other intellgient life forms, and other life forms, on other planets, by Islam view


Valued Senior Member
Pleas, i'm just asking you, if you are going to start a proganada, or going to start saying no no no, or starting to attack people and attack replyies, if you are going to off topic and start talking about terrorism just because this is islam-related topic,
i just ask you to stay away, and don't post any reply, and don't cause any verbal attacks, wanna discusse, discuss with respect, and stay on topic, (just friendly advice, don't take it personally, i'm just trying to avoid the verbal attacks and fights)
Only for who's interrested

قال الله تعالى: (افغير دين الله يبغون و له اسلم من في السماوات و الارض طوعا و كرها و اليه يرجعون) ال عمران الاية 83

إذا كان الانسان و الجن هم من اسلموا في الارض طوعا و كراهية فمن الدين اسلموا في السماوات؟؟؟؟؟ أعد قراءة الآية من جديد، وعلماً ان الملائكة خلقت مؤمنة و مطيعة لأمر الله عز و جل.

(الايَسْجُدُوا للهِ الَّذِي يُخْرِجُ الْخَبْءَ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ) (سورة النمل، آية 25) والخَبْءُ: هو النبات؛

ماذا؟؟ إذن هناك نبات في مكان ما من هذا الكون الفسيح؟؟؟ لم يقل الله عز وجل “من السماوات” بل “في السماوات” والفرق كبير جداً لمن أراد التفكر في كلمات الله.

(وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيهِمَا مِنْ دَابَّةٍ وَهُوَ عَلَى جَمعِهِمْ إِذَا يَشَاءُ قَدِيرٌ) (الشورى، آية 29) تؤكد الآية الكريمة وجود دواب في السماء، وليس في الأرض فقط، والدابة هي التي تدب على الأرض أي تمشي.

﴿و لقد كرمنا بني ادم وحملناهم في البر والبحر و رزقناهم من الطيبات و فضلناهم على كثير ممن خلقنا تفضيلا﴾ (سورة الاسراء / اية 70)

قال الله تعالى (ممن) خلقنا و ليس (مما) و هناك فرق شاسع بين الكلمتين، اذ ان كلمة (ممن) تفيد العاقل، في حين ان (مما) تفيد غير العاقل.. ونحن نعرف من هو الجنس العاقل في القرآن ومن القرآن ذاته.. كالملائكة والشياطين.. والجن.. ولكن وردت في الاية كلمة (كثير) وهذه الكلمة تفيد ما هو اكثر من (9) – لاحظ ان الكائنات العاقلة المعروفة هي الانس والجن والشياطين والملائكة فقط – لان الاعداد من (3 – 9) تسمى (بضع) و ليس (كثير)، ومن المؤكد ان الله (سبحانه وتعالى) لم يذكر تلك الكلمات بالتحديد دون سبب..!

﴿و يخلق ما لا تعلمون﴾ (سورة النحل/8)

اي أن هناك من الخلق ما لا نعلم عنه شيئا.

اعتقد ان التاريخ ايضا يشير الى وجودها ككهوف تاسيلي في الجزائر وما بها من رسومات منذ 6000 سنة قبل الميلاد لكائنات فضائية غريبة تمثل آلهة ذلك الشعب الذي سجل تاريخه على الجدران.. (ولدي تدوينة قريباً حول هذا الموضوع بالذات) ومثلت برمودا الغامض وحوادثه المسجلة للطيارين ولاننسى الحضارة الفرعونية التي هي اكبر دليل على وجودها علمياً انطلاقاً طريقة قص حجارة الاهرام والتي لم يتم التعريف عن ماهيتها لحدود الآن لانها لم تقطع بالمطرقة والإزميل.. بالإضافة لأن الاهرام لم تذكر في الرسوم الهروغليفية الموجودة على الجدران وهذا شيء يبعث الى الشك فكيف لم يذكر المصريون الاهرامات ولم يقوموا بتاريخ هذا الصرح العظيم في رسوماتهم وكيفية بناؤه؟ اعتقد ان العقل الانساني يسير في تطور الى الامام اي اننا اكثر ذكاء و تقدماً من الحضارات التي سبقتنا والحضارات القادمة ستكون اكثر تطوراً منا لكن معرفتنا للاهرامات عكس كل التصورات والحقائق العلمية بحيث تعتقد انها قادمة من المستقبل وليست من 3000 سنة قبل الميلاد.. وللأسف فإن إخوتنا المصريون يؤمنون أنهم هم أحفاد أصحاب الأهرامات.. بينما يتجاهلون السؤال، من أين لكم العلم والمعرفة التي أهلتكم لتبنوا هذا البناء الهائل بذاك الشكل الهندسي في ذاك الوضع؟ وأين هم مهندسوه الآن؟

في اعتقادي ان عدداً من الحكومات على علاقة بالمخلوقات الفضائية اولهم الولايات المتحدة فكيف لاختراعات هائلة في هذا العصر ان لا تؤرخ ولا نسمع عن مكتشفيها ومخترعيها والعلم مجّد نيوتن الذي انتبه الى سقوط التفاحة؟؟

هناك اسئلة عديدة تثير الشكوك واجوبة عديدة في ذهني يلزمها الوقت لتخرج.. وهناك العديد والكثير من الأمثلة والآيات في القرآن التي تشير بطريقة او بأخرى الى وجود كائنات عاقلة غيرنا في هذا الكون.. لكني للأسف لن أستطيع جمعها كلها الآن، وأتمنى أن تكون تدوينتي هذه بذرة مقالات أكثر وأوسع.

رغبت بالأمثلة التي ذكرتها في موضوعي هذا أن تكون – مجرد أمثلة – لما قرأته شخصياً من علوم ومعارف عامة وكذلك ما قرأته من القرآن وما تفكرت فيه وتمعنت من معانيه.. وأدعوا الله أن يشرح لنا صدورنا ويهدينا إلى صراطه المستقيم.

في النهاية أترككم مع فيديو قمت بإنشائه يبين لكم عمق كوننا وعظمة الخالق عز وجل، فسبحان الله الخالق المبدع..

the same but in english:

قال الله تعالى: (افغير دين الله يبغون و له اسلم من في السماوات و الارض طوعا و كرها و اليه يرجعون) ال عمران الاية 83

If humans and the jinn were voluntarily converted to Islam in the land, and hatred of religion, it is converted to Islam in the heavens ????? Re-read the verse again, and note that the angels have created a secure and obedient to the command of Allah Almighty.

(الايَسْجُدُوا للهِ الَّذِي يُخْرِجُ الْخَبْءَ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ) (سورة النمل، آية 25) and والخَبْءُ is plants;

Why? So there is a plant somewhere in this vast universe??? He did not say God "from the heavens" but "in heaven" and the difference is too large for those who wanted to reflect on the words of God.

(وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيهِمَا مِنْ دَابَّةٍ وَهُوَ عَلَى جَمعِهِمْ إِذَا يَشَاءُ قَدِيرٌ) (الشورى، آية 29) verse confirms the presence of animals in the sky, and not in the land, is an animal that creeps on earth walk.

) And I have honored the sons of Adam and carried them on land and sea and provided them with good things and Vdilnahm many of those who created favorable ((Al-Isra / State 70)

God said (who) is not created and (thus), and there is a big difference between the words, because the word (who) had the wise, while (which) According to the insane .. We know who is the genus in the Holy Quran is the same .. Angels and demons .. And the jinn .. But received word in verse (many) and the word according to what is more than (9) - Notice that the objects are known as rational mankind and the jinn and devils and angels only - because the numbers of (3 - 9) is called (a few) and not (many), and Certainly Allah (glorified and exalted) did not say those words specifically for no reason ..!

)﴿و يخلق ما لا تعلمون﴾ (سورة النحل/8)

That there is no creation of what we do not know nothing about.

I think that history also refers to the presence Kkhov Tassili in Algeria and the drawings since 6000 BC, a strange space objects that represent the gods of the people who record history on the walls .. (I have a blog entries soon about this particular subject) and the mysterious and represented Bermuda Hawwadth registered pilots and forget the Pharaonic civilization which is the biggest proof of the existence scientifically based method of cutting the stones of the pyramids, not the definition of the limits of what they are now because they did not get a hammer and chisel .. In addition to that Al-Ahram did not mention in fees Heroglevip on the walls and this is nothing to doubt how the Egyptians did not mention the pyramids did not do on this great edifice in the drawings and how to build it? I think the human mind going forward in the development means that we are more intelligent and advanced civilizations that preceded us and civilizations to come will be more sophisticated of us, but our knowledge of the pyramids Contrary to all the perceptions and scientific facts as to think it's coming from the future and not from 3000 BC .. Unfortunately, our brothers the Egyptians believe they are descendants of the owners of the pyramids .. While ignoring the question, Where do you science and knowledge that Ohiltkm to build this huge construction Bmak geometry in that situation? Where are the engineers now?

I believe that the number of governments on the relationship of space creatures are headed, how the United States for inventions in this era of enormous that there is no chronicle Mkchwiha not hear about the science and the glory of their creators and Newton who noted the fall of an apple??

There are numerous questions, raise doubts, and many questions in my mind need time to come out .. There are many, many examples and verses in the Koran that refer in one way or another to the existence of intelligent life else in the universe .. But unfortunately I can not collect all now, and I hope that this seed Tduente more articles and more.

You want the examples mentioned in this objective to be - just examples - personally what I have read of science and general knowledge as well as from the Koran and read it and speculated Tmant of sense .. And I hope to God to explain to us our hearts and guide us to the Straight Path.

In the end leave you with a video you created shows you the depth of our being and the greatness of the Creator Almighty, Glory to God the Creator creator ..

the original link: http://www.ibda3world.com/?p=7778

i just wrote the quran verses in arabic, cause it want give the same meaning in english,
here's the english translation is the same explained in english here,
you can see, and be sure of what i'm saying, from searching google by the words: (سورة النحل/8) in english
(الشورى، آية 29) in english
(سورة النمل، آية 25) in english
ال عمران الاية 83 in english

google trasnlator is not very good, it changes some meaning, cause teh quran writing, is not like the normal arabic, that you speak it every day, like give me an apple
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I wonder what Xenu thinks about this? Well, in all honesty I think Xenu/Xemu is only a politician. Intergallactic Warlord is an Administration Office. Come to think of it - just like Mohammad. Prophets and Warlords were the Politicians back 2000 years ago.

And we all know how well Politicians tell the truth - something to think about.

I wonder what Xenu thinks about this? Well, in all honesty I think Xenu/Xemu is only a politician. Intergallactic Warlord is an Administration Office. Come to think of it - just like Mohammad. Prophets and Warlords were the Politicians back 2000 years ago.

And we all know how well Politicians tell the truth - something to think about.

okay!! here we go again!!
if you don't beleive, you don't beleive,
you don't beleive in God, I beleive in God, ;)
end of story.
See, it's so simple :)
okay!! here we go again!!
if you don't beleive, you don't beleive,
you don't beleive in God, I beleive in God, ;)
end of story.
See, it's so simple :)

What does believing in God have to do with whether or not there may or may not be Alien life. After all if you can concider this God was/is a Alien to Man when he may or may not have created man.
This is a thread about Aliens and Religion isn't it???

Other than Muslims and Scientologists, I suppose there are the Raëlians who also believe in Aliens. I see this as a good sign. Perhaps Islam can adopt some of the cultural practices of Tom Cruse (pbuh)? :D

What does believing in God have to do with whether or not there may or may not be Alien life. After all if you can concider this God was/is a Alien to Man when he may or may not have created man.

hmm, this is related to relegion, cause i didnt see any scitific proof,
also, this is mentioned in the quran, that's why this topic belongs to relegion
if an alien created us, then, why an alein, would say, that they created other aliens, and they created other life forms on other planets
they in the arbaic grmar, can notify, one, like you say, you, (for the group, you,) or you(for a one pearson)

This is a thread about Aliens and Religion isn't it???

Other than Muslims and Scientologists, I suppose there are the Raëlians who also believe in Aliens. I see this as a good sign. Perhaps Islam can adopt some of the cultural practices of Tom Cruse (pbuh)? :D

lol, Tom Cruse,
no, this is true, not adapted, really, if you can see, you see the same quran, and see the old ones, in musems, that it's gae is 1400 or 1300, you'll find that they are the same toaday,
yeah, it's related to relegion, cause there's no scientific evidence.
:D Tom Crue(...) lol
Well I would not go as far as saying aliens belong to religion that is like saying the air belongs to religion. And I have not read the Quran and no offence I don't really want to either as IMO all religious texts are just a collection of stories not unlike Aesop's Fables. Both contain stories that are gear toward what is right what is wrong and how to handle certain types of interactions between beings of all types.

Well I would not go as far as saying aliens belong to religion that is like saying the air belongs to religion. And I have not read the Quran and no offence I don't really want to either as IMO all religious texts are just a collection of stories not unlike Aesop's Fables. Both contain stories that are gear toward what is right what is wrong and how to handle certain types of interactions between beings of all types.

who said that aliens belong to relegion?
i said, i's just mentioned,
well, as for me, as a muslim, i do beleive in it, that there is life on other planets, also alien intelligent life,
also, as a science lover (i just love the general stuff, not the too spesefic) anyway, as a sicence lover, i also beleive, that it must be life on other planets, after all, there are billions and billions and trillions of galasxies, each galaxy, have millions of solar systems, each solar system, have a dozen of planets, many planets,
so, it's more logical to think that there are other lifeforms on other planets,
hmm, this is related to relegion, cause i didnt see any scitific proof,
also, this is mentioned in the quran, that's why this topic belongs to relegion
if an alien created us, then, why an alein, would say, that they created other aliens, and they created other life forms on other planets
they in the arbaic grmar, can notify, one, like you say, you, (for the group, you,) or you(for a one pearson)

Well You said that the topic belongs to religion please see your own post.

Well You said that the topic belongs to religion please see your own post.

i meant by that big read one , that this topic, belongs to the relegion section, in this site, cause, what i posted here, is by a ppoint of view of islam,

about the other, that you think, that i think, that aliens and stuff belong to relegion, hmm, i didnt think about it like that, it's you who said that, not me,
anyway, who said that they belong to relegion, do water belong to relegion? do your house belong to relegion??? effcorse not, relegion is not a pearson, or not a propertis house, or a city hall, it's a beleive, and thoghts,




Xfiles, it's an old tv. seires, do you know it?
From my studies of the Qur'an and Aliens I have concluded that the following being exist in our universe:


