Origin of life on earth.

What is most probable ?

  • A supernatural God created life on earth (like in the bible).

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • A natural 'God' created life on earth (such as E.T.'s)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Life on earth came into existence 'by itself' through abiotic processes.

    Votes: 24 68.6%
  • Life on earth was seeded by organic molecules from space.

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Something else..

    Votes: 6 17.1%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
What do you think is the most probable scenario of how life arose on earth ?
I am still a bit undecided between 3 and 4.
I realized that just now lol.. :eek:
This has nothing to do with Comparative Religion.
Moved to Religion, too theistic for Earth science.
This has nothing to do with Comparative Religion.
Moved to Religion, too theistic for Earth science.

Hmm ok, I was already wondering whether Comparative Religion was the right place. But it says in the index that 'origin belief' should go under Comparative Religion.
I'll ask Plazma to delete that part from the description, since it apparently has caused confusion, and origin belief is a part of mythology anyway.
Moderator's Note: a priori statements about the "truth" of a given religion in this thread will probably be edited or deleted without notice as preaching/sermoning/evangelizing. Proceed with this discussion without the application of logical fallacies and with the use of rational explanations and it will remain open.
I went with more or less number 4.

Earth, in its forming stage, at one time was a fireball of magma/lava. Nothing can live in that shit. Once it cooled down, I'm sure it was struck plenty of times by meteors/comets etc. To me, that makes seeding from an object falling from space seem like the most logical choice.
However, one other hypothesis can stem from that. In lieu of a random object with molecules for life hitting and seeding the earth, what if an ancient, intelligent race of extra terrestrials 'seeded' the earth; just like they showed at the end of that movie, Mission to Mars.
I highly recommend the "Warm pond" chapter of Paradigms Lost by John Casti, which is very relevant to this discussion.

If I get the opportunity, I'll try to post an excerpt here.
I went with more or less number 4.

Earth, in its forming stage, at one time was a fireball of magma/lava. Nothing can live in that shit. Once it cooled down, I'm sure it was struck plenty of times by meteors/comets etc. To me, that makes seeding from an object falling from space seem like the most logical choice.

The only problem with that is getting a human from a rock. When you throw in words like seeded it seems feasible, but is it really?

And i am not so sure what the difference is between:

  • A supernatural God created life on earth (like in the bible).
  • A natural 'God' created life on earth (such as E.T.'s)
The only problem with that is getting a human from a rock. When you throw in words like seeded it seems feasible, but is it really?

And i am not so sure what the difference is between:

  • A supernatural God created life on earth (like in the bible).
  • A natural 'God' created life on earth (such as E.T.'s)

Yeah but the human wouldn't be coming from a rock. A human would eventually come from the microbes within the rock that would evolve into humans over the course of a few billion years.
I don't consider an E.T. a natural 'god'; regardless of how much more advanced they are.
I choose for numbre 3 It's the most likely explenation

Could be but you need all the right ingredients, we are talking about making living, THINKING, reasoning beings from what exactly?

Even if you add in enormous amount of time (billions of years) and still it is difficult to imagine. Are you suggesting a missing compound was existent in this early life period or what is presenly available on Earth?
Yeah but the human wouldn't be coming from a rock. A human would eventually come from the microbes within the rock that would evolve into humans over the course of a few billion years.

I know Mike, what do you think of my other post?^
The only problem with that is getting a human from a rock. When you throw in words like seeded it seems feasible, but is it really?

And i am not so sure what the difference is between:

  • A supernatural God created life on earth (like in the bible).
  • A natural 'God' created life on earth (such as E.T.'s)

The difference is that one is supernatural and the other is natural. Most, if not all, religious people would reject the idea that God was/were a extraterrestrial being(s).
Yeah but the human wouldn't be coming from a rock. A human would eventually come from the microbes within the rock that would evolve into humans over the course of a few billion years.
I don't consider an E.T. a natural 'god'; regardless of how much more advanced they are.

That's why I wrote 'God' and not God ;)
I'll ask Plazma to delete that part from the description, since it apparently has caused confusion, and origin belief is a part of mythology anyway.

Moderator's Note: a priori statements about the "truth" of a given religion in this thread will probably be edited or deleted without notice as preaching/sermoning/evangelizing. Proceed with this discussion without the application of logical fallacies and with the use of rational explanations and it will remain open.

Thanks ! :)