Origin of HIV

ok you want to talk about only blood born disease, what about maleria or any of the hemoragic fevors (yes i know they burn hot and burn out fast but we are trying to compare epidemology here)
Well this topic has been on my get to list for a long time but i am always busy.
Appreanlty the HIV orgin as far as i can tack invovles the effects of Saturn, the moon and the moon of Saturn called Iapteus.
New life and species are created every day on are planet, and HIV was either a branch of some other biological life, or newly created by the Moon/Saturn event in I think it was 1912?

So, in other words, you're saying HIV originated from someone in Africa who get their freak on with a monkey?

yes that is exactly what I am saying ... I mean it could have been a blood scratch each other thing...but lets face it...:rolleyes:

Let’s face it, Draqon is a weirdo.

Of course it was spread via a scratch or bite or blood contact. You can safely ignore Draqon.

I do value draqon's input, though, because he is very intelligent.

Where you got that impression I’ll never know. When he’s not spouting useless pseudo-philosophical nonsense (which is 99% of the time), his scientific inputs are highly questionable.

Blood to blood contact is what would have passed it on.

Thank you! The first sensible thing that has been said (other than the original poster who posted a legitimate question).

Yeah, but AIDS needs (almost all of the time) sexual intercourse to spread. This would definitely slow down its growth, whereas other pandemics may be spread from coughing/drinking from the same cup.

Sexual intercourse was the major route through which HIV established itself, but not the only one. There was (and still is) a huge spread of all blood-borne diseases in the developing world due to poor sanitary and hypodermic syringe practices. Even in the developed world, hospital blood transfusions and the re-using of syringes by intravenous drug users significantly spread the disease before clinical blood screening techniques were improved. For instance, there was a high rate of spread of HIV in hemophiliacs due to HIV-tainted coagulation factors.

Appreanlty the HIV orgin as far as i can tack invovles the effects of Saturn, the moon and the moon of Saturn called Iapteus.
New life and species are created every day on are planet, and HIV was either a branch of some other biological life, or newly created by the Moon/Saturn event in I think it was 1912?

Well, now we’re getting into the usual absurdity that always accompanies the posts of Sciforum’s most ludicrous crackpot.

In an effort to get away from DwayneD.L.Rabon’s nonsense, here is what the textbook Retroviruses (Coffin, Hughes and Varmus - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) has to say:

Implications for Origins of HIV-1

Two possibilities for the origin of HIV have been widely discussed. One possibility is that the virus has always been present in the human population, in one form or another, but may have gone unrecognized due to an extremely low prevalence and/or its confinement to isolated populations. In this model, features of modern society, urbanization of populations in developing countries, and extensive world travel would have introduced the virus into developed countries. The virus would then be spread by sharing of drug paraphernalia and sexual promiscuity. Alternatively, HIV-1 may have entered the human population from another species relatively recently. Increasing prevalence and high mortality would then be consequences of infection of the new host to which the virus was not fully adapted. The most likely possibility is a combination of these two: that the virus has been entering the human population from an animal reservoir (through the butchering of monkeys, for example) but has been unable until recently to spread from initial limited, foci of infection. Which theory is correct has not been resolved and may never be. The most significant clue has been the discovery that a few captive chimpanzees are infected with SIVcpz, a virus in the HIV-1 group (Fig. 1) (Huet et al. 1990). However, wild chimpanzee populations are difficult to study, and the vast majority of chimpanzees studied to date are not infected with SIVcpz. A major question is whether the few SIVcpz isolates represent a natural infectious agent of chimpanzees.
there is also the posibility that it wasnt from chimps at all, it may have been spread from chimps to our food sorces in a dorment form and from there into humans by ingestion. This is how BSE crosed the species boundry. I dont know if this is what happened or even if it is possable for the HIV virus. It is however much more plausable than human\ape sexual relations
kadark said:
Is it believable that one infected person in a remote African village could spread his or her newly acquired disease so rapidly and to such large distances within two decades (recognized in 1981)? Seems unlikely.
If you read the link just above your post, one possibility is given:

Original infection by blood contact (bite, wound splash, etc) into a conscript laborer with a malnourished and weakened immune system, followed by

forced vaccinations of conscripted labor by colonial powers, uisng the same dirty needle on hundreds or thousands of men each time, medical care delivered similarly.

These conscripts would, upon gaining freedom, scatter out across the landscape.

And the whole system abetted prostitution, rape homosexual and otherwise, coordinated diseases and infections, etc.

Slavery, forced labor, war, mass detainment and refugee creation, etc, is implicated in several epidemics throughout history.
Well Hercules
There is nothing crack pot about it, the topic was titled the Orgin of HIV.
although most people are not aware of the effects that planets and stars have in chemical nature, that does not eliminate the fact that they play a determining role in the development of life.

Humans are not in controll of the formation of life, nature is the creator of life. (humans are just trying)

The notion of bestiality leading to disease is not likely to be true.

More likely is the close contact of near human species with humans due to their being used as food.
The current theory on HIV is that it originated in a Cameroon monkey population.

If one of your main sources of meat is monkey, it is a problem waiting to happen.
The monkey will be weakened by the disease and easier to catch. It will still scratch and bite as much as it can.
You are bleeding and it is bleeding.
No mystery there for a blood borne disease.
There is nothing crack pot about it...most people are not aware of the effects that planets and stars have in chemical nature

Uh huh, yes Dwayne. It's quite clear to all of us that Saturn’s moon Iapteus played a key role in the evolution and cross-species jump of HIV.

Well guy's got any big ideas on the Orgins of the HIV virus.

Perhaps you guy's might have a quote on the number of new genomes produce on earth each day. it might help in determining how fast each of the virus familes is growing. Which in end result might give us a range as to how long we can exspect to see HIV propagate. It would be nice if it burnt out some time soon.( the Orgin of the end of HIV)

No, no, no no no no...

Some cultures eat monkies. It's quite common in the Southern Hemisphere, where AIDS is thought to have originated.

And, is one reason it's so hard to combat in the Central Delta of Africa. Where they continue to eat the diseased barrens.

Bird Flu is similar, and among those whom choose...Well, passed excrete of Salmonella is nothing...
It's possible HIV, like many other diseases, had existed for a long time. Eventually it mutated and reached a tipping point in the population where it could evolve rapidly. I believe there was one particular vector if infection after the initial African event, a gay flight attendent, who managed to spread the virus to an extremely volnerable population of sexually active men.