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Osiris-Dionysus to Jesus Myth

I recently read Dan Brown's the Davinci Code and never before has any novel left such an impression with me. The ideas he was writing about from his research into the real subject matter intrigued me into doing more of my own research into related matters. I was amazed to discover that the entire Christian religion is nothing more than a pagan godman religion itself rooted in Egyptian mythology. From the information I've gathered this is what happened. The Egyptians were polytheists that believed in humanoid gods. The Pharos obviously for political control exploited this in deifying themselves as descended from Gods. Among there many gods stories the Osiris myth became very popular probably because people identified the Osiris god made flesh thinking of themselves as also somehow divine at least as immortal souls within mortal bodies of flesh. The various Egyptian traditions sometimes contradict but to sum it up, this is how is worked, Osiris was the spouse of Isis in the Ennead Set(a gay female goddess probably corresponding to Satan) Kill's Osiris who is resurrected with the magic of Isis(who eventually corresponds to the presence of Mary Magdalene at the resurrection of Jesus). Before her magic wore off and he returns to the land of the dead she conceives Horus(the son of god) by Osiris(the heavenly father). Since Osiris returns to the dead prior to birth it makes it possible for Horus to be the incarnation of the father. Thus the son became one with the father god which is the literal meaning of the word atonement. Osiris-Horus then was the life-death-rebirth deity celebrated at the time of the yearly harvest. Horus being Osiris and therefore both the husband and son of Isis led me to wonder about the fact that Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene the wife of Jesus had the same name. Well researching on I found that in some traditions the mother of Horus was Meh which is the root of Meri who was a virgin mother, and upon Horis birth receives gifts from three visitors. Upon his birth Meri's husband Seb (Jo-sef) takes them to flee as the serpent Herrut(corresponding to Herrod) was apposed to Horus. Under this tradition Horus somehow becomes one with Ra who was born on a mountain summit Apta which is also the word used to mean manger. Meri's identity it seems was absorbed by the Isis religion in which she was deified as the goddess Isis. It appears that Osiris, Horus, and Isis was the for runner of the Christian trinity where meri/Isis is now replaced by the holy spirit which was not worshiped in early Christianity when Mary was. In fact some religions still worship/prayto Mary. I think she got written out as a Goddess at the time of the Nicene creed. Horus had some titles that may sound familiar as well:
The lamb, the light of the world, the good shepherd, the way, the truth, the life, the anointed one - which is Christos in Greek. As you may have noticed certain God's identities seemed to be absorbed by others. This was apparently a common political practice intended to unify peoples belief systems which is called syncretism. The Egyptian dying rising godman mythology spread like wildfire to surrounding regions through syncretism and so many godman cults shared parallels with Osiris and therefore with Jesus who was a synchrosism of these religions that the common dying rising godman theme is called just Osiris-Dionysus. If Jesus was an actual man and not just a complete political fabrication through syncretism I find it to be too much a coincidence that the place Mary was supposed to have fled to raise Jesus probably to 12 was Egypt itself where he would have been free to explore these religions and then institute such in his homeland later in life. Here are some more parallels between Osiris-Dionysus and Jesus from
1. Jesus is the savior of mankind, God made man, the Son of the God equal with the Father; so is Osiris-Dionysus.
2. Jesus is born of a mortal virgin who after her death ascends to heaven and is honored as a divine being; so is Osiris-Dionysus.
3. Jesus is born in a cave on 25 December or 6 January, as is Osiris-Dionysus.
4. The birth of Jesus is prophesied by a star; so is the birth of Osiris-Dionysus.
5. Jesus is born in Bethlehem, which was shaded by a grove sacred to Osiris-Dionysus.
6. Jesus is visited by the Magi, who are followers of Osiris-Dionysus.
7. The Magi bring Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, which a sixth-century BCE Pagan tells us is the way to worship God.
8. Jesus is baptized, a ritual practiced for centuries in the Mysteries
9. The holy man who baptizes Jesus with water has the same name as a Pagan god of water and is born on the summer solstice celebrated as a Pagan water festival.
10. Jesus offers his followers elemental baptisms of water, air and fire, as did the Pagan Mysteries.
11. Jesus is portrayed as a quiet man with long hair and a beard; so is Osiris-Dionysus
12. Jesus turns water into wine at a marriage on the same day that Osiris-Dionysus was previously believed to have turned water into wine at a marriage
13. Jesus heals the sick, exorcises demons, provides miraculous meals, helps fishermen make miraculous catches of fish and calms the water for his disciples; all of these marvels had previously been performed by Pagan sages.
14. Like the sages of the Mysteries, Jesus is a wandering wonder-worker who is not honored in his home town.
15. Jesus is accused of licentious behavior, as were the followers of Osiris-Dionysus.
16. Jesus is not at first recognized as a divinity by his disciples, but then is transformed before them in all his glory; the same is true of Osiris-Dionysus.
17. Jesus is surrounded by 12 disciples; so is Osiris-Dionysus.
18. Jesus rides triumphantly into town on a donkey while crowds wave branches, as does Osiris-Dionysus.
19. Jesus is a just man unjustly accused of heresy and bringing a new religion, as is Osiris-Dionysus
20. Jesus attacks hypocrites, stands up to tyranny and willingly goes to his death predicting he will rise again in three days, as do Pagan sages.
21. Jesus is betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, a motif found in the story of Socrates.
22. Jesus is equated with bread and wine, as is Osiris-Dionysus.
23. Jesus' disciples symbolically eat bread and drink wine to commune with him, as do the followers of Osiris-Dionysus
24. Jesus is hung on a tree or crucified, as is Osiris-Dionysus
25. Jesus dies as a sacrifice to redeem the sins of the world; so does Osiris-Dionysus
26. Jesus' corpse is wrapped in linen and anointed with myrrh, as is the corpse of Osiris-Dionysus
27. After his death Jesus descends to hell, then on the third day resurrects before his disciples and ascends into heaven, where he is enthroned by God and waits to reappear at the end of time as a divine judge, as does Osiris-Dionysus.
28. Jesus was said to have died and resurrected on exactly the same dates that the death and resurrection of Osiris-Dionysus were celebrated.
29. Jesus' empty tomb is visited by three women followers; Osiris-Dionysus also has three women followers who visit an empty cave
30. Through sharing in his passion Jesus offers his disciples the chance to be born again, as does Osiris-Dionysus

The evidence is overwhelming, but I’ll be flexible and at first say this seems to leave me with two possible conclusions.
1. The Jesus story is a complete rip off of what is ultimately Egyptian mythology and modern Christianity is an evolution of paganism based on Catholicism, nothing more than a collection of the pagan religions of Osiris-Dionysis.
2. All this correspondence was somehow prophetic.

Having been generous with the latter I will say that it seems ludicrous to believe that the what Christianity holds as the opponents of Israel or God, Egypt, would receive such detailed revelation when those which modern Christianity proposes were the chosen of God, Judaism, did not. You may propose Abraham who was supposedly a prophet in Egypt or a descendent down to Moses instigated all this, but this level of prophetic correspondence is not biblically founded. I must therefore conclude that the weight of evidence is for the first conclusion, and where the weight of evidence lay is the only rational conclusion on which to base my faith.
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My opinion is, Adam and all the patriarchs received Christianity from "Day One," and any similarities between Christianity and paganism is because some people from the original Adamic religion (true Christianity) apostatized and formed their own mythology based on what they already knew.

So it wasn't Christianity which copied from Osiris-Dionysus--rather, it was the reverse. IMHO.
theres a lot of evidence that jesus studied jewish prophecy and melded it with a form of pagan mystery school (like the egyptian religion, incorporating the osiris-isis dying rising god theme). theres a lot of little episodes in the bible that are written off as just weird, or miracles that have a lot of significance if placed in the right context, particularly the raising of lazarus and the anointing of jesus's feet with spikenard ointment by the woman often assumed to be mary magdalene.

theres some really good books that delve further along the lines of jesus's interest in/flirtations with mystery religions and what was at the time considered sorcery (the works of hermes trismegistos...etc.) and how he constructed his circle of initiates.

check out if you havent already -

the templar revelation

jesus the magician

the woman with the alabaster jar

the messianic legacy

holy blood holy grail

isis unveiled

the secret doctrine

just interesting because they offer a bit of insight to the history of church development and alternatives to what the church itself puts forth as its official evolution.
Marlin said:
My opinion is, Adam and all the patriarchs received Christianity from "Day One," and any similarities between Christianity
sorry it could not of been christianity, they received a believe in a god?, there was no religion and it certainly was'nt christianity(christianity came about with a christ.)are you saying that adam new of jesus?
Marlin said:
and paganism is because some people from the original Adamic religion (true Christianity) apostatized and formed their own mythology based on what they already knew.
the ones who did'nt know of christ, but surely adam would have told them of the christ, but wait a minute, adam would have also known about the floods, sodom and gomorrah, etc. why is'nt there anything about the coming of jesus, and how he will save mankind in Genesis?.
Marlin said:
So it wasn't Christianity which copied from Osiris-Dionysus--rather, it was the reverse. IMHO.
wrong, if I was you, I'd go back to the drawing board on that theory.
utter caca de vaca.

Trilairian you may wish to read these, and the stories of gigamesh etc..
mithras, the truth behind xianity
geeser said:
sorry it could not of been christianity, they received a believe in a god?, there was no religion and it certainly was'nt christianity(christianity came about with a christ.) are you saying that adam new of jesus? the ones who did'nt know of christ, but surely adam would have told them of the christ, but wait a minute, adam would have also known about the floods, sodom and gomorrah, etc. why is'nt there anything about the coming of jesus, and how he will save mankind in Genesis?.wrong, if I was you, I'd go back to the drawing board on that theory.
utter caca de vaca.

Adam knew of the Plan of Salvation, in which Christ plays a central role. He taught this to his children. Yes, he knew of Jesus. However, he didn't know all things, and Latter-day Saints believe that the Bible has had many "plain and precious truths" removed from it. Also, the Bible doesn't contain all truth, nor does it chronicle every experience of every one of the patriarchs and prophets.
your getting, this crap out of your book of the morons, ar'nt you.
back up what you say with some kind of references please even if there, from the book written by the david koresh/jimmy jones of his time joseph smith.
geeser, here is a reference dealing with the idea of "dispensations," including Adam's:

Dispensations of the Gospel

Every dispensation, beginning with Adam's, has been a dispensation of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. That is, in each dispensation the same plan of redemption through the Savior and the necessary holy priesthood have been revealed by God in a similar and consistent manner.
thank you for the reference, but you still have to go back to the drawing board,
as it's still pure caca de vaca.

you see, I never lived in a prelife, and I wont in an afterlife, you see I dont have hallucinations, all religion is just mythology to me.
I wont be saved, because it all delusion on your part.

if your right, then I will still not kneel before a god, and become it's slave, I would rather be in hell, then lose my dignity to some god, he should bow before me, as my morals are much higher then any gods, I dont kill, I'm not jealous, I'm not evil.
geeser, I'm sorry to hear that. Should you ever change your mind, the Lord is willing to save you. He's as close as a prayer and has unlimited time to devote to you. He is not evil--He is the servant of all, and thus the greatest of all. He wants you to be happy and will be glad to take you in, should you desire it.
theres nothing to be sorry for, save your pity for a delusional religious person, I need none, I'm the happiest I could be.
the only way I could possibly change my mind would be a blow to the head, and into cabbageland, cant be saved by non-existence, that infantile.
however, I'll play along with your lunacy.

has your god killed?, he has killed therefore he is not worthy of praise.
I do not pay homage to evil, you obviously do.
he cannot be great and evil, he is evil only.
if he's the servant of all, will he bow to me, and pay me homage?, as his superior. 99% of humanitys, have morals which are superior, to your gods.
if he wants me to be happy, then he should leave me alone, forever.
I would be less happy being a slave, if you wish it thats up to you.
I am morally superior to your god, and he cannot prove otherwise, you only have to read religious books, to know how evil he is.
of course tere is a connection...te myths are te same!!!

to get a clue as to what theymean you HAVE TO drop yur literalist blinkers!

alright there is a correspondence btween the anceint star system and magical plants

Christ remember is the 'Morning Star' as was supposedly so for 'Lucifer'....actually Lucifer MEANS VEnus, which IS Morning and EVENing Star...ok

now the ancient corresponded stars with DEW.......te most prominent and most powerful one for tem was VENUS, asit was believed to increase the potency of magicak plants--especially magic mushrooms

following this?

the ESSENSE behind all the mythological fabrications you'll are struggling wit in a literalist way is THE SACRED PSYCHEDELIC
MUSHROOM.....you know, of the same kind phony fascist Blair has declared illegal even in pure form and if caught in possession one can legally find yourself with a LIFE sentence!

IE., god~man = sun, venus, mgic mushroom, fertilizing power of Nature.....Isis, Mary, etc = Goddess/Nature (which inCLUDES universe. it is the patriarchal mystics and monotheists who psychologically splt Nature from 'heaven')

what , what i term 'patriarchal mysticism', did/does is make the god~man/magic mushroom as beng the property of 'GOD/Father/heaven/up 'there' which intended to usurp the much more primal understandingthat shrooms are GIFTs of Mother Nature, the Goddess, an taken in that spirit, bond the recipient with Natyre in all Her Wonders......we , after all, ARE Nature, but ptriachal indoctrination denies tis insight, for it fears Nature and wants to control it

this is exactly the evil enterprise of the
duendy said:
of course tere is a connection...te myths are te same!!!

to get a clue as to what theymean you HAVE TO drop yur literalist blinkers!

alright there is a correspondence btween the anceint star system and magical plants

Christ remember is the 'Morning Star' as was supposedly so for 'Lucifer'....actually Lucifer MEANS VEnus, which IS Morning and EVENing Star...ok

now the ancient corresponded stars with DEW.......te most prominent and most powerful one for tem was VENUS, asit was believed to increase the potency of magicak plants--especially magic mushrooms

following this?

the ESSENSE behind all the mythological fabrications you'll are struggling wit in a literalist way is THE SACRED PSYCHEDELIC
MUSHROOM.....you know, of the same kind phony fascist Blair has declared illegal even in pure form and if caught in possession one can legally find yourself with a LIFE sentence!

IE., god~man = sun, venus, mgic mushroom, fertilizing power of Nature.....Isis, Mary, etc = Goddess/Nature (which inCLUDES universe. it is the patriarchal mystics and monotheists who psychologically splt Nature from 'heaven')

what , what i term 'patriarchal mysticism', did/does is make the god~man/magic mushroom as beng the property of 'GOD/Father/heaven/up 'there' which intended to usurp the much more primal understandingthat shrooms are GIFTs of Mother Nature, the Goddess, an taken in that spirit, bond the recipient with Natyre in all Her Wonders......we , after all, ARE Nature, but ptriachal indoctrination denies tis insight, for it fears Nature and wants to control it

this is exactly the evil enterprise of the

that doesnt make any sense. you have read too much timothy leary and robert anton wilson or something.

lucifer means light bringer, light bearer, light holder.

Marlin said:
My opinion is, Adam and all the patriarchs received Christianity from "Day One," and any similarities between Christianity and paganism is because some people from the original Adamic religion (true Christianity) apostatized and formed their own mythology based on what they already knew.

So it wasn't Christianity which copied from Osiris-Dionysus--rather, it was the reverse. IMHO.

So let me get this straight. Instead of the Biblical account being correct where the people of God Israel were only given indirect vague prophesy and commandments which were latter decided to typify Jesus, the Bible is wrong and they actually knew exactly all about Meh(Mary) and Sep(Joseph) and Horus(Jesus) and the dying resurrecting atonement(Horus-Osiris) in the presence of the wife Meh/Isis(Mary Magdalene) practiced the Christian rituals such as sacrament where the body and blood of the god(osiris who was broken to pieces by Set-Satan) is consumed and baptisms of the "elements"? Sounds like the Biblical account of the history is wrong according to your Adamism which also invalidates the bible and in itself invalidates modern Christianity along with it saying as modern Christianity holds the bible as their foundation. I agree that the Biblical account is wrong. However, I think its become obvious that the widespread political practice of synchrosism formed what you know of as Christianity from the pagan religions founded ultimately in Egyptian religion. Christianity IS paganism.
geeser said:
your getting, this crap out of your book of the morons, ar'nt you.
back up what you say with some kind of references please even if there, from the book written by the david koresh/jimmy jones of his time joseph smith.
It sounds crazy, but that is actually Mormon doctrine as I mentioned in the thread on Mormon gods Vs Designer they don't hold the bible to be 100% accurate. Thats why I had that seperate thread disproving Mormonism.
Remember also that Abraham is said to have come from Ur, which was in southern Mesopotamia. You will find many similar striking similarities between the Old Testament stories and myths of Sumer and even from Indus Valley Hinduism. Abraham, having come from Ur, would probably have carried this ideas west toward the Levant and Egypt.
charles cure said:
that doesnt make any sense. you have read too much timothy leary and robert anton wilson or something.

lucifer means light bringer, light bearer, light holder.


"When Jerome made his translation of the Bible from the Latin, termed the Vulgate Version (383 C.E), instead of simply trrans;lating "son of the morning", "day star", or "morning star" he inserted the word Lucifer. This was the name by which the ancients knew the morning star (VENUS) aqnd was inserted as a word of clarification. Since some of the church fathers held the vew that Isaiah 14 referred to Satan, the name Lucifer over a priod of time came to be associated more with Satan than te meaning it ORIGINALLY conveyed. The translators of te Kng James Version who were bound to preserve renderings "used by the most of the ancient fathers" also retained the term"
Lucifer vs Satan, Frater DPAL --Earthbound Submissions http://www.earthboundsubmissions.com/index/content/section/20/44

"The morning and evening star is, of course, Venus. To appreciate the relevance of this luminary to the sacred fungus we must try to understand its place in the astral system as anciently understood, and the fertilizing power that it was supposed to weild......."After the rising of each star, but particularly the principle stars, or of a rainbow, if rain does not follow but dew is warmed by the rays of the sun...drugs (medicamenta) are produced, heavenly gifts for the eyes, ulcers, and internal organs. And if this substance is kept when the dog-star is rising, and if, as often happens, the rise of Venus or Jupiter or Mercury falls on the same day, its sweetness and potency for recalling mortals' ills from death is equal to that of the Nectar of the gods". (Pliny)--
The Sacred MUshroom and the Cross, J Allegro page 138
You and your mushrooms. Please, stop eating them so I can understand what it is you're trying to say.

Also, I can only laugh at Marlin, who will fool himself into believing any old tripe as long as it keeps his delusions alive. It's actually quite scary.
SnakeLord said:
You and your mushrooms. Please, stop eating them so I can understand what it is you're trying to say.

me: dont be such a complte and utter nincempoop. if you cant bear to hear others views, which includes views that take you out of your narrow box of inquiry, button it.
what is being talkedabout --what i am talking about are the origins of religion. not the legal crap you try an pin on it withyou tired pseudo analyses which just take up space and are tedious. however i dont tell you to quit, so have some fukin respect

Also, I can only laugh at Marlin, who will fool himself into believing any old tripe as long as it keeps his delusions alive. It's actually quite scary.

yeah...you lugh at everyone cause ye tink you have got it dont you?
Trilairian said:
So let me get this straight. Instead of the Biblical account being correct where the people of God Israel were only given indirect vague prophesy and commandments which were latter decided to typify Jesus, the Bible is wrong and they actually knew exactly all about Meh(Mary) and Sep(Joseph) and Horus(Jesus) and the dying resurrecting atonement(Horus-Osiris) in the presence of the wife Meh/Isis(Mary Magdalene) practiced the Christian rituals such as sacrament where the body and blood of the god(osiris who was broken to pieces by Set-Satan) is consumed and baptisms of the "elements"?

No, I'm not saying that the Bible is wrong, or that they knew Egyptian religion beforehand. I'm just saying that since Adam was given the gospel of Jesus Christ, it can be assumed that he and his offspring would know sufficiently about Christ so that dissidents from them would later have a similar (not exactly the same) belief system.
SnakeLord said:
Also, I can only laugh at Marlin, who will fool himself into believing any old tripe as long as it keeps his delusions alive. It's actually quite scary.

Actually, that's the same thing I would say about some die-hard atheists: that no matter how much evidence is given them of God's existence, they will "believ[e] any old tripe as long as it keeps [their] delusions alive."