Our Father in heaven?


Registered Senior Member
When I was 10 years old I wonder who and where is the Father that Jesus spoke of? Has anyone else wondered about this question?

"When you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place, and your Father sees in secret will reward you openly." - (Matt. 6:6 )

Peace be with you, Paul
Hi battig1370,

I would think the next question should be: "Is Jesus God?" Are they one and the same? If as Christians believe, they are, then indeed who is this mysterious father Jesus speaks of?

My Father is within me. When I go to pray in secret, when no one is around, the higher Self, my Father, will hear me.
in the Christian traidtion the 'Father' equals the 'Spirit'--the main spirit, whereas in pre-patriarchal times the Great Cosmic Mother fulfilled this much more ancient role. she also was immanent in matter, which Jesus' 'father' was not. HE was more transcendent--'up there'. remember that old and rather absurd painting of Jesus Christ's ascending to his Father, and you can see his feet going "up"?.......with GODDESS religion you were embraced rather by the Deep. the underworld wasn't demonized as it became with patriarchal christianisty

Goddess had 'son/lover/consort', NOt 'Father'....Ward Rutherford, in his book, Shamanism: The Foundations of Magic, argues that wehn the concept of a sky-god Father god emerges it is not some benevolent 'marriage' with 'mother Earth' agoing on, but rather the OPPRESSION of the Goddess by th sky god worshipping patriarchs. who from then on inSIST on the missionary position, and then divorce and lsag off the mrs, and then claim she ver even existed, and/or that he birthed her
Yorda: > "My Father is within me. When I go to pray in secret, when no one is around, the higher Self, my Father, will hear me."

Battig1370: > What if 'the higher Self' is the devil in disguise? How would a person know the difference?

Jesus speaking to the Jews, > "You are of your Father the Devil, and the desires of your Father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When He speaks a lie, He speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar, and the Father of it." - (John 8:44).

Peace be with you, Paul
Battig1370: > What if 'the higher Self' is the devil in disguise? How would a person know the difference?

Yorda: > If the Jews would have listened to their conscience and not lied to themselves, they would have seen that they had no love for God. The voice of the devil is a personal voice which always offers something for oneself. The voice of God is an impersonal voice which always offers truth for everyone.
I have met many Christians today who are just like the Jews at that time, unable to listen to the voice of truth. Although, they should not call themselves Christians since they don't do what Christ did. Instead they keep judging people with the Bible which they think is the whole and only law of God.
Yorda: > "My Father is within me"

Battig1370: > I assume that you are able to listen to the voice of truth from our Father in heaven that is within you. When the Father is within you, heaven is also within you.

Jesus explained to Philip, in John 14:8-11. Philip asked Jesus, "Lord show us the Father". Jesus answered, "he who has seen Me has seen the Father; --- I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the work. --- Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: ---."

Are you at the same par as Jesus was when He spoke to Philip?

Peace be with you, Paul

I'm not sure if I quite understand. There is only one self who expresses himself through all things, including "you" and "me".
He alone is the only absolute reality.
o dear god, what about poor MOTHER i this?

it's all 'father this, father that, father in me, etc' no mentin of the history of the father and what the bastard's gone and done. like not only divorcing Mother, but beating her and her children up--which he is till doing. i say 'He'...i mean the gullible who buy this shit. who don't take the trouble to research this history that aint taught in any of our patriarchal-biased insititutions

what about HER.

She IS Earth, Body, Spirit. Body awareness is it....you dont have to listen to no 'father' preaching stuff at ya. 'He' is a women batterer, you gonna believe him?
duendy said:
She IS Earth, Body, Spirit. Body awareness is it....you dont have to listen to no 'father' preaching stuff at ya. 'He' is a women batterer, you gonna believe him?

God is not male or female, because in him, both of them are in balance. Truly, men should become softer and women should become harder, so that both sides stop existing and divinity is disclosed. Are humans not aware that the clothes they wear are only one side of divinity and the other side is hidden, invisible, inside of themselves, in their consciousness?
Yorda said:
God is not male or female, because in him, both of them are in balance.

Then please explain why He is referred to as "He" and "Father" when He is neither.

You yerself refer to yer god as if He were a male entity. I have not seen anyone refer to Him as "She" or "Mother". Ye'r contradicting yerself by treating yer god as a male entity.

Please explain yerself.
What now?

Mar 13:32
"But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."

Who is this father that withholds information from Jesus?

Athelwulf said:
I have not seen anyone refer to Him as "She" or "Mother". Ye'r contradicting yerself by treating yer god as a male entity.

Why would I say she when I talk about God, when God is not a she? I must choose he or she because of the limitations of the English language.

stretched said:
Who is this father that withholds information from Jesus?

Some translations don't include "neither the son". The Bible is not written by God alone, but also by humans.
Quote Yorda:
"Some translations don't include "neither the son". The Bible is not written by God alone, but also by humans."

Conclusion: The Bible is errant.
Yorda said:
Why would I say she when I talk about God,

d--Why would you say 'HE' when you talk about God...?

when God is not a she?

d__ so now your saying 'he' is a 'HE'?

I must choose he or she because of the limitations of the English language.

d__)errr, no sorry. you haven' thought this through have you. Why is it you have to pick 'he' and 'father' instead of 'she' and 'mother'.
you are not makin sense

Some translations don't include "neither the son". The Bible is not written by God alone, but also by humans.

Give us some examples where it is "written by God alone" and then show us some examples where its "writ by humans"---if you would be so kind
I noticed that some are offended from using the term 'Our Father' because of gender issues.

For those that are offended by term 'Our Father', can use the term 'The Universal Mind', 'God'.

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
I noticed that some are offended from using the term 'Our Father' because of gender issues.

For those that are offended by term 'Our Father', can use the term 'The Universal Mind', 'God'.

Peace be with you, Paul

i am afriad that wont work either, mainly because imPLIED in the definition 'universal MIND' is still male-superiority, for wehn one rsearches aboput the patriarchy one sees that 'mind' is always associated with the MALE whereas 'body' and Nature are associated with 'female'. so by swapping 'God', 'He' 'Father' with 'universal mind' doesn't radically change much. It is still 'he' lordin it over

i am afriad that wont work either, mainly because imPLIED in the definition 'universal MIND' is still male-superiority, for wehn one rsearches aboput the patriarchy one sees that 'mind' is always associated with the MALE whereas 'body' and Nature are associated with 'female'. so by swapping 'God', 'He' 'Father' with 'universal mind' doesn't radically change much. It is still 'he' lordin it over

Masculine dominates feminine.

Jan Ardena.
Hey jan...was it intentional you sent that statement of yours "masculine dominates feminine" threee times?

let me ask you. do you AGREE that that is right and as it should be?

Hey jan...was it intentional you sent that statement of yours "masculine dominates feminine" threee times?

LOL! No it was not. I wanted to add to my statement that God is complete with masculinity and femininity, so i tried using the edit mode, but pressed some wrong buttons.

let me ask you. do you AGREE that that is right and as it should be?

Yes i do agree on both counts. In all relationships there is dominence (sometimes it interchanges), it does not matter what gendered person is dominating, sometimes the man sometimes the woman. That dominence is masculine.

Jan Ardena.