Origin if the beast's number - 666?

The "seven women" you refer to might well be the seven churches, but the last sentence of Isaiah 4:1 is "take away our disgrace". This is an introduction to the prophesy about the Messiah. See the connection? Only by grabbing hold of Jesus can they be saved. But we shouldn't "eat our own food and provide our own clothes". We eat the food provided by Christ, and we clothe ourselves with Him (Rom.13:14 and Gal.3:17)

Keep in mind the new covenant: the temple of God is now within each of us. Therefore the church or temple is not a building linking people together; people are now linked together by their faith, as one body. The body of Christ - called by his name. We are each of us the embodiment of the seven churches, holding on to Christ while the whore of Babylon is trying to seduce us away with "food and clothes".


You understand what I'm saying, and I agree with your statements for the most part, but I am certain of one thing, the blasphemous names are refering to the organizations of churches claiming to be "christian" while holding to their creeds mixed with the word....

Branham was the messinger to the seventh church age, and the messinger to the "bride age" which comes after the seventh or laodician age, (when the ages were over - 1963, time should be no more - for the ages) This period now is the "dispensation of the fullness of times" or a "holy convocation"...
The feast of tabernacles had eight days.
Rev 10:7 says in the -DAYS- plurral. and it say the VOICE,

Branham was not Christ or did he exalt himself to any degree.
The spirit in him was that of deep humility.
But through his ministry, and the gift he was born with of being a prophet, from 1963-1965 Christ revealed through him the "Revelation of the Son of Man" promised to the gentiles.
This is what they look for in the second coming, and Christ is making sure the churches who rejected Him are missing it.

The message today to any good people in there is:

Come out of her my people - Rev 18:1-4
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Rev 10:1-6

1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: 2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. 4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. 5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer.

The Lamb, whos sit on the mercy seat, interceding thoughout the ages, gets up takes the book, breaks the Seals, and reveals The Son of Man (Jesus Christ the Word, in it's fullness) from heaven.
This is the dispensation of the fulness of times.

This all took place in 1963, (the cloud was pictured in life magizine, science magizine and about every other scientific journal known to man in 1963 as an unexplained "mystery" cloud

look it up....http://www.biblebelievers.org/lcomm5.htm

Pillars of fire... http://freie-volksmission.org/english/
click on the picture for details

And he had in his hand a little book open.......Who did ? Christ.

that there should be time no longer....Rev. 10:7, Mal, 4:5-6
This marks the end of the seven church ages (1963)

Rev 18:1-4 marks the Churches as being "The Great Harlot" and those in them as having the"Mark of the Beast" - with their false doctrine in the"forehead" of their revelation, and the "right hand" of fellowship they give to others of like deception.

Rev 10:7 says
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

What mystery...? Christ in you the hope of Glory.
Christ, is the Word...and the whole, complete revelation of that Word has been witheld from man till this day....lying in the scriptures, nothing added....but when the Seals on the book (the bible) are opened these "mystery truths" are revealed.

Rev.19:9 " And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God."

Look in Dan. it talks of a kingdom to be set up in the last days, which shall never pass away.....
In the days of the kings reprsented by the toes of the image daniel saw....the toes were made of iron and clay and would not mix.

This happened in 1955, when Kruchevz and Eisenhower met at the U.N. and Kruchev took off his shoe (to reveal toes) and beat his shoe on the podeum in anger and said "We will bury you"....Kruchev means clay, and Eisenhower means Iron.....In the days of these kings, a kingdom (of God) will be set up..

Look it up.....it's happening all around you

Christ said He would come as a thief in the night,

I hope you can see it....

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and the woman is the "great city" that rules over the world


Yes, spiritual babylon is Rome - But notice she is reffered to in Rev 18 as Babylon, "no longer being a mystery", in Rev 17, she is "Mystery Babylon.... so something has been "revealed" to someone........

And notice also she is called "The MOTHER OF HARLOTS and abominations of the earth....what came out of the "MOTHER" church ? The protestants.....so what's that make them..?
THE HARLOT DAUGHTERS and the abominations of the earth,
Blasphemous Names, claiming Christ but teaching the doctrine of the Anti-Christ..........
Christ was the Word , these are Anti-word....Anti-christ

At the time in which Rev 18 1-4 takes place (today), the protestants are concidered the same as the "Mother", catholisism and have "Fallen and become the hold of DEVILS, EVERY FOUL SPIRIT, THE CAGE FOR EVERY HATEFULL AND UNCLEAN BIRD.

they rejected God's messinger for this age....
See John 6:66 when they did the same thing in Jesus's age with His message, while speaking of the Son of Man...

It has become the Image to the Beast, and those deceived therein have taken the Mark........in the "forehead" of their revelation, and given their "right hand" of fellowship against the true saints of God.
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None of God's prophets claimed to be angels. If Branham was the seventh, who were the others?

You put too much stock in Mr. Branham. If he turn out to have been a false prophet (again), what would be left of your religion?

Mr. Branham claims to be God's gift to mankind, literally. But if his message isn't to the benefit of God's children: from whatever church they might be - it isn't God's will.

Who gave you, or Mr. Branham the right to condemn any of God's children? Jesus didn't even condemn those four churches that weren't perfect. He said they were on the wrong path, and should make an effort to correct themselves. That's what we should listen to.

It is pure arrogence to think that Mr. Branham has found the only pure church. What do you think happenened to the Christians who were in those churches before Mr. Branham even blessed America with his presence? Because they also had the book of Revelation.

As a side note, you should know that it was common practice in Roman times for runaway slaves (fugitivi) and thieves (fures) to be branded on their forehead or right hand with a mark (stigma). They were 'marked' (notati or inscripti). They could then receive a pardon or be killed at will by their master. What does the Bible teach us to do with runaway slaves? Read Philemon and come back to me.
None of God's prophets claimed to be angels.

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God's prophet's ....Angels...........

Webster's defines "Angel" as two things.

1) A Celstial being of emense power

2) A earthly messinger.......A man with a message from God.

The seven church ages are defined by Dr. Scofield in the footnotes of the King James bible as :

"7 ages that cover the time from the apostles and the begining of the apostacy untill Christs second coming each typed by the characteristics of the seven churches in Asia, each with an angel (i.e. human messinger) with a message from God to each "Age".

The Seven candlesticks are the Seven Churches.
The Seven Stars are the Seven Angels or messingers to each age
The messingers who carried God's message for each age were:

1)Paul..........................(Ephesian church age)
2)Iranaeus...................(Smyrnaeean church age)
3)St. Martin..................(Pergamean church age)
4)Columba....................(Thyatirean church age)
5)Luther.......................(Sardisean church age)
6)Wesley......................(Phiadelphian church age)
7)Branham....................(Loadicean church age)
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Visitor: none of these people (except Branham) were angels. They were normal fallable sinners like you and me.

Once again, I urge you to take the Bible at its own merit, not according to Webster, Scofield or Branham. The seven churches existed at the time Revelation was written. You can look them up: they were real, physical congregations (see bibleplaces.com). I have no doubt that revelation has a prophetic message, but they do not include "church ages". This is an interpretation, and it's fine if you can learn from it, but if you need to segregate the church even further then it doesn't aid God's work.

You, like every one of those churches, believe that you are in the last age before the second coming. And you should - we know the Kingdom of God is near - but by designating yours as the seventh and last church is extremely presumptious and dangerous. And if that isn't enough, you denounce all other churches. Even if Mr. Branham's Laodician church is the seventh one, it means his is the church that Jesus would "spit out" for being lukewarm?

Those churches were real churches, and even by conservative categorization there are more than seven denominations preaching God's word - not even taking into account all the churches that have been merged or disbanded over 2000 years.

As a self-proclaimed prophets, Mr. Branham believes his own age, his own church and his own interpretation is the final word. I believe Jesus is the final word.

By the definition of "messenger", we are all angels. Angels certainly seem to have have a human appearance, but they are not mere men: they are infallible in their knowledge, because they receive it from God Himself. They do not live on earth, but come only when sent. Mr. Branham has proven his human nature time and again, and therefore all the authority he claims will count against him. He was born and died.
Even if Mr. Branham's Laodician church is the seventh one, it means his is the church that Jesus would "spit out" for being lukewarm?

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Exactly, and He did...(Christ came...as the Word revealed, in a theophany) a Word body...

This Happened. The laodicaen age ended when Jesus Christ opened the Seven Seals in 1963..(Rev. 10:6)...from then until Branham's death in 1965, Christ used Him to reveal the "Mysteries of God" these are what John heard as the "thunders". (Rev. 10:7)"The true sayings of God which the "partaking of" is readying His Bride/Wife for the "Marriage"

He is revealed/ speaks from heaven...remember?
Thats why there had to be a prophet on earth at the time for Him to speak through.

This is the scene taking place in (Rev. 10:1-7)

What prophet was ever "honored" in his own country.?
Jesus said the churches were responcible for putting them all in the grave....(The catholic church digs up their bones a century later and proclaims them saints)

Read all of Revelation chapter 18.....(It's today)
It's Christ spiting out the "Laodicean age" for being lukewarm, and not receiveing the message sent them.See Rev. 18:23-24 especially....

"And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; (see...church ages are over now) and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee,(during the church ages the "bride" was made up from those in "Her") for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (24) And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

Again read Rev.14:1-9, and Rev 16:15-19, Rev 18:1-4

"She" (The worldly church of the loadician age) is judged as the Great Harlot......and Christ then calls His people out of "Her" and into "His only provided place of worship" where He put His name - The Word........

(Rev. 19:8-9) "And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God"

Put that with this: "John the 6th chapter - "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood you'll have no life in you"

The "Message of this hour" shows where God's only provided place of worship is today......The slain Lamb has rose up from the mercy seat and has Broke the seals, revealing them from Heaven.
The seventh angel is on earth echoing this voice (Christ) from heaven.....So John sees this happening and.....

Rev 19:10
"And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God"

The "one" showing John these things in His vision of the future was A MAN...A HUMAN BEING....A BROTHER

Rev 21:9-11
And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. 10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

The tabernacle of God is with men...The Lamb's Bide is the type of New Jerusalem, with a crystal clear revelation of the Word, ....the Glory of God, to be revealed IN His people ...remember.

See these things were "sealed" in the past and as they happen we realize they do not mean what we had guessed/thought they mean.

Christ said "The son of Man cometh as a thief in the night, in an hour they expected Him not"

"They" the worldly churches of the laodicean age - thought He would come at the "Morning" of the Lord's Day.....to start the Milineum.
He comes in the night before to reveal Himself to His bride and call her.....She has to "Make Herself ready" for the Marriage..
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