Out of curiosity


Burn in hell Hippies
Registered Senior Member
Out of curiosity how many people actually believe they can use astral projection, or telepathy in general (telekinesis etc)
Unfortunately, I think it is a relatively large percentage of America's population... but almost all of America is quite gullible.

I actually used to be really into astral projection and that stuff... then I grew up... ha ha... No, I realized it was bullshit, nothing ever happened and I read skeptical magazines, books, and science books, and realized it made more sense than that crap did...
People have been astral projecting forever. It happens. Plain and simple. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't make it bullshit or non-existent.

As for telekenisis or telepathy, these are psychic senses that do exist. There is extensive documentation, but none by science. The reason for the lack of scientific recognition is that science must be able to prove how it works. Some things just cannot be explained in that way.
Hehe, funny how these things are aprently common, however they don't have any practical aplication in any sector of any culture in all the world.

Now, call me a filthy capitalist, but if such powers as astral projection or telekenesis, with such obvious benefits and revolutionary uses did exist, then why the hell isn't anyone acctualy using them to better themselves or the world? For some reason the answer from mystics and gurus alike tend to run along the lines that if you try to use them for any pracical aplication then somehow it doesn't work. . . right. . . convenient.

it's sort of like saying that you can turn invisable, but you can't do it when people are looking at you :p

I'll have to go with ellimist here and say that it's a big stinking load of BS.
ASTRAL PROJECTION IS NOT A POWER!!! It is a state of consciousness, that's it. It is nothing more than an OOBE. It is nothing you can 'use' except for your own spiritual benefit.

Telekinesis, well, I cannot refute what you are saying, I can't do it, and don't know anyone who can. Telepathy, I do know is possible, as well as other psychic senses. As far as mystics or gurus go, well, most of them are full of it, and the few who aren't don't proclaim themselves as such anyway.
Originally posted by Enigma
ASTRAL PROJECTION IS NOT A POWER!!! It is a state of consciousness, that's it. It is nothing more than an OOBE. It is nothing you can 'use' except for your own spiritual benefit.

OOBEs can be induced, they are indeed an anomaly in the brain, usually occuring when in surgery. But, there is nothing more to them, no spirits. There is no evidence for spirits at all.

Something does not exist just because you think it should or is supposed to. Testimonials are unreliable, OOBEs have been explained.

Astral projection is merely your imagination, nothing more, and you cannot prove it to be anything more, there is nothing else going on in your mind. A form of would come off an EEG machine as "deep meditation", nothing more, nothing supernatural, like spirits or souls.
Originally posted by Enigma
As far as mystics or gurus go, well, most of them are full of it,

Yes, this is the stance that I am aproaching this forum with, hehe.
Originally posted by Ellimist
OOBEs can be induced, they are indeed an anomaly in the brain, usually occuring when in surgery. But, there is nothing more to them, no spirits. There is no evidence for spirits at all.

Something does not exist just because you think it should or is supposed to. Testimonials are unreliable, OOBEs have been explained.

Astral projection is merely your imagination, nothing more, and you cannot prove it to be anything more, there is nothing else going on in your mind. A form of would come off an EEG machine as "deep meditation", nothing more, nothing supernatural, like spirits or souls.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I said nothing about spirits. I said SPIRITUAL BENEFIT---which basically means gaining spiritual insight such as with deep meditation, why else would I say it is a form of consciousness?? Read before you post.

Also, astral projection involves a bit more than just imagination. Believe me, I speak from experience.
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Spiritual insight (I apologize, I did not realize you were speaking metaphorically this time)... Okay, so if it is more than imagination or meditation, please explain.
Ellimist, it is more or less a deep meditation. The main difference is that you recognize your 'self' leaving your physical body. It starts out as numbness, then you just kind of pull-out. It reminds me of glueing two fingers together with paste or something then slowly pulling them apart. Then, you just POP out. And, it is really a pop. You can feel everything, you can hear everything going on around you, but though your physical body is lying there, *you* are moving about, and you are seeing as you do it. It is not imagining things. It is no different then seeing consciously (well, maybe a bit different, but not that much). When you touch things, they are, for lack of a better term, fuzzy. It's like your hand has fallen asleep and you touch something with it. You can feel it, but it doesn't feel the same as you remember it *feeling*. If you think of going somewhere, you are there in a heartbeat. If it's somewhere you've never been before, you will see it as it actually is, because you are there. There are so many different perceptions of astral projection, and I can't really explain all of mine...it is difficult to put words to some things. But, point is, it is real. And it is similar to meditation, but just a bit more involved, IMO.
Yes, fascinating description... so what?

That same thing can be reproduced by stimulating a part of the brain... the visual cortex has a lot to do with it. It is an essentially physiological effect. Nothing other-worldly is involved, including souls.
These things do exist! YOu have forgotten!

I know how you feel. I too have felt the anger and lies you have encountered, But astral Projection and telepathy is an ability forgotten by humans due to there lazyness during earths change. Humans found a way to avoid using telekinesis. Which there for created speech which we communicate for today. If no languege was present we all would have telekinesis! And have the other mysterious ablities we have forgotten.

Please you must believe telepathy was forgotten due to human lazyness.

Ps: Never give up trying to find your hidden abilities. They are an essense to your very soul! Never forget that. Keep trying! You Must!

Goodbye...Until we meet again...
I'd remind you that this is real life and not the X-men, we don't have dormant superpowers which we must refind and train, and at no point in history has anyone ever had such abilities. Tell me, why, if ancient peoples aparently had these kinds of hoaky super powers, was there no record or evidence of any such things anywhere in any culture in the entire world?
Im the begining genesis.

X-men HAHAHA im not referring to the X-men you watch to many movies. Im referring to real life. This power has been forgotten by us humans. You are just blind and can't see the power you have. What you can't see can't be questioned.

However everyone else who believe's in this power has most likely felt there spirit. Leading to there understanding that they have certain powers to unlock.

Goodbye...until we meet again....
Re: Im the begining genesis.

Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
What you can't see can't be questioned.

Well, under certain circumstanses what I see CAN be questioned, but aside from that I haven't seen any evidence of any powers. Care to show me?
Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
What you can't see can't be questioned.

Goodbye...until we meet again....

hold on a second... i think he just may be right here! Everything that there is no evedence, direct or inferable for, must be true because what you can't see can't be questioned!

dont you get it, the burden of proof isnt on him, all he did was come out with a radical claim that goes against the grain of all we know and see in an utterly pretentious way that some might assert is nothing short of braging and whoring himself for attention.

See sceptics the burden of proof is on YOU because you are filthy nonbelievers who like to pee on everyones party... which should be harder than it seems to be because apparently the party is on another plain of existance, so you all must have some kind of pandimentional wonder pee.