Over 100 Silent Witnesses?

There you go, making things up Baron. Should I believe everything I read on the internet? Maybe you could provide a link to a reputable online news source?

No, I didn't think so.

Since you aren't providing links, I don't feel like I need to either. Let's just take each other's word on this.

The dumb fucks I was referring to were all the liberal, bleeding hearts who didn't understand what I meant by maybe the kid deserved the beating. Maybe he did.

o they all just stood there and watched the beating AND saw that no one was helpiing, so they just continued to stand there and think that someone else was going to help ....and all that time, the kid was being beaten to death? And you think that makes any sense?

And you think that that is the cause that no one has come forward with pertinent info for the police? Everyone is thinking that someone else will come forward, so they wait? ...and after two weeks, still no one has come forward, so they're gonna' wait so more?? And you thinnk that explains it?

Look Baron. You get all outraged at this, yet we see it happen all the time. We don't really seem to care about people.

Does it make sense? Does it make sense that people don't help strangers? Very obviously we don't care about strangers. Objective statement. We don't give a damn about strangers. What's there to make sense of there? The sky is blue. Grass is green. Do these things make sense?

There exists heaps of evidence that this stuff happens all the time. It makes sense that we don't care about people, SINCE WE OBVIOUSLY DON'T.

I'll tell you what doesn't make sense. Carrying about our obvious apathy towards strangers is what doesn't make sense.

Look at the third world. We could save them, feed them. We don't. A few billion in aid to corrupt leaders... pssh, that's hardly help.

What doesn't make sense is how we want to coddle everything and be nice to everyone. Looking at the evidence, it's sentiments like this that don't make sense:
The witnesses lack of action to stop a brutal murder makes them as guilty as the perpetrators. If your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
I copied this from a Dallas news station website ....perhaps it sheds a bit more light on the subject.

Police Arrest Man After Fatal Beating Reward Increased
Reward Grows To $35,000 For Information Leading To Arrest, Indictment

POSTED: 5:38 pm CDT October 6, 2005
UPDATED: 8:36 am CDT October 11, 2005

DALLAS -- Dallas police arrested Sunday night a man accused in a fatal beating in downtown Dallas, where up to 100 people possibly saw the crime occur.

Antonio Denard Few, 21, was arrested on an anonymous tip and police have charged him with murder. He is being held on a $250,000 bond. Police are seeking others in the crime.

Joseph Davis, 18, was beaten to death by a group of up to 15 people at a downtown parking lot. According to police, Davis and some of his family members were attacked at about 2:30 a.m. Oct. 2. Davis died from injuries he suffered during the beating.

Dallas police said they were baffled by a lack of witnesses who have come forward with information about the beating. Four people have contacted police with information despite a $35,000 reward for details that lead to an arrest and indictment.

Other family members escaped the beating. An uncle also was injured.

Some Dallas community leaders voiced their shock and anger at the lack of witnesses to the crime.

"This is nothing short of terrorism," said Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price. "We talk about terror in a far-off land -- this is domestic terrorism, and we will not be terrorized in our own community."

Digital Witness, a downtown Dallas company, Thursday offered a $25,000 reward for information. The reward grew to $35,000 by Friday.

Detectives said the crowd had been lingering around outside a party at a nearby hotel, but whether they all knew each other, or were gang members, is unclear.

Detectives said Davis did nothing to provoke the attack.

"We believe this incident raises a negative light on Dallas and puts Dallas in a bad light, and we want to try to rectify that situation," said Kelby Hagar, of Digital Witness.

Davis' family members were on their way to Mississippi Thursday night, where they will bury him on Saturday.

Previous Stories:
October 3, 2005: Downtown Dallas Mob Fatally Beats Teen
Copyright 2005 by nbc5i.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

One thing that I find interesting is ...."Detectives said Davis did nothing to provoke the attack." ...and yet they claimed earlier that they didn't know jack-shit about what happened! And now, they only have the accused, and they seem to be saying that they now know that he did nothing to provoke the attack??!! I can't buy that bullshit, there's more to this than meets the eye.
Roman said:
Look Baron. You get all outraged at this, yet we see it happen all the time. We don't really seem to care about people.
It makes sense that we don't care about people, SINCE WE OBVIOUSLY DON'T.

I'm not all outraged? Where did you get that?

But ye're more than right about people NOT caring ....it's been obvious to me for decades. Yet "we" continue to claim to care even when "we" don't ...why is that? Is that just lying to "ourselves" or is it just trying to make "us" feel better than others?

Baron Max