Other kinds of human created before us?

The DNA of neanderthals is very similar to our own, and ours is very similar to chimpanzees.

I can say for sure that nothing non-material has ever been shown to exist.

and how do you know that there is no on-material things, while also you cant see it,
you cant see air, but you know it exists,
as the other exampels i gave before,
and, how can you bee so sure, who areyou to judge like that, and say, that exists and that don't exists, who are we, to judge like that?
you cant be sure of everything, the problem that you don't think it exists such a thing, cause it don't, cause it's a mater, but it exists, but not a mater,
you cant see it,
you cant imagine something non-material, even our imagination, is related to our material world, and to our actual life knoeldge,
you cant give me a proof that don't exists, also i cant give you a proof that exists,
we all know that there are an other life form on other planets, it's even mentioned in some relegions, we don't see it, we didint see it, but we know that there is,
you cant judge like that, while we only know about 5 percent,
you cant judge by this percentage,
you cant even judge by a percentage of 90percent, you must know everything in it, so you can judge, and tell me if it do exists or not
The DNA of neanderthals is very similar to our own, and ours is very similar to chimpanzees.

I can say for sure that nothing non-material has ever been shown to exist.

Clearly, then, you lack imagination. :)

Everything is material, even dark matter, even ideas travel as configurations of particles.

so, it can be true, and it can be not true,
so we're both right,
don't tell me you're wrong,
and i shouldnt tell you you're wrong,
after all, we don't know nothing about what is still there,
what do we know, couple stars, how do stars are, rocks planets, gases, dark mater, and we know about anything about it, black holes, we barely understand it very good, and others
do you think that this is the only existence stuff,
anyway, as i said, i may be true, and i may be wrong, same for you,
my point is, you cant judge on something you don't know,

The DNA of neanderthals is very similar to our own, and ours is very similar to chimpanzees.

I can say for sure that nothing non-material has ever been shown to exist.

and about the DNA, i already told you, about that human species, two actually, live in teh same era, also in the same region (if they lived in the same time, and era, and live in the same region, so, they are not evolved from each other, but they are different species, each one have it's details, and it's population, i already mentioned them, in this topic, also, there's another kind, found in the middle-east and in britain, or somewhere in europe, that have a very different DNA from us, not even similar,
you can try to make a search on google

each species, keeps it's DNA, for thousand of years without changing, if it did, it want be even notebla
so, i don't think that we evolved from the other specie, that lived 25000years before us,
so, as i clearly said, the other specie, have a very different DNA from us, completely different,
did you read my first reply, the topic first post,
if you didnt, read it again, and concnetrate,
try to see things with my point of view,
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Clearly, then, you lack imagination. :)

not imagination, yes some of it will be usefull, but what about the proven facts, why would we use the imagination, if we had a material facts, proven by science, and by relegion, and also by ancient history,
there all the evidences,
so, i beleive in the evolution, and i don't,
when i say evolution, i say adaptation, to get used to the new envirement, or the new lifestyle, or the knoledge base, as more the society get higher in knoledge, sunstability, and order, the evolution, happends, or in another words, the brain get adapted, to schools, and studyng, to analyise, to think, also the body, it it was a hard life, that need a hard work, the body will be strong, and big, if it was a normal, life, no much hard work, he will be like we are toaday, most,
if there was no effort in work, they would be weak,
i beleive that the evolution, is the same adapation
as we can see here also, that there was other humans before us, other humans, not from our roots, we are all "bachar" =for all humans in general,
but we're not all "insen" = for the existent kind of humans toaday,
also by the link i posted, it shows that we don't have a very good relation to the humans before us,
we are a very diffenrent, but just a some similarities cause we're all humans, "bachar"
also, didnt you notice that there was about three or two human species live in the same time and in the same regions, and they were completely different, i think this says no for the evolution of those species, cause they lived near each others, without producing a new race,
if evolution, with the meaning of getting better and higher, then, why each new species appear, there are another one lives with it, for example, in past, we lived with another kindof humans for about 20000 years before they desepear, if we were evolved from champs, then, why there still chams, or monkeys, if we were evolved from them, so they musnt exist, as we all know also, there are hundreds of monkeys and champs species,
sorry, as i said, what convince me don't convince you
for example, do you think that when you die, you'll just, desepear, just turn into a fertilizer?
Yes. And I don't believe that, I know it.

how does in the quran, there are many scientific facts, and they are clear, if peopel wrote it, how could people know all that we discovered toaday, and later after islam, for example, quran beleived that earth is round, and turns around the sun, and the moonturns aroudn it,
also, how could quran, knew about the bigbang, quran beleive that humans one day will discover a very different lifeform,
the quran say that the sun is a fire ball, that there are explostions on it, the quran don't mention the space by teh word space, but by the word "structure" also say how our sun will die, it says that it will become a red giant, it also mention that the univerce before the bigband was all a one peace, one tissue, a one structure, how do you think that people discovered all that in past, well, they didnt,
Cite the relevant passages please.
And even if it's true that all this knowledge existed in the time of the Quran, it is not proof of God's existence.

also, the quran is the same 1400 years before, you can compare by an old book a 1400 years old, and you'll find them the same, so, it's not modified to contain all those facts, wich you cant deny it, you cant deny that the earth is round, also the sun is a start, and the sun is fire ball with many explotions,
Again, it's not proof of God's existence. And, besides, saying that the sun is a fireball with explosions on it is a tad bit simplistic. I'm sure a God could have done a better job of describing it.
Also, the Earth is not round, it's spherical. And a slightly flattened sphere at that (it's close to being an oblate spheroid).

who do you think created everything, ok, you'll say, none,
Correct, I'll say no one because there is no reason to assume everything was created by a being. Furthermore, it is ridiculous to assume that anything (such as an intelligent being) existed before anything existed. It's logically impossible.

i'll say, who created that structure before the bigbang, so you'll tell me none, so tell me how it existed? how that structure formed?
I don't know, no one knows. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't a 'someone'.
But I too can play that game. If God created everything (but itself, obviously :rolleyes:), who or what created God? Tell me how God was formed then.

let's take an example, let's say in 2050, or 2070, it may exist intellegient robots that can feal, and think they are alive, who created them? did they just existed, or formed by them selves, effcorse not, so, humans, are the creators or the robotic life,
Irrelevant and faulty analogy.

let's say that there is another layer, after this univerce, so, who created that layer? how could things, just exists from nothing, completly nothing,
do you know what doesnt mean nothing? nothing means, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000...00000000...
extreamly nothing,
no darkness, no light, no air, no anything,
just like saying, that there is a flying cow, but there is no flying cow, with wings, so, a cow with a wings don't existed, not even existed,
so, how can you make this cow appear infront of you, like, Poooff!! Magic!!
Exactly, so where did God come from? From nothing? :rolleyes:

let's come to your point of view, why you don't beleive in God.
Because I find the whole concept absurd and illogical. There is no evidence whatsoever, not even a hint, of any God's existence.
I believe that the universe has always been in some form or another. It was never created and it never came into existence, it just always was. I think, that at this point, that view is the most logical one can hold.

hhmm, i have nothing to say more, and i still beleive in God, i beleive you don't, end of story
Alright. I'm sorry for being off-topic Shadow.
But really, your title is loaded. I can only answer 'no' to it, even though other kinds of humans existed before us.

Alright. I'm sorry for being off-topic Shadow.
But really, your title is loaded. I can only answer 'no' to it, even though other kinds of humans existed before us.

it's ok, every budy is giving his point of view