our netnames

Me? According to catsupmuscles its because I AM a zero. Hm. Not amusing.

Really, I guess I just randomly pulled it outta some ass.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
My net name has been with me a long time. Since the days of Bulletin Boards and when they were popular. Gotta be coming on 20 years I have had this netname.

It is always humorous as someone always tries to connect it with everything but what it was for. It does indeed fit me.

Nickname, netname, last name, really doesn't matter. It is after all just some way of addressing you from the crowd. It is more effective than hollering, "Hey you!"
:eek: There was a net 20 years ago? Hm yeah i guess there was...but how wide spread was it? Gosh darn, the access and downloading and modem and all musta been really slow
I jumped from quite a few nicknames before I settled on this one. I was 12 years old when I first got online and I think I was "Hippygrl" and then I was "RedDeergrl" and then I jumped from many different things for a few months like "Oz---" (people thought I was a guy) and "_momo_" but I really disliked having grl or numbers or __ attached to my nickname. Now that I've settled on Xandrique (and I never have to worry about having to add numbers to it because I haven't met another) it's become just another form of my first name. I don't get surprised when people call me Monique online but it would be kind of strange if people started calling me Xandrique offline... only because no one has before.
What's your real name then, Av? :)

%BlueSoulRobot%, personally fashioned. I don't like names like "grrrrlpower88", or "sexydivaluv00". I like word combos that rolls off the tongue easily, and makes you wonder. I also like violent screennames that are twisted, or oxymorons, or just plain weird ones. Everyone always thinks I'm a guy when I enter a chatroom, haha. And when I tell them, they are always so surprised. Good or bad, I wonder?

My favourites so far:


White Fire Depression <-they're my Multiple Personality disorder buddies

Singular Indestructible Droid <- from Papa Roach song, actually :eek:

Fool's Tactician <-people kept calling me "Fool" for short. Grrr.

Grim Prophet

SolitarySanguine <-vampire interest period


Kneu Aeje Aberrant <-translation: New Age Aberration

Rendito <-combo of "rendition" and "burrito", lol

I avoid girly screennames at all costs. I like to be original, while I still can. I hope my personality shows through my creations, because I'm not shy to say I'm proud of them. Sometimes I use interesting word combinations, like "black paper cry", and other times I am struck by one word, and match it up.
I avoid numbers as well. They were fun, but then it seemed kind of pointless to have a bunch of numbers that meant nothing to other people.
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I pretty much pulled my name out of my bum too. I guess I was watching too many cleaner infomericals, and "platzap" sounds like something that they'd be selling. On AOL there was already someone named platzap (!?) and it suggested adding the first letter of my last name, so that's what it's been. I don't really like screennames with lots of numbers or LotS oF DIffeREnt CaPs.
Some of my friends on the MSN Messenger call me A4Ever. That's to fool Echelon. :)

I use no other netnames. So you can track where I go via google. :)

Margeret he? I would never have guessed...

sometimes I call people like Pollux by their real name to get my point across. You know, it kind of says, "Hey make (imaginary) eye contact with me because I'm trying to tell you something important."
Merlijn is my second name. My first name is Rogier, and for a while I wanted to be known by my second name. But that is only feasable if I were to change schools. and I didn't.

Hmm I thought A4Ever had something to do with the Dutch atmosheric metal band "After Forever").
i use this netname (spurious monkey) solely for this forum. Otherwise i mostly use Sapphoo or Sapphoo_8th (originally because darwin's bitch=dog was named sappho, not because of the poet.).

But spurious monkey is more part of my scientific side since he writes lectures for the university of life (see also the website if you can bother) and is therefore more suited for this particular forum.