefore have occurred due to additional water in quantities that could realistically be supplied as rainwater spray, possibly with a seismic trigger. The climate must therefore have been wetter than it is at present. These findings have implications for the interpretation of sediment deposits in other relict caves.

There *is* also evidence for a global strike in the form of the Laschamps magnetic pole shift anomaly

Events triggered by the 40,000 year BP superwave

“Do you think the C 40,000 BC superwave event had anything to to do with this? Significant new information shows that the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption from the Phlegrean Fields, southern Italy, was much larger than hitherto supposed and in fact one of the largest late Quaternary explosive events. The eruption can be dated to 40,000 calendar years ago, within the interval of the so-called Middle to Upper Paleolithic ‘transition’. Its position can be precisely correlated with a number of other environmental events, including Heinrich Event 4 (HE4), the Laschamp excursion, and a particular cosmogenic nuclide peak.”

Deep-sea sediment records of the Laschamp geomagnetic field excursion (41,000 calendar years before present)
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It's more likely that it was a direct impact as opposed to a fly-by. The moon would have to be a moon's diameter from the surface to achieve a 6km gravity deformation of the globe.

There *is* evidence for a mega-tsunami at 40kya: Mass movements in cave sediments: investigation of a ~40,000-year-old guano mudflow inside the entrance of the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Borneo

There *is* also evidence for a global strike in the form of the Laschamps magnetic pole shift anomaly

Events triggered by the 40,000 year BP superwave

Deep-sea sediment records of the Laschamp geomagnetic field excursion (41,000 calendar years before present)

I love the way CSS skips over most of the posts and just continues on with his incredibly absurd conjecture.:D

This seems to be a thread that would fit nicely into pseudoscience, it is contains a few scientific terms arranged in a rather random way describing absolutely nothing.
Like this one above.. These members only come on here to annoy people. What I am working on is an Overnet. A governing body of the internet,

Big deal I am going to work on the Meganet and it will be a governing body that can overrule the Overnet, so that posters on the Internet can make fun of stupid ideas that people try to pass off as scientific theories in Forums.

HaHa, now what do you say! ;)
Well I am working on engineering a species of super-cuttlefish that can create antimatter at will.

I just don't want to be left out of the craziness.