Over the top?


Fear me, for I am Death.
Registered Senior Member
Ok, so I went to my bestie's sister's housewarming party, and she is like a religious nut. She's a Christian, and her strong religious beliefs are getting more and more kinda obsessive. She constantly ditches her family (on her mum's birthday for example) to go to church, and when i was at her house the other day, i said "oh my God," and you should have seen her reaction. Do the Christians here think saying "oh my God" is bad, and why? i mean, i know it's taking the Lord's name in vain, but does it really, and i mean REALLY, effect you to the point of yelling at someone for saying it??
Just curious to know what other people here think. Personally I think it's ridiculous, but thats just me.
Do you know what it means when they say "To take the Lord's name in vain"?

They are saying that you are invoking the name of God for trivial matters. This is a sign of disrespect because it means to treat God as if he is not sacred.

I can understand why someone might get upset over such a thing.
why would god care though. i understand why they get upset, i just disagree with their logic or whatever. and look at the context, everyone says omg. wouldn't god realise you don't mean any disrespect?
IMO, "To take the Lord's name in vain" shouldn't have anything to do with the word god. God is a word we use to describe countless fictional supreme beings. Christians argue over god's name but there are a handful of names attributed to their god. I believe this is an example of people loosely applying a verse.
His name has nothing to do with it.
It's a matter of invoking his will and favor for trivial matters.

When you say, "God damn it!" when your TV is broken, for example, you are asking God to intervene in something petty.
It's a matter of not being selfish with his favor and not taking him lightly.
Keeping him sacred, not vulgar.
one_raven said:
His name has nothing to do with it.

That seems odd when the verse says, "Do not take the Lord's name in vain".
one_raven said:
It's a matter of invoking his will and favor for trivial matters.

But again, which god are you invoking favor from? When I use the word god, I'm not asking for any favors. And I doubt many people are that use the phrase OMG.
That seems odd when the verse says, "Do not take the Lord's name in vain".
Why would it specify not to take the Lord's name in vain, if you weren;t supposed to use it AT ALL?

But again, which god are you invoking favor from? When I use the word god, I'm not asking for any favors. And I doubt many people are that use the phrase OMG.
But you would still be using it lightly and not giving it the proper reverence.
Why would it specify not to take the Lord's name in vain, if you weren;t supposed to use it AT ALL?


I'm not following what you are asking here. I never suggested you weren't supposed to use his name.

God isn't a name, typically the Christian gods name are Yahweh, Jesus, Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei , Joshua, and few more.

Again, god could mean countless gods other than the Christian god.
Ok, so I went to my bestie's sister's housewarming party, and she is like a religious nut. She's a Christian, and her strong religious beliefs are getting more and more kinda obsessive. She constantly ditches her family (on her mum's birthday for example) to go to church, and when i was at her house the other day, i said "oh my God," and you should have seen her reaction. Do the Christians here think saying "oh my God" is bad, and why? i mean, i know it's taking the Lord's name in vain, but does it really, and i mean REALLY, effect you to the point of yelling at someone for saying it??
Just curious to know what other people here think. Personally I think it's ridiculous, but thats just me.

I watch Extreme Make-over and it always surprises me how many people say "oh my gosh" instead of "oh my god" I wonder if the network asks them not to so as to not offend viewers or if people actually say gosh when they are that excited.

I had a babysitter that would make me apologize to god when I even said gosh. Or dang.
When people say things like "oh god ""god damn" "for God Sake" they are not literally taking gods name in vain, because God is a term to explain his statue, if they said something like "for Yahweh sake" "Oh Elohim" etc.. then they would be taking his name in vain. if either were his name that is. Rumpelstiltskin is as good as any don't you think.
I disagree.
I think it's all about intentions.
If you say "Gosh Damn", it is the same as saying, "God Damn".
Ok, so I went to my bestie's sister's housewarming party, and she is like a religious nut. She's a Christian, and her strong religious beliefs are getting more and more kinda obsessive. She constantly ditches her family (on her mum's birthday for example) to go to church, and when i was at her house the other day, i said "oh my God," and you should have seen her reaction. Do the Christians here think saying "oh my God" is bad, and why? i mean, i know it's taking the Lord's name in vain, but does it really, and i mean REALLY, effect you to the point of yelling at someone for saying it??
Just curious to know what other people here think. Personally I think it's ridiculous, but thats just me.

Are you an atheist or non-religious? If so, then don't attempt to hide it in the face of someone like that.

For example, you can 'take the lords name in vain' because you simply don't believe that it matters either way.
Or perhaps you shoudl treat a friend with some simple courtesy and respect for their beliefs.
Ok, so I went to my bestie's sister's housewarming party, and she is like a religious nut. She's a Christian, and her strong religious beliefs are getting more and more kinda obsessive. She constantly ditches her family (on her mum's birthday for example) to go to church, and when i was at her house the other day, i said "oh my God," and you should have seen her reaction. Do the Christians here think saying "oh my God" is bad, and why? i mean, i know it's taking the Lord's name in vain, but does it really, and i mean REALLY, effect you to the point of yelling at someone for saying it??
Just curious to know what other people here think. Personally I think it's ridiculous, but thats just me.

It appears that this Christian person didn't really want you to be at her house, but for some reason didn't say so directly.
Ok, so I went to my bestie's sister's housewarming party, and she is like a religious nut. She's a Christian, and her strong religious beliefs are getting more and more kinda obsessive. She constantly ditches her family (on her mum's birthday for example) to go to church, and when i was at her house the other day, i said "oh my God," and you should have seen her reaction. Do the Christians here think saying "oh my God" is bad, and why? i mean, i know it's taking the Lord's name in vain, but does it really, and i mean REALLY, effect you to the point of yelling at someone for saying it??
Just curious to know what other people here think. Personally I think it's ridiculous, but thats just me.

God should never be referred to unless the person is conscious they are talking about or to God. When you used the term "oh my God," You where not a believer in God calling out to Him. You where just using the terminology as an expression of excitement or frustration or whatever. But you where not referring to God.

Using the Term God or Jesus for anything other than in reference to God/Jesus is wrong. Just because it is engrained in popular culture as a term of expression does not make it ok.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Or perhaps you shoudl treat a friend with some simple courtesy and respect for their beliefs.

yeah, you don't have to understand it to do it. If I were in a persons house and they asked me to take off my shoes for religious reasons, I would. There is a limit of course, but not saying god, no biggie.