Owners of barking dogs.

Half of the posters here don't get that several times the barking occurs when the owners are AWAY, thus they either don't even know about it, or why should they care, they are not bothered by it....

well than these "posters" should not be there were dogs are barking at them.
I may be able to help. I have some knowledge of dog behaviour I could pass on if you like. I'd need to know a little more about the dog and the situation really. My friends and family all know when there's an aggressive dog near they need to be calm, despite a possible attack and assert their own space. Just the same way an alpha dog might when encountering another outside it's pack. Obviously avoiding eye contact, but making sure the head is raised and the body is upright. This tells the dog in no uncertain terms that this is an alpha it's messing with. Just stand there and assert your teritory for however long it takes for the dog to get the message and walk away. Even children can do this, they have height over a dog they can utilise. Even if there is some fear you mustn't allow this to be communicated in your body language. After a time (entirely depending on the dog in question) the dog will receed and you can wait a few more moments before walking away. Dogs are pack animals, you tell that dog it's not your superior and it will relinquish it's dominant state. This is obviously going to need more than a quick post here to sort out but I hope this helps a little. Good luck.
Yeah, we know all that, but keep in mind my wife was attacked by a dog when she was a child. She's a bit traumatized....

And it's not just one problematic dog here - there are lots of them.
I assume the dogs are being left alone and it's not just that the dogs bark while the owner is there listening to them. In that case, the barking is probably out of boredom, and you should probably let the owner klnow that it is happeneing so he or she can take corrective action.

If the owner is around, then the barking likely gets just as annoying to them.

I personally believe that, in general, people need to toughen up and just learn to live with life's little inconveniences like smoke in public, barking dogs perople who cut you off in traffic and the like. As much as you may think others are inconsiderate for letting dogs bark, letting smoke float, etc., I think too many people have come to believe that all things that they personally dislike should be forbidden and take it as a personal slight when they do occur without permission.

I agree with Seneca the Younger who suggested that, if things like that bother you, then you need to work on training yourself to be more tolerant based on the self-realization that things that you dislike can and will occur regularly. If you can't handle that basic truth of life, then in a real sense, you are the one with the problem (at least every bit as much as those who let such things occur). Stated differently, if deep down you secretly believe in a perfect world where dogs never be allowed bark unless their owners consult you and get your prior consent to the noise, you are going to be needlessly unhappy and annoyed.
And it's not just one problematic dog here - there are lots of them.

It isn't the dogs that are the problem, it's the owners who's irresponsibility to their own pets that are! :(
bonehead, how old is your neighbor? Can they hear it? I know years ago my Mom's dog could bark itself into a coma and she wouldn't notice.