Other kinds of human created before us?


Valued Senior Member
Pleas, i'm just asking you, if you are going to start a proganada, or going to start saying no no no, it's the relegion of terrorism and stuff, or starting to attack people and attack replyies, if you are going to off topic and start talking about terrorism just because this is islam-related topic, and a science topic with a relegion prespective,
i just ask you to stay away, and don't post any reply, and don't cause any verbal attacks, wanan discusse, discuss with respect, and stay on topic, (just friendly advice, don't take it personally, i'm just trying to avoid the verbal attacks and fights)
Only for who's interrested

The existence of humans before Adam?!
Almost two years ago ended scientists to analyze the genetic origin of all human races was shown returning to (one man) who lived in Africa before sixty thousand years
(Depending on the geographic location of the World magazine National geographic).

This result is consistent with the idea of divine religions
(On the reproduction of human beings out of one) do not interfere
With the current view on the multiplicity of human races;
Scientists are fossils believe that there are varieties
Many human rights appeared before the current --
Before completely extinct ..
A hundred thousand years ago, for example, was there (a man Aricts)
Who found effects in Indonesia and China,
And (human Alnndrtalz), who lived in Europe and Palestine,
And (modern humans), who lived in Africa and the Middle East - and still exists even today ..
Although most of these races lived for millions of years
However, the latest of which became extinct before 25 thousand years
Was left non-modern humans or Alhomosabin ..
Not only that, but lived there for long periods of time
Jnsan human barriers or three in the same area
Without the resulting hybrid race
A strong indication of the total differences
(Man is the current example, lived with a man Alnndrtalz
The joint is estimated at 30 thousand years
Before it disappears the last for 25 thousand years only)!
From the Muslim point of view there is no doubt that
The land was ripe and full of life before
The descent of Adam peace be upon him ..
When God told the angels that I have
Renderer () in the ground-Khalifa said on previous experience
Where (Otdjal of mischief therein and shed blood) ..
In this regard, "said Abdullah Ibn Umar:
«The jinn before Adam thousand years Vsvkoa blood
God sent me to them recruited from the angels
Aftrteke to Algeria seas ».
The scholars said: «it was before the jinn, human beings of flesh and blood
They quoted the word shed blood ();
As they quoted the recurrence of life and the emergence of
(Humans, saying the Almighty as we started the first created him back ..)

Dr Abdel-Sabour Shahin, engulfing in his book
«Father Adam» between the words human beings and human beings
He cites many verses to prove that (humans) in the word
Fired at each rational creature walked on two legs
Since the creation of the earth.
As human beings special Vlfez Adam
Who worship God entrusted to them and began the emergence of
Adam, peace be upon him - and therefore
Believes that Adam peace be upon him (Abu Rights)
And not (Abu humans) Padua, who before coming!!
.. It is the human species emerged before
Modern humans, known sex
On behalf of a person Alnndrtalz.
The human race is extinct and Aimit onion
Any of the peoples that exist today.
We have confirmed the fact of his existence through
Bones discovered in many locations
In Europe and the Middle East ..
Through these bones were confirmed by different
Genes from the human genes
Modern and split it entirely ..
Add to this that the caves of Mount Caramel
(On the outskirts of Nazareth in Palestine), including
Interment hybrid of both types has not been discovered, including
Any hybrid or joint strain
(And the disappearance of the hybrid is its own evidence on the separation of the sexes and complete independence)!
And through examination of skeletal remains of human Alnndrtalz
Clear that he was a civilized human being has the qualities
Full backs before long;
Vodmgthm for example, is equal to our brains in capacity and size,
And the greatness of the soft palate have indicated their ability to speak,
And their way of burying the dead prove ownership
Beliefs and legislation are not available to non-human ..
For some reason the concept of non-extinct human Alnndrtalz
Before 25 thousand years after the continued existence
On the ground for a million and a half year.
Bannagradh and we have become masters of the ground
And increased our number of five thousand people --
At the time --
To about 2 billions these days!!

hope that this is a good translation by google,
it's not me who wrote that, i just translated it,
here's the original link

It could very well be that we might have come from another planet in another galaxy that had beings similar to us many billions of years before arriving here.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, shadow1.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, shadow1.

hmm, that it was there other kinds of humans, before us,
in arabic, in the relegion tense, there are two words, refering to humans,
"bachar" wich it refer to every kind of creature, that had an intelligence and walked on two feet,
"insen" is we, the modern human, us,
in a relegion tense, islam, beleive, life was on earth before us, and other "bachar" lived on it,
in a relegion tense, wich we all know, even in chritanity, in adam, we also beleive that adam is our origine, of the modern human, but there was others before him on earth, we are homosapiens, it was there also other kinds, i already mentioned them, wich i'm talking about relegion stuff here, islam, also christanity, beleive that God sended adam to earth, we also think, that we are the first on this planet, but no, we weren't the first, there was others before us,
there is also scientefic evidences, about an old kind of human, that his DNA, is very different from ours, even not similar to ours, but his bones, is similar to ours, just a small differences,
so, i don't think, we evolved from this one, to be us toaday, that one i mentioned now, have a very very differend DNA from us, so we cant be evolved from him, as we all know, the DNA, is like an identety card of someone, even if evolution changed soem of his DNA, just a very small things will change, i do beleive at the adaptation more than in the evolution,
we also beleive in the non material life,
like what we call, "djin" another creature, live where humans live, we cant see them, i think everything is possible, after all, the matter is just about 3percent of the total compositions of the univerce, the rest 97percent is unknown, ok let's say 80 percent, of 70 percent, that the dark matter take maybe 10 percent, let's just guess, what about the rest of 80 percent, we cant even imagine what it could be, we are material creatures, living in a material world, even our imagination, is related to our material reality, how much you can imagine, you cant reach to know the non material things, so, the existence of a non-material creatures, and non material dimentions, maybe non material parts on the univerce, is not unreasebal thinking, after all, we know propably nothing of this existence, exept the matter, and who said that we know all kinds of matters,

about the adaptation,
if you find a human population living in a desertic envirement, you'll find that they are hairy, big structure, can stay longuer times without water than someone from europe, ...
come back after a thousand year, and you'll find the envirement changed, more technology, cities, hospitals, you'll find that their structure is changed, i mean, be less hairy, cant stay long times without water( if they had much water) don't feal good at the heat ( if the weather werent hot, )
let's take another example,
if you find people, an entire opulation, livign on an island, and closed in their islands, that it don't have much resources and food, you'll find people there, smaller than peopel in europe that have resources and much food, there's an old population fond on an island somewhere in teh pasific, they found that they are small, the adult is at the size of a boy in 15, or 16,
also women, the onyl explenation was that, built on facts or reasearches, that they are small, cause of the low resources, and low food, and the small envirement,
for example, there is a new specie of pigent in u.k.
that they eat what peopel gve them, cause in u.k. in some areas local people feed birds all the time, so this new species, don't immegreat, and don't hunt, just wait for the food,
i call this adaptation, not evolution, anyway, i want give more examples, cause you get my point

so the existence, of other dimentions, could be true, we cant see them, but we know they are existed, firsted started by sci-fic, then by proven science, what we cant see, doesnt mean that it don't exist, for example,
you cant see the air, but, how do you know that exist, you cant see lifeforms on other planets, but you beleive that it does,
for example the darkness,darkness don't exists, cause darkness, is when the light is absent, so, you cant see darkness, but you see that there are no light, you can see dark matter, but you beleive in, you cant see the other stuff and structures and compositions, but you beleive that there are more just matters and black matter, you cant see the anti-matter, but actually there is,
get my point?

Who would have created them??

hmm, this is a relegion topic, so i'll say, God,
cause i beleive in the existence of God, ;)
so, if you beleived in God, you'll understand this topic more,
there are scientefic proves in this, also relegion proves,
so i think it would be much understandeball, if you beleived in God,
do you? :)
hmm, this is a relegion topic, so i'll say, God,
cause i beleive in the existence of God, ;)
so, if you beleived in God, you'll understand this topic more,
there are scientefic proves in this, also relegion proves,
so i think it would be much understandeball, if you beleived in God,
do you? :)

No, I don't believe in God.
You say you have scientific proof that God created man? Please present it.
I think even ancient humans could see that from two humans could come many more, so they could think backwards and deduce that at one time, perhaps all people could have come from only two. So, the adam and eve mythology could be based on observation of the present.

I also think humans have an ancestral memory of other humanoids, they live on in stories of giants and dwarfs. Ancient kings used to have expeditions go and bring back exotic creatures and other peoples.

Science also confirms that we weren't the only humans, but that many, many other kinds preceded us, some of whom are our ancestors.

I don't know about your other point, that our gaps in knowledge justify belief in things without evidence.

I think even ancient humans could see that from two humans could come many more, so they could think backwards and deduce that at one time, perhaps all people could have come from only two. So, the adam and eve mythology could be based on observation of the present.

I also think humans have an ancestral memory of other humanoids, they live on in stories of giants and dwarfs. Ancient kings used to have expeditions go and bring back exotic creatures and other peoples.

Science also confirms that we weren't the only humans, but that many, many other kinds preceded us, some of whom are our ancestors.

I don't know about your other point, that our gaps in knowledge justify belief in things without evidence.

our logic, doesnt allow us to beleive in things without proves, but our imagination do,
even logic, can allow us too,
if you just knew that every thing we know, matter, anti-matter and dark matter, are just a few composants of this existence, let's say that they make about 20 percent, le's say 30 percent,so what about the rest 70 percent,
what could it be, sence we discovered that not every thing is material, and there is also an anti-matter, so, we can call the other stuff, non-mater things, things we cant imagine, for exmaple, the dark matter is a one prove, it's not a material thing, but a non-material, we don't know what is it exactly, we juts see it's traces, and consquences, but, it exists, who know about the rest of the univerce, for our minds, we are just a number in the uiver wich it may be, 0.000...000...548...548.....5457
who knows what is there more

No, I don't believe in God.
You say you have scientific proof that God created man? Please present it.

sorry, i cant prove you the existence of God, to some one that don't beleive in God, i must have a larger knoledge than you, scientefic knoledge, i don't even have a good relegion knoledge,
so, sorry, i cant prove it to you,
but i believe in God, and you don't,
i have my thinking, i have my facts that convince me, and i don't have facts that it may convince you, i may try to prove the existence of God to you another time, ok?
our topic here is not about that,
after all, every budy is free in his mind, he's relegion, and he's life.
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I think even ancient humans could see that from two humans could come many more, so they could think backwards and deduce that at one time, perhaps all people could have come from only two. So, the adam and eve mythology could be based on observation of the present.

I also think humans have an ancestral memory of other humanoids, they live on in stories of giants and dwarfs. Ancient kings used to have expeditions go and bring back exotic creatures and other peoples.

Science also confirms that we weren't the only humans, but that many, many other kinds preceded us, some of whom are our ancestors.

I don't know about your other point, that our gaps in knowledge justify belief in things without evidence.

you're reading my mind :D
The existence of humans before Adam?!

Hey Shadow its late now and my face pack is drying up, so...:)

Yeah I remember discussing this topic with Muslim some years ago, here:

He asked if Adam was the first man...

There is no Eve in the Quran, there is no Original Sin, because "Adam" was forgiven for his trespass. There is no mention he was the only man or who was his spouse.

"We said: Get forth, some of you being the enemies of others,"

he was not the only one, he was the one who first recieved divine guidance.

There is no Eve from rib etc.

From al-Baqarah

Allah the Almighty revealed: Remember when your Lord said to the angels: 'Verily, I am going to place mankind generations after generations on earth.' They said: 'Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we glorify You with praises and thanks (exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You.' Allah said: 'I know that which you do not know.' (2:30)

We said: "Get down all of you from this place (the Paradise), then whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve. (2:38)

There is too much confusion because of the Bible stories.
sorry, i cant prove the existence of God, to some one that don't beleive in God,
:confused: lol

i must have a larger knoledge than you, scientefic knoledge,
Oh really? :rolleyes:

i have my thinking, i have my facts that convince me, and i don't have facts that it may convince you, i may try to prove the existence of God to you another time, ok?
our topic here is not about that,
after all, every budy is free in his mind, he's relegion, and he's life.
Ok, can you just post the facts then? If they are good they might convince me.

:confused: lol

Oh really? :rolleyes:

Ok, can you just post the facts then? If they are good they might convince me.

sorry, as i said, what convince me don't convince you
for example, do you think that when you die, you'll just, desepear, just turn into a fertilizer?
how does in the quran, there are many scientific facts, and they are clear, if peopel wrote it, how could people know all that we discovered toaday, and later after islam, for example, quran beleived that earth is round, and turns around the sun, and the moonturns aroudn it,
also, how could quran, knew about the bigbang, quran beleive that humans one day will discover a very different lifeform,
the quran say that the sun is a fire ball, that there are explostions on it, the quran don't mention the space by teh word space, but by the word "structure" also say how our sun will die, it says that it will become a red giant, it also mention that the univerce before the bigband was all a one peace, one tissue, a one structure, how do you think that people discovered all that in past, well, they didnt,
also, the quran is the same 1400 years before, you can compare by an old book a 1400 years old, and you'll find them the same, so, it's not modified to contain all those facts, wich you cant deny it, you cant deny that the earth is round, also the sun is a start, and the sun is fire ball with many explotions,
who do you think created everything, ok, you'll say, none, i'll say, who created that structure before the bigbang, so you'll tell me none, so tell me how it existed? how that structure formed? let's take an example, let's say in 2050, or 2070, it may exist intellegient robots that can feal, and think they are alive, who created them? did they just existed, or formed by them selves, effcorse not, so, humans, are the creators or the robotic life,
let's say that there is another layer, after this univerce, so, who created that layer? how could things, just exists from nothing, completly nothing,
do you know what doesnt mean nothing? nothing means, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000...00000000...
extreamly nothing,
no darkness, no light, no air, no anything,
just like saying, that there is a flying cow, but there is no flying cow, with wings, so, a cow with a wings don't existed, not even existed,
so, how can you make this cow appear infront of you, like, Poooff!! Magic!!

let's come to your point of view, why you don't beleive in God.
Well, such 'humans' did indeed exist: prehistoric hominids. Australopithecus and the rest. They weren't Homo sapiens but they were pretty close. Neanderthals would fit your 30,000-year time frame.

(There's more than 2 billion people in the earth nowadays though.)
for example, do you think that when you die, you'll just, desepear, just turn into a fertilizer?

Your body turns into fertilizer, yes. That is a proven fact. The soul was just a result of that particular configuration of particles, it never did have an independent existence.

Well, such 'humans' did indeed exist: prehistoric hominids. Australopithecus and the rest. They weren't Homo sapiens but they were pretty close. Neanderthals would fit your 30,000-year time frame.

(There's more than 2 billion people in the earth nowadays though.)

yes, exactly, and that's what this topic about, that human that existed before, are not the same toaday, they were other human species,
like birds, all the same kind, but different species sometimes very different, the same for humans, but in human cases, it's rare to find two human species living in the same era, and actually it was there two human species living in past, in the same era, different human species are incountebal, but they are allsimiar
Your body turns into fertilizer, yes. That is a proven fact. The soul was just a result of that particular configuration of particles, it never did have an independent existence.

do you beleive in the existence of the non-mater things,
like the dark matter for example,
but the non-mater things, is somethign we cant imagine, cause even our imagination is realted to the world that we know,
it can be there things, and in the same time don't exists, it do exists, but not as a mater
Everything is material, even dark matter, even ideas travel as configurations of particles.

Everything is material, even dark matter, even ideas travel as configurations of particles.

how do you that every thing is material, are you sure of that?
after all, what we know about the univerce??? a 5 percent?? let's say 20 percent, what about the 80percent??
there is always a propability, do never say that there's nothing but mater, while you just know about 10 percent of the univerce, don't judge fast, anyway,
our discussion is about humans, are different species came in different times,
i don't beleive that they may be the same but evolved, cause as we see, the old humans, have very different DNA of ours, also, we appered, after they disepeared, after every one desepear, another kind appear, and don't have the same of the similar DNA