Origin of the universe

The Universe is infinite, and has a total state of zero.

Those is true for a hole and the mound once replaced, but imagine if you went to your neighbours and dug holes all over their lawn and left the soil beside the holes. When they complain, as I imagine they would, you say "I've done nothing, the net effect is zero".
There is energy expended to do this work and that is energy lost as heat. There are repeated claims that the structural energy and the negative energy in the gravitational field balance but no one mentions the endless amount of energy tied up in motion and heat. Where did that come from and what is the balance for that?
The motion and heat of the Universe are not accounted for.:)
So you don't care whether I understand you or not, even after I pointed out that your statements lack clarity.

If the universe is infinite over time, which you still haven't answered, then it was never created, so as you see the confusion builds.

You never had to write a paper on anything? You never had an instructor explain that the language should be clear if you want to be understood?

Maybe this should be a thread on language.
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Those is true for a hole and the mound once replaced, but imagine if you went to your neighbours and dug holes all over their lawn and left the soil beside the holes. When they complain, as I imagine they would, you say "I've done nothing, the net effect is zero".
There is energy expended to do this work and that is energy lost as heat. There are repeated claims that the structural energy and the negative energy in the gravitational field balance but no one mentions the endless amount of energy tied up in motion and heat. Where did that come from and what is the balance for that?
The motion and heat of the Universe are not accounted for.:)

Scale is the missing ingredient. Nobody thought about scale as a relative product. You can scale zero with no net change.

1 + -1 = 0

is exactly the same as

2 + -2 = 0

And scale can create an energy that is negated as time.

scale + time = 0

Because scale will cause a bump between particles.
So you don't care whether I understand you or not, even after I pointed out that you statements lack clarity.

If the universe is infinite over time, which you still haven't answered, then it was never created, so as you see the confusion builds.

You never had to write a paper on anything? You never had an instructor explain that the language should be clear if you want to be understood?

Maybe this should be a thread on language.
When you can get a whole Universe for nothing, why do you need an instructor? Original thoughts that Pincho has comes out of his own consciousness. OK the description of the events and processes become difficult in these situations for he has not been taught the right terminology.
I agree with you Aqueous, Zero does not seem to be infinite but the opposite. For the reasons he gives there are infinite number of expressions that add or subtract yielding any number, not just for zero. So zero is not a special case.
Scale is the missing ingredient. Nobody thought about scale as a relative product. You can scale zero with no net change.

1 + -1 = 0

is exactly the same as

2 + -2 = 0

And scale can create an energy that is negated as time.

scale + time = 0

Because scale will cause a bump between particles.
How do you define scale? :)
When you can get a whole Universe for nothing, why do you need an instructor? Original thoughts that Pincho has comes out of his own consciousness. OK the description of the events and processes become difficult in these situations for he has not been taught the right terminology.
I agree with you Aqueous, Zero does not seem to be infinite but the opposite. For the reasons he gives there are infinite number of expressions that add or subtract yielding any number, not just for zero. So zero is not a special case.

stream of consciousness? is that it? aha- well maybe you can translate for me after you figure out what he's saying.
How do you define scale? :)

A fundamental free ingredient. A particle must have a size. A particle in emptiness has no relative size, it can be any size. Zero can be any size. Inflation is to scale the free product. The free product can scale until it bumps into something. Then you have time. Time negates the scale, the particle has to scale down.

1 + -1 = 0
2 + -2 = 0
3 + -3 = 0
4 + -4 = 0

The particle expands until it bumps. Then time happens.

5 + - 5 = bump time
4 + - 4 = 0
A fundamental free ingredient. A particle must have a size. A particle in emptiness has no relative size, it can be any size. Zero can be any size. Inflation is to scale the free product. The free product can scale until it bumps into something. Then you have time. Time negates the scale, the particle has to scale down.

1 + -1 = 0
2 + -2 = 0
3 + -3 = 0
4 + -4 = 0

The particle expands until it bumps. Then time happens.

5 + - 5 = bump time
4 + - 4 = 0
Surely time would have started from the moment the first ripple appeared in the nothing, way before 1 and -1 but the moment any displacement between the positivity and negativity occurred.

You know this discussion takes me back to my really early childhood, say more than 50 years ago I used to get this dream repeatedly and it was one I sought.
Where there was total calm (Nothing) and it travelled in a circular plane, and then a minor ripple appeared in the calm and as it circulated the ripple intensified until it became chaotic waves everywhere.
So was that how it went, the scale of the ripple intensified till it materialised?:)
The concept of negative is a mental construct of math that can be misused when applied to reality. There is no such thing as a negative apple, except in math concepts. I never saw on, did you? Such mentals math constructs, which have a limited basis within reality, can lead to confusion, even though they have practical value. You need to leave reality to explain reality?

Many things in reality are just positive. The negative and postive in the abstract universe of math, gives results based on half of its things not always existing in reality.

For example, what is negative energy in terms of tangible reality? Does it have negative wavelengh, negative frequency or does it move at -C? It is not real but exists only in the imagination. Energy is only postive in terms of a tangible thing. It is question of just how much postive.

What is negative time? Can anyone show me? I tend to be suspicious of math models that use some nonreality to model reality. This is part of the conceptual confusion when talking about the universe at t=0. We try to explain in terms of the math which invokes fantasy to explain reality, such as negative energy.
Surely time would have started from the moment the first ripple appeared in the nothing, way before 1 and -1 but the moment any displacement between the positivity and negativity occurred.

You know this discussion takes me back to my really early childhood, say more than 50 years ago I used to get this dream repeatedly and it was one I sought.
Where there was total calm (Nothing) and it travelled in a circular plane, and then a minor ripple appeared in the calm and as it circulated the ripple intensified until it became chaotic waves everywhere.
So was that how it went, the scale of the ripple intensified till it materialised?:)

Time is a word where the English language has gone completely off track. Time is a form of physics between particles. Because the particle is expanding without hitting anything there is no interaction between particles. I don't know how to fix the word 'time' in people's heads. Maybe replace it with bump? Bump works really well.
The concept of negative is a mental construct of math that can be misused when applied to reality. There is no such thing as a negative apple, except in math concepts. I never saw on, did you? Such mentals math constructs, which have a limited basis within reality, can lead to confusion, even though they have practical value. You need to leave reality to explain reality?

Many things in reality are just positive. The negative and postive in the abstract universe of math, gives results based on half of its things not always existing in reality.

For example, what is negative energy in terms of tangible reality? Does it have negative wavelengh, negative frequency or does it move at -C? It is not real but exists only in the imagination. Energy is only postive in terms of a tangible thing. It is question of just how much postive.

What is negative time? Can anyone show me? I tend to be suspicious of math models that use some nonreality to model reality. This is part of the conceptual confusion when talking about the universe at t=0. We try to explain in terms of the math which invokes fantasy to explain reality, such as negative energy.

An apple is a human construct, it is matter, and there is anti-matter. I don't use maths, I use a computer language which breaks down into logic structures. There is no negative time, it changes to scale.
Time for a little humor? . . . . Assume PP is correct and an apple is matter . . . . my mother had a sister named "Apple" . . . so if an apple is matter, then her sister would be my "Auntie (anti) -Apple? . . . . I guess it's all relative!
Time for a little humor? . . . . Assume PP is correct and an apple is matter . . . . my mother had a sister named "Apple" . . . so if an apple is matter, then her sister would be my "Auntie (anti) -Apple? . . . . I guess it's all relative!

Just thought I'd pass along: I noticed upon entering THE ZOO the sign that says "Do Not Feed the Animals". :cool:
You need to leave reality to explain reality?
Explain the wave function without leaving reality. The singularity. The timeline of the photon. Particle interaction. Special relativity. Quantum states.

Many things in reality are just positive.
Except for almost any quantity, dimension or unit, which can be signed or have a sense.

The negative and postive in the abstract universe of math, gives results based on half of its things not always existing in reality.
Like a North Pole with no South? What reality is that?

For example, what is negative energy in terms of tangible reality? Does it have negative wavelengh, negative frequency or does it move at -C? It is not real but exists only in the imagination. Energy is only postive in terms of a tangible thing. It is question of just how much postive.
What is the square root of four? Explain your answer.

What is negative time? Can anyone show me?
Fenynman diagram (below).

I tend to be suspicious of math models that use some nonreality to model reality.
Including suspicion of the imaginary number i?

This is part of the conceptual confusion when talking about the universe at t=0.
The question was whether it arrives ex nihilo, or always existed.

We try to explain in terms of the math which invokes fantasy to explain reality, such as negative energy.
If abstraction is fantasy, then mathematicians must be psychiatrists.

If abstraction is fantasy, then mathematicians must be psychiatrists.

. . . .at least they THINK they are (psychiatrists!) . . . . to be more accurate, more of them should SEE psychiatrists!
What is the square root of four? Explain your answer.

OR!. . . . .define the nature of the universe and give 2 examples!
What is the square root of four? Explain your answer.

OR!. . . . .define the nature of the universe and give 2 examples!

Or how about address the OP. Even that would be an accomplishment. Everybody's jumping all over the place.
AID #207 . . . a little humor, injected now and again, seems to nullify the constant barrage of insults launched by a few 'holier-than-thou' participants who think they know-it-all! BTW . . . . If you can't laugh about it . . . it's not funny!
AID #207 . . . a little humor, injected now and again, seems to nullify the constant barrage of insults launched by a few 'holier-than-thou' participants who think they know-it-all! BTW . . . . If you can't laugh about it . . . it's not funny!

Or they're running game, maybe. Who knows. It's a cosmology thread, so it would be interesting to have some actual participation at that level. Some of the experts wandered in and left. Some remarked that the OP is beyond science, which is of course true. Some I think are finding more interesting material where there is less BS.

I had a good few days of interaction, almost getting some of the better qualified folks to comment on a question, relevant to the OP, that is interesting to me: if it is not creatio ex nihilo, then the singularity presumably exists outside of spacetime. Is so, is it eternal?

I found it interesting that some of the better informed folks had some actual rationale for arguing one way or the other on this question. But it fizzled out when harping and BS set in, and they wandered off.
MY take? . . . .I think 'spacetime' has always existed . . . our present, material (> Planck length) universe is simply evolving into a pre-existent spacetime matrix by conversion of subquantal 'stuff' into matter. I refer you to the EEMU Hypothesis for details.