other intellgient life forms, and other life forms, on other planets, by Islam view


as a scientist, do you beleive in an intelligent alien life?
also an alien life in general

also, what do you think about it, in the quran?
imaginary, illogical, or logical and real
okay!! here we go again!!
if you don't beleive, you don't beleive,
you don't beleive in God, I beleive in God, ;)
end of story.
See, it's so simple :)

The problem with the Quran Shadow1 is one of... huge significance.

Not with the belief at all mind you.

The original Quran was written in a wierd way. To put it in an analogy, imagine if the bible was written in such a way that none of the "i"s or the "j"s had the dots over them, and the "t"s and the "f"s didnt have a horizontal cross in the middle.

So a certain word can either be spelled with an l, an i, or a t, and sometimes a j.

Especially when the book is several thousand pages long, this means that it is pretty much impossible to tell what the original Quran actually said because there are near infinite amounts of ways to word it.

Of course like 60% of them are gibberish, but I believe the current count is that there are 32 Qurans that are used with 8 of them being the major ones.

One of those 32 is the Quran that tells terrorists to "kill the infidel" and cleanse this world in a sea of holy fire. etc, etc...

That same passage in one of the 8 major ones is written to basically make peace with your neighbors, help the poor and the needy, etc.

So it is amazing how something so small can cause so much conflict.

My point shadow1, is that with a near infinite amount of translations, depending on how you interpret the words you could come up with any meaning you like including the alien one.
as a scientist, do you beleive in an intelligent alien life?
also an alien life in general

also, what do you think about it, in the quran?
imaginary, illogical, or logical and real

As a scientist I believe that intelligent life somewhere in this universe is not only possible, but extremely likely, if you just look at it statistically speaking.

in the Quran, as I said in post 22, I believe that the Quran never actually said it but some alien nut switched around the interpretations of the words so that it would come out with his meaning.
The problem with the Quran Shadow1 is one of... huge significance.

Not with the belief at all mind you.

The original Quran was written in a wierd way. To put it in an analogy, imagine if the bible was written in such a way that none of the "i"s or the "j"s had the dots over them, and the "t"s and the "f"s didnt have a horizontal cross in the middle.

So a certain word can either be spelled with an l, an i, or a t, and sometimes a j.

Especially when the book is several thousand pages long, this means that it is pretty much impossible to tell what the original Quran actually said because there are near infinite amounts of ways to word it.

Of course like 60% of them are gibberish, but I believe the current count is that there are 32 Qurans that are used with 8 of them being the major ones.

One of those 32 is the Quran that tells terrorists to "kill the infidel" and cleanse this world in a sea of holy fire. etc, etc...

That same passage in one of the 8 major ones is written to basically make peace with your neighbors, help the poor and the needy, etc.

So it is amazing how something so small can cause so much conflict.

My point shadow1, is that with a near infinite amount of translations, depending on how you interpret the words you could come up with any meaning you like including the alien one.

you can find a historical copy of quran, 1400 years old, or 1300 years old, and you can compare to toaday's book, and you'll find it completly the same

The problem with the Quran Shadow1 is one of... huge significance.

Not with the belief at all mind you.

The original Quran was written in a wierd way. To put it in an analogy, imagine if the bible was written in such a way that none of the "i"s or the "j"s had the dots over them, and the "t"s and the "f"s didnt have a horizontal cross in the middle.

So a certain word can either be spelled with an l, an i, or a t, and sometimes a j.

Especially when the book is several thousand pages long, this means that it is pretty much impossible to tell what the original Quran actually said because there are near infinite amounts of ways to word it.

Of course like 60% of them are gibberish, but I believe the current count is that there are 32 Qurans that are used with 8 of them being the major ones.

One of those 32 is the Quran that tells terrorists to "kill the infidel" and cleanse this world in a sea of holy fire. etc, etc...

That same passage in one of the 8 major ones is written to basically make peace with your neighbors, help the poor and the needy, etc.

So it is amazing how something so small can cause so much conflict.

My point shadow1, is that with a near infinite amount of translations, depending on how you interpret the words you could come up with any meaning you like including the alien one.

holly fire, in sea? kill people?
hmm, never heard of them,
you got everything mixed in your mind
i sugest you make researches first, then come talk to me, just read the quran, first, and tell me,
don't judge by guessing,
and what do grammar laws have to do with that, it's grammar

As a scientist I believe that intelligent life somewhere in this universe is not only possible, but extremely likely, if you just look at it statistically speaking.

in the Quran, as I said in post 22, I believe that the Quran never actually said it but some alien nut switched around the interpretations of the words so that it would come out with his meaning.

oh really?
ok then, as you wish
now i'm started to be concerned, wuuuuwwooo wuuuuuu
yeah right, aliends switched it, they came by their UFOs.
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you can find a historical copy of quran, 1400 years old, or 1300 years old, and you can compare to toaday's book, and you'll find it completly the same

The old version doesnt have the crossed t's and f's and the dotted i's and j's.

That is the problem. Of course you can say its completely the same, the fact is it isn't, its like basically having a blank spot between words for you to write in your own words.

The fact is there are thousands of variations of the Quran, and please dont even try to deny it, its a fact.
oh really?
ok then, as you wish
now i'm started to be concerned, wuuuuwwooo wuuuuuu
yeah right, aliends switched it, they came by their UFOs.

Shadow1, its an english expression, I know it's not your first language but its one of those ways to write something.

when a person says an "alien nut", they dont literally mean a pecan from another planet, or an alien, they mean a crazy person that believes in aliens.

So what I said is that some crazy person that believes in aliens created their own meaning from it.
holly fire, in sea? kill people?
hmm, never heard of them,
you got everything mixed in your mind
i sugest you make researches first, then come talk to me, just read the quran, first, and tell me,
don't judge by guessing,
and what do grammar laws have to do with that, it's grammar

Tell me which of the 10,000 possible versions.

The fact is that if you switch the letters it would create that meaning. Shadow1, I know what i am talking about.
as a scientist, do you beleive in an intelligent alien life?
also an alien life in general

also, what do you think about it, in the quran?
imaginary, illogical, or logical and real
It seems reasonable to think there are other life forms in the Universe - maybe some intelligent as us (more or less so).

I think when looking into the Qur'an or Bible or Nostradamus Quadrants, people see what they want to see. If Aliens wanted to communicate their existence to us, I doubt it would be through such asinine mechanisms. If that makes sense.

The old version doesnt have the crossed t's and f's and the dotted i's and j's.

That is the problem. Of course you can say its completely the same, the fact is it isn't, its like basically having a blank spot between words for you to write in your own words.

The fact is there are thousands of variations of the Quran, and please dont even try to deny it, its a fact.

pfff, ok

Shadow1, its an english expression, I know it's not your first language but its one of those ways to write something.

when a person says an "alien nut", they dont literally mean a pecan from another planet, or an alien, they mean a crazy person that believes in aliens.

So what I said is that some crazy person that believes in aliens created their own meaning from it.

i know
and i still say

to fedr:
don't you have anyone else to disturb him?
there are alot alot many members here, so, go find another guy to disturb ;)

It seems reasonable to think there are other life forms in the Universe - maybe some intelligent as us (more or less so).

I think when looking into the Qur'an or Bible or Nostradamus Quadrants, people see what they want to see. If Aliens wanted to communicate their existence to us, I doubt it would be through such asinine mechanisms. If that makes sense.

the word aliens, or intelligent life,
doesnt mean, that they are more developed than us, or they know about us,
we don't even knowabout them
i mean, since this is in a relgion part, i'll say, that, in the quran, and maybe other holy books, it says that those other intelligent life, are very very far away, so we can never reach them, also as we know, and also that quran mention the space expantion, so, each day, or each times, the space comes more expanded, it says, that God maked a barrier, a distance barrier, so we cant reach them, or even see, we just beleive that they exists, we beleive that there are another intelligent life on this same planet,
we call them the Djin, we cant see them, they are from complitely different kind of mater, or i think they're not from mater,
but in the quran, it says, that one day, and it would be, one of the last day signs, humans will discover a very very different life form from an other planet,
Well, we know that the Prophet Ron Hubbard (pbuh) wrote about Aliens. I mean real bonafide Aliens. One was an Intergalactic Warlord named Xenu (pbuh) (or maybe it was Xemu [pbuh]?). And human's evolved from apes like creatures that absorbed theta spirits from nuked volcanoes with excess Citizens from the inner worlds.

Which all sounds a bit like bullshit to me, but, that's religion for you. I wouldn't doubt if people are killing one another over this bs in another 200 years!

I personally liked T'Pol
as a scientist, do you beleive in an intelligent alien life?
also an alien life in general

also, what do you think about it, in the quran?
imaginary, illogical, or logical and real

Well as a scientist I do believe that it is within the realm of possibility that there is life on other planets. After all our proteins are composed of L-amino acids, which probably have a meteoric origin. However it is quite possible that we may not even recognise this alien life if we saw it. Our perceptions are limited and our imaginations confined by what we can dream.

As to the Qur'an, I do not think it is meant to be the be all of knowledge. Did not the Prophet advise us to go as far as China? Why would he if all could be obtained from a book at home. I have discovered that you can find anything you want in the Qur'an if you look for it. Clearly then, it is a reflection of who we are rather than what might be.

Well, we know that the Prophet Ron Hubbard (pbuh) wrote about Aliens. I mean real bonafide Aliens. One was an Intergalactic Warlord named Xenu (pbuh) (or maybe it was Xemu [pbuh]?). And human's evolved from apes like creatures that absorbed theta spirits from nuked volcanoes with excess Citizens from the inner worlds.

Which all sounds a bit like bullshit to me, but, that's religion for you. I wouldn't doubt if people are killing one another over this bs in another 200 years!

I personally liked T'Pol

is it kinda of mocking?