Our topic today, Religion, which one is better?

*Originally posted by Bebelina
Sure, I make mistakes. But aren't you as a christian supposed to love your enemies or at least turn the other cheek?
Now, where is that cheek...?

I have a bunch of them.

You're not one of my enemies; you are merely bing held captive by my enemies.
Those enemies aren't the ones I turn my cheek to.

But when you say you make mistakes, how do you identify the fatal ones?
I know from previous posts that you think that death is actually life, but what if you're wrong?
How would you know?

*Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
Well it hasnt been involved in any holy wars so in that puts it ahead of christianity.

You're probably thinking of Catholicism which has been in a bunch of "holy" wars.

I was thinking more along the lines of how it would keep you, or Thor, alive.

*Originally posted by Thor
And it has a bible that makes more sense than the Christian one too

Given the usual antichristian way of thinking, that would mean that it is meaningless, AND that the Bible makes perfect sense.

*Originally posted by Adam
Dude, you've got a very wrong idea of Buddhism. The entire point of Buddhism is overcoming the base urges and desires and fears which make us less than we can be.

Sounds like you're the guy with the wrong idea.
Once you translate the buddhababble of "overcoming base urges and desires," you get clear on the idea that solving problems isn't what buddhism is strong on, seeing as solving one's problems is one of those base desires.

*The entire philosophy, in my opinion, can be summed up as the effort to overcome such things*

The "effort" of not solving one's problems extends to the "effort" of not solving your neighbor's problems, too.

*That seems very sympathetic to me.*

It does to me, too, which is why it is so deceptive.
That has never happened.

*Originally posted by Katazia
Religions do not offer life only promises of life. None can substantiate such promises. I assume you do not follow any religion then.

Offers are promises.
I assume you use the scientific method, namely, you determine that the vast majority of religions cannot deliver life as promised, therefore none can.
Thus, you assume incorrectly that no religion can deliver life, and that I follow none.

*That doesn’t define “better” and specifically not in the context of why one religion might be better than another, and from whose perspective?*

True, it doesn't define "better."
However, since only one is good and all of the others are bad, it is left as an exercise for the reader to reach his/her own conclusion as to what do in a case like that.

*Certain actions of a Satanist might be considered good by such a practitioner, but evil by a Christian. Here we see that evil is considered better than good. In which case which is the better religion, Satanism or Christianity?*

After all, pretty much everything a person does is defined as good by the doer through the miracle of self-justification.
Therefore, one can only be justified by another.
That other wouldn't be you or your friends since you and they also use the miracle of self-justification.

*Originally posted by Peter Griffin
but I hope for the afterlife

That's not much of a hope seeing as that is guaranteed.
The only thing that can follow life is an AFTERlife.
The question is, what will it be like?
I was thinking more along the lines of how it would keep you, or Thor, alive.
So far its worked pretty well. Neither of us has died since becoming discordain. :D
You're probably thinking of Catholicism which has been in a bunch of "holy" wars.
Well catholocism is the most dominent form of christianity, so yes i am mostly refering to catholocism.
tony1 wrote:- Offers are promises.

That is nonsense.

tony1 wrote:-
I assume you use the scientific method, namely, you determine that the vast majority of religions cannot deliver life as promised, therefore none can.
Thus, you assume incorrectly that no religion can deliver life, and that I follow none.

That is very convoluted and unnecessary. Everyone dies show me otherwise.

tony1 wrote:-
True, it doesn't define "better."
However, since only one is good and all of the others are bad, it is left as an exercise for the reader to reach his/her own conclusion as to what do in a case like that.

You still aren’t answering the question; you have only made an assertion. How do you know one is better than the rest?

tony1 wrote:-
. . . . In which case which is the better religion, Satanism or Christianity?*


The question was rhetorical. The point was not about the answer but how you achieve the answer. Without a reason your answer has no value.

tony1 wrote:- After all, pretty much everything a person does is defined as good by the doer through the miracle of self-justification.

Not unless the person deliberately commits an evil act according to their standard.

The question of good or bad (morality) is always relative to whoever benefits. Theistic religions confuse the issue by including a god as the primary beneficiary.

How to identify mistakes? Mistakes are often found out afterwards, of course, so I guess there is no real way of seeing them before one makes them, because if one could, then they would never take place.
Because there is no reason in making mistakes on purpose, unless you have some larger plan which involves the "mistake". Like having multiple cheeks, for example. :D
Generally I use my gut feeling to scan for mistakes, and so far it has proven to be a trustworthy method. If I should be wrong about death however, then it's no big deal. If there is no afterlife, I would never know, never suffer from knowing there was none either. And if there is such a thing as you christians refer to as hell, then I'm sure I can charm devil to let me out of there, don't you think? :p
What is more interesting to know, is who you think are holding me captive? Who are your enemies?
Peter Griffin said:
Religion, which one is better?
You decide!!!!!!
Give your reasons and thoughts.
This is better:
Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day. I Kings 8:61
spaming again a enton, please do check and see when the member last came online.
peter griffin :Last Activity: 06-23-03 02:37 PM that 798 days ago, do you think he'll reply, the thread ended 1070 days ago.
audible said:
spaming again a enton, please do check and see when the member last came online.
peter griffin :Last Activity: 06-23-03 02:37 PM that 798 days ago, do you think he'll reply, the thread ended 1070 days ago.
M*W: I just can't wait until we have those same statistics for enton.
me too. why cant we stop him trolling and spaming.
what we have too do is every time he resurrects an old thread, click on the report swich and complain eventually it will get on the moderators nerves and they will do something about it.

Moderator comment -

As audible suggests, please check the age of a thread before posting to it. And certainly attempting to raise issues with a member who hasn't posted for years is of dubious wisdom.

Perhaps, if you find the issue of interest then why not start a new thread rather than add to a long dead thread.

audible said:
me too. why cant we stop him trolling and spaming.
what we have too do is every time he resurrects an old thread, click on the report swich and complain eventually it will get on the moderators nerves and they will do something about it.
M*W: Thanks. I didn't know what the report button was for!