Over 100 Silent Witnesses?

Baron Max

Registered Senior Member
In Dallas this past week, an 18-yr old black man/boy was beaten and kicked to death by a group of men outside a local bar/club. The news didn't/won't say whether it was a group of black men or white men ...to say so would be "politically incorrect", I guess?!

But the police are saying that "...at least 100 people, possibly even more,..." witnessed the attack ...and with the police begging for info, posting a $35,000 reward, no one, NOT ONE witness has come forward with any info.

Just think about that for a moment. 100 people ....just normal, plain-old, ordinary people, living and drinking in the same area, can't or won't come forward to help solve this crime. Is this what's called apathy? Or is it fear of getting involved? Or is it fear of retaliation?

Of 100 people ........NOT ONE person has call, even anonymously, to help.

What'cha think about that? Would that, could that happen in your town? And if so, why?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Just think about that for a moment. 100 people ....just normal, plain-old, ordinary people, living and drinking in the same area, can't or won't come forward to help solve this crime. Is this what's called apathy? Or is it fear of getting involved? Or is it fear of retaliation?
I would say it was all of it combined. Some people just don't care. Others don't want to get involved and others could be worried about some form of retaliation.

I don't know which is sadder. That the people, as witnesses, have it in them to sit back and watch it happening in the first place and do nothing to help the 18 year old or that none of the 100 witnesses won't even say anything to the police to help solve the crime. I was watching this segment on a current affairs show here in Australia, reporting on a study done in the US where in one scenario there was a guy physically and verbally abusing his girlfriend in a public park.. all with the aim to see how many people would stop to help. 9% of the men who walked past stopped to help and I think it was 14% of the women who saw the abuse stopped to help the girl. The majority just walked past pretending not to notice anything wrong.

What'cha think about that? Would that, could that happen in your town? And if so, why?
It does happen and probably everywhere. There was a case in Victoria (Australia) many years ago where a girl was raped in her car which was parked in a busy shopping centre car park. As she was being raped, a couple walked right past the open door where the assault was happening and she was yelling and screaming for help and the couple walked straight past and did nothing to help her. There are many instances where people are violently assaulted in public and not only will no one help, but the witnesses won't come forward either.

We live in sad times where people simply do not care and place their own convenience (reporting to the police would involve taking one's time to speak to police, etc) above the dire needs of others.
Police investigating man’s fatal beating
By Donna Fielder / Staff Writer
07:19 AM CDT on Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Denton police have widened an aggravated assault investigation to an investigation of murder after the weekend death of a man who was beaten a week ago.

This is the only beating that was listed in the Dallas area for October. He was a drug dealer but they didn't say he was beaten by many people or that 100's watched. So could you please post a link to your story so that we can see the story you say happened. Thank you.
cosmictraveler said:
So could you please post a link to your story so that we can see the story you say happened. Thank you.

?? Don't have a link ...try the Dallas News site. But I can't help wondering why you don't believe me ....or, for that matter, what the fuck difference it makes? If you don't believe me, fuck you and don't respond!! ;=)

There was another article about in todays paper ...they still have no leads and no witnesses and the reward is probably going to go higher.

No one will say, of course, but I can't help thinking that the man/boy was doing something that pissed a bunch of people off ...and he probably wouldn't stop doing when they yelled at him. I can't help but think that the majority of witnesses felt the beating was deserved ...and so they don't want to turn in the "good guys"? Hmm, I don't know ...but it's sure interesting in a human-nature sorta' way.

Baron Max
QUOTE by Roman
Makes me think he deserved it.
No one deserves to be beaten to death......white or black! :confused:
by Mystech
Maybe he had been messing with Texas.
This really isn't funny. :(
by Baron Max
it's sure interesting in a human-nature sorta' way.
In what way is this interesting in that regard?
Baron Max said:
?? Don't have a link ...try the Dallas News site. But I can't help wondering why you don't believe me ....or, for that matter, what the fuck difference it makes? If you don't believe me, fuck you and don't respond!! ;=)

There was another article about in todays paper ...they still have no leads and no witnesses and the reward is probably going to go higher.

No one will say, of course, but I can't help thinking that the man/boy was doing something that pissed a bunch of people off ...and he probably wouldn't stop doing when they yelled at him. I can't help but think that the majority of witnesses felt the beating was deserved ...and so they don't want to turn in the "good guys"? Hmm, I don't know ...but it's sure interesting in a human-nature sorta' way.

Baron Max

I did look up the report in the Dallas paper as you see in my first post. It didn't state anything about how many beat him up or that 100's watched. It just stated that he was a black man that was beaten up and that he was a known drug dealer in his hometown. The reason I asked you is that I like to know why things happen to people because to many times disinformation is told to us and we can't believe what some people write about. Sometimes they deserve what they get and from what little I can assertain this guy seems like he might have gotten what he deserved but without more information it is not easy to determine the facts.
Roman said:
Makes me think he deserved it.
cosmictraveler said:
I did look up the report in the Dallas paper as you see in my first post. It didn't state anything about how many beat him up or that 100's watched. It just stated that he was a black man that was beaten up and that he was a known drug dealer in his hometown. The reason I asked you is that I like to know why things happen to people because to many times disinformation is told to us and we can't believe what some people write about. Sometimes they deserve what they get and from what little I can assertain this guy seems like he might have gotten what he deserved but without more information it is not easy to determine the facts.

This goes double for your news article. Again, no one, even a so called drug dealer deserves to be beaten to death :mad:
Let me ask you if you had a child that was say 12 years old and you saw a man trying to intice your child in to trying a illegal drug, what would be your reaction? What would you do if you saw a man rape a child?
In the latter case I would beat the living shit out of him. If he actually raped a child of mine I might well kill him. I would then expect and demand that I be tried for murder.
cosmictraveler said:
Let me ask you if you had a child that was say 12 years old and you saw a man trying to intice your child in to trying a illegal drug, what would be your reaction? What would you do if you saw a man rape a child?

Call POPO / Black & White / 5 O / Lynch mob :D
cosmictraveler said:
I did look up the report in the Dallas paper... It just stated that he was a black man that was beaten up and that he was a known drug dealer in his hometown.

No, can't be the same one. This kid was supposedly a "good kid" and never had any trouble with anyone. By the way, your story was about something in Denton ....Denton is way north of Dallas!

cosmictraveler said:
The reason I asked you is that I like to know why things happen to people because to many times disinformation is told to us and we can't believe what some people write about.

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. But you'll also not that in my post, I waited a whole week and followed the story just to see what where the "sensationalism" left off and the "real" story began. No, it's not sensationalism, and it apparently happened as I stated (more or less). And there were "lots" of witnesses ...this is "Texas/OU - State Fair" days, so there's lots of people out and about having "fun".

From what I keep reading and hearing, I'm beginning to think that it started with some nasty words and escalated. But I still can't find out if the people that beat him to death were blacks or whites or Mexicans? No one wants to say for fear of being politically incorrect ...or somesuch crap!

Baron Max
My first conjecture, that the man may have deserved it, was based around the idea that the man who was beaten to death wasn't an innocent victim. Baron provided so little evidence of what happened that the man who was beaten to death could have been a mafioso who had been raping women in the neighborhood and some other mafiosi took him out when he messed with the boss's wife.

Or something like that. See what I'm getting at, you dumb fucks?

But really what happened was this:
The hundreds of observers thought someone else would help. In several psych experiments, they find that the more witnesses there are that know about each other, the less likely any individual will intervene/report the incident. If you don't believe me, google it.
bell about the senario where a couple was fighting in the park, if it was you and your partner having a fight about whatever it is would you welcome someone interfering?

i wouldnt, that said if i saw someone PYSICALLY abusing someone i would try to help but i doubt i would do anything if they were just being verbal. I mean who is to say who is in the right and who is in the wrong, and who is to say that there IS even a right and wrong or that the party would welcome the interferance

I have argued enough with my Feonce even in public when something has happened that we dissagreed about. I just dont think that a verbal argument is a valid test of caring

as for the rape i rember hering about that a while ago and its discusting that no one steped in or at least called 000
Roman said:
Baron provided so little evidence of what happened that the man who was beaten to death could have been a mafioso who had been raping women in the neighborhood and some other mafiosi took him out when he messed with the boss's wife.

Or something like that. See what I'm getting at, you dumb fucks?

Dumb fucks? Us?

But don't you see, Roman, everyone at the event were also "dumb fucks" as well as the police who came to the call. Ye're right, Roman, and that's what makes this such a strange, weird case ....no one knows 'cause there ain't no one telling anyone!!

And what difference would the mafiosi make??? Or are you saying that everyone there knew that it was mobsters and the complaint was about the boss' wife?? What are you saying exactly??

Roman said:
The hundreds of observers thought someone else would help.

So they all just stood there and watched the beating AND saw that no one was helpiing, so they just continued to stand there and think that someone else was going to help ....and all that time, the kid was being beaten to death? And you think that makes any sense?

And you think that that is the cause that no one has come forward with pertinent info for the police? Everyone is thinking that someone else will come forward, so they wait? ...and after two weeks, still no one has come forward, so they're gonna' wait so more?? And you thinnk that explains it?

Baron Max
The witnesses lack of action to stop a brutal murder makes them as guilty as the perpetrators. If your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

