
yeah...you lugh at everyone cause ye tink you have got it dont you?

Not at all, I just laughed at the comments made by Marlin because they were very funny. With one pointless statement, he tried to throw the whole of judaism out the window - claiming indeed that Adam himself was a christian. I find it incredibly funny. If you have problem with that, sue me.

Further to which, I also find it amusing that the person who keeps talking about magic mushrooms types just like someone who's using magic mushrooms :D

Actually, that's the same thing I would say about some die-hard atheists: that no matter how much evidence is given them of God's existence

What evidence would that be? The only attempted 'evidence' I've seen religious people make is that:

A) The world looks nice, butterflies are too beautiful to have not been made by a god.

That is not evidence of anything, unless we are then to state that the existence of lung cancer and pubic lice are evidence of god's non-existence. While I will agree many things on this planet are beautiful to my human eyes, it is evidence of nothing.

B) The bible says: {insert text here}, which means it's true.

This is not evidence of anything, unless we are to state that Fellowship of the Ring is evidence that Hobbits exist.

Other than that what else do you have? And c'mon, can you even blame atheists? Just the other week I saw you and another christian going at it, not agreeing with a single word the other said, labelling each other as fake christians and so on. You guys can't even seem to sort it out amongst yourselves, how would we know which of you to listen to?

they will "believ[e] any old tripe as long as it keeps [their] delusions alive."

I'm sure some will, but then you at least share something in common.
SnakeLord said:
Not at all, I just laughed at the comments made by Marlin because they were very funny. With one pointless statement, he tried to throw the whole of judaism out the window - claiming indeed that Adam himself was a christian. I find it incredibly funny. If you have problem with that, sue me.

[Channeling "Spies Like Us"]

We mock what we do not understand.

[/"Spies Like Us"]

What evidence would that be? The only attempted 'evidence' I've seen religious people make is that:

A) The world looks nice, butterflies are too beautiful to have not been made by a god.

That is not evidence of anything, unless we are then to state that the existence of lung cancer and pubic lice are evidence of god's non-existence. While I will agree many things on this planet are beautiful to my human eyes, it is evidence of nothing.

The incredible complexity, variety and (yes) beauty of life and nature are a great testament of the fact that God exists and created it all.

B) The bible says: {insert text here}, which means it's true.

This is not evidence of anything, unless we are to state that Fellowship of the Ring is evidence that Hobbits exist.

God gives an inner witness of His existence to all who will exercise faith in Him. And He also testifies that the scriptures are true, also within our hearts.

Other than that what else do you have? And c'mon, can you even blame atheists? Just the other week I saw you and another christian going at it, not agreeing with a single word the other said, labelling each other as fake christians and so on. You guys can't even seem to sort it out amongst yourselves, how would we know which of you to listen to?

The existence of falsehood doesn't mean that there is no truth. I don't blame you, though, for not knowing what to believe. That is what personal revelation is for, to witness within our hearts that true doctrine is in fact true. The Bible tells us that if we will do the will of God, we will know the doctrine is true. Ask God what is true and He will answer you, in His own way and His own time. His inner testimony has been described as a "burning in the bosom" by Latter-day Saint leaders.
marlin said:
His inner testimony has been described as a "burning in the bosom"
or heart burn, but it's mostly called hallucinating, or bipolar disorder.
We mock what we do not understand.

Lest ye forget, we also mock that which is stupid.

You made the wildest of assertions without anything to back it up with - against all reasoning and understanding of history and then expect me not to laugh? Then try and blame me for it? Please.

The incredible complexity, variety and (yes) beauty of life and nature are a great testament of the fact that God exists and created it all.

In actuality the "incredible complexity, variety, beauty.." - and yes, the 'downside' of life and nature is:

A) Just as much a 'great testament of the 'fact', (I see you do not yet understand that word), that a giant invisible uranium eating potato lives in outer mongolia"

B) A sure sign that life has had to struggle and fight it's way through the ages - and continues to do so without the aid or intervention of any space fairies, and has come into being not by the hand of a cosmic bearded dude, but by natural means.

C) A purely personal notion. While you might find things complex and beautiful, others do not. You cannot argue the case given that many would disagree on the very first assertion - and you can in no way settle it. Admittedly I do find life and nature quite beautiful: The bot fly is a shining example of beauty. The way it's offspring eat living creatures from the inside out - whether they be christians or not, is astoundingly amazing - as is the way cancer grows and spreads through even the smallest of children without so much as a care in the world. Our own bodies going against us.. a truly great testament and no mistake.

Not to mention all those wonderfully complex useless organs.. whales with legs, humans with tail bones, wisdom teeth and so on. Only the greatest of designers would have made it so.. {/end sarcasm}.

God gives an inner witness of His existence to all who will exercise faith in Him.

Firstly.. which god are we talking about?

Secondly.. If you mean the god of the jews + christians, (YHWH), you're wrong. I put faith in this being several years ago, and nearly a decade later have heard nothing. Maybe he's on vacation?

Not to mention the very notion is shown to be utterly ludicrous considering you all still go around saying "I believe in god", and "I have faith that god exists". If you knew, (because you had experienced/seen/heard/felt/witnessed god's existence), you would never say these things. You would openly and loudly declare: "I know god exists" - and that would be that. Instead you show that you know nothing but believe everything.

And He also testifies that the scriptures are true, also within our hearts.

Which ones? The Enuma Elish? The Quran?

The existence of falsehood doesn't mean that there is no truth.

And let me guess... You consider 'falsehood' as anything in disagreeance with your beliefs and opinions? Such sickening naivety.

I don't blame you, though, for not knowing what to believe

See my point? You hang on to "believe". If god indeed came to you/witnessed to you, it would be a case of 'knowing', not believing.

The Bible tells us that if we will do the will of God, we will know the doctrine is true.

Let me rephrase this for you..

The bible tells us that if we believe in what the bible says we will know the bible is true.

Absolute idiocy beyond all comparison.

His inner testimony has been described as a "burning in the bosom" by Latter-day Saint leaders.

And as "indigestion" by scientists.
I won't dignify that with a response, except to say that yes, I do know that God exists.

If you want to discuss things further, SnakeLord, learn some manners and apologize for your rudeness.
What rudeness?

But hey, I guess I'm not one of those beautiful things that is great testament to gods existence.. right?

Seriously, if you can't debate the issues I have pointed out, then say so.. No need to be a coward.
SnakeLord said:
Not at all, I just laughed at the comments made by Marlin because they were very funny. With one pointless statement, he tried to throw the whole of judaism out the window - claiming indeed that Adam himself was a christian. I find it incredibly funny. If you have problem with that, sue me.

me::haha....like i said, 'legal'. not I@M larfin

Further to which, I also find it amusing that the person who keeps talking about magic mushrooms types just like someone who's using magic mushrooms :D

me:: which says a lot for how you rate magic mushrooms,right?
if someone was drunk, then i ould understand that statement. when drunk you kind of LOSE your sense. you become dulled, and have trouble with hand to eye coordination, etc.
Psychedelic mushrooms are utterly different than that. they greatly deepen sensual awareness. your ignoreance abot tis speaks volumes regarding your dismissive attitude when someone relates their vital significance to the whole history of myth, religion, philosophy, etc etc

What evidence would that be? The only attempted 'evidence' I've seen religious people make is that:

A) The world looks nice, butterflies are too beautiful to have not been made by a god.

me:: what bout , Nature IS Intelligence?

That is not evidence of anything, unless we are then to state that the existence of lung cancer and pubic lice are evidence of god's non-existence. While I will agree many things on this planet are beautiful to my human eyes, it is evidence of nothing.

me:: because your 'atheism' is areaction against a false myth is why. ts you've thrown the baby out and turned cynical

B) The bible says: {insert text here}, which means it's true.

This is not evidence of anything, unless we are to state that Fellowship of the Ring is evidence that Hobbits exist.

Other than that what else do you have? And c'mon, can you even blame atheists? Just the other week I saw you and another christian going at it, not agreeing with a single word the other said, labelling each other as fake christians and so on. You guys can't even seem to sort it out amongst yourselves, how would we know which of you to listen to?

I'm sure some will, but then you at least share something in common.

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvveryyyy vaaaaaaaaaaaaaCANT hehe