Origin of Species: Proven?

What I find upsetting is that between people's condescending attitude towards whatever they do not understand and neither side apparently knowing what the discussion is about, intelligent scientists are distracted from important things. I mean, not being a biologist I'm not mixed up in the joy of evolution. The story I have been shown of late is that this ID thing is a big deal to biologists.

As a biochemist I can't say I speak for all biologist but I do think your greatly overstating the importance if any biologist place on the ID vs evolution debate, they beleive in evolution and they don't care that 50% of people are so incredibly ignorant and superstitious, nerds don't care what other people think, they are disconnected from other people.

Answer me this my banal scientist friend, why don't the scientists get together and just allow the deniers to have their forum(not here, out in academia) to pursue their ideas based on whatever they want. Give it creedence and let it disprove itself so to speak.

That is a job for the media and the courts, not science, scientist don't control such things.

I mean the evidence is so obvious that even some non-scientist like me should be able to see and understand if they just see it, right?

If you want to see a good example of ID and evolution given their fair and equal time in a court case then here:
Ophi, you misunderstand. I never taught my dog to appreciate anything outside the fence. Once he learned it was there, I started taking him on walks, but he was happy before. What the hell does menial-labor-nonintelligent need with the other information? That's what Hollywood and NASCAR are for.

I think maybe you have it backwards. Let's take the unnecessary out of the classroom and allow curiosity to drive people. How many people really would have been fine without school past 4th grade? If teachers didn't have to teach to the lowest common denominator in the classroom, we'd have an elite coming out of high school. Specialized, streamlined, ready to take on their field, while those that weren't interested could go do what is necessary to take care of society.
What the hell does menial-labor-nonintelligent need with the other information? That's what Hollywood and NASCAR are for..
Despite 6,700+ posts that may appear to demonstrate the contrary, I am not an elitist. I despise elitism. I disparage elitism. All humans are entitled to be enthralled and enthused by the wonder of nature. If we have any innate rights, that is assuredly one of them.
Ophi, you misunderstand. I never taught my dog to appreciate anything outside the fence. Once he learned it was there, I started taking him on walks, but he was happy before. What the hell does menial-labor-nonintelligent need with the other information? That's what Hollywood and NASCAR are for.

I think maybe you have it backwards. Let's take the unnecessary out of the classroom and allow curiosity to drive people.
You just contradicted yourself. How are students supposed to be curious about topics if they aren't first introduced to them on the most basic of levels? High school courses are hardly an in depth look at any particular topic, but they will incite enough of a passion for something where students will want to pursue careers in that subject. Or not. But at least they know it's there.