

Not sure if this will come out..they all look like this in those pictures.

Thanks for the links, SkinWalker. Funny it seems as though the skeptics are just as bent on finding evidence against them as the 'believers' are for them..haha

I'm afraid to talli the evidence- I believe the believers are up on'm.
Inclined to think that they are substantial..maybe a charge of energy, or some kind of pocket in the air?

Gotta' say, I'm certainly not an expert on the phenomenom but I think the skeptics had some cheesy pics.

I think Occam's Razor would apply nicely here. The answer is simpler than "some lifeform/energy/ghost/etc."

Then again... a lifeform would be likely in many cases.... insect lifeform, that is. I noticed that the pic you posted originally appeared to be in a basement or some other low-use room. This seems consistent with the the hypothesis that these 'orbs' are created by dust/insects as a visual effect translated by the camera. Use a camera with higher quality optics, and the effect will probably go away.
You can make an experiment. Take some object with small reflective surfaces, a piece of jevelery will do great. Hold it so a clear light (lamp or, better still, sun) is reflected in it, so that it glitters. Move it very close to one eye, so that it comes totally out of focus. You will observe one or several orbs. Blink your eye and it changes shape! It's a live orb!

This is a sort of inverse camara obscura effect. A camara obscura creates an image on film, not by a lens, but with a very small hole.

The inverse effect appears if a sharp, very small light source casts light into an optical system, be it a camara or a human eye. An image of the lens aparture is formed on the film/retina.

Orbs on photos are small, brightly lit objects that are out of focal range. They are usually lit by the flash, but a permanent light source could also be responsible, in which case they might very well be visible to the person taking the photo.

Variations in size comes from objects being at different distance from the lens (not surprisingly, the closer the bigger). Variations in color can come from both the surfaceofthe object and the color and shape of the light source. Variations in shape can come from different shapes of the objects. The details seen in the pictures (that make them look like something in a microscope) come from impurities in the optical system. The reason they do not looke the same is that the light comes from different angles.

Now, this was the explanation of HOW orbs appear on pictures. Next question is WHY, or rather WHAT causes them? In other words, what are those objects?

Well, you can believe what you will, but the most probable type of tiny objects found floating in the air is dust particles and small insects.

Thank you, Hans..

I, for one, am having some trouble with your experiment- I don't own any shiny jewelry. :)
Might try it again in daylight tomorrow?

Your right, dust and insects sound reasonable for most-if not all of the pictures..
Best of all is a small steel ball.

Apart from insects and dust, a very reliable source of orbs on people's photos are raindrops.

orbs are real

hey i have photos of orbs you guys seem to be able to explain them away as something other than what they really are.you should really try to be more objective than just jumping to your own delluted conclusions.but i do believe in the supernatural and have seen ghosts and shadow people.so until you have seen what ive seen i guess theres always a away to explain it away!!sorry if i sound rude but nonbelievers will be non believers until they are subjected to the supernatural world.

and another thing it wasnt raining these days so i dont know where the rain effect came from.another dllusion must be.
shadow people are the things you thought you saw out of the corner of your eye. but when they want to be seen they look right at you and disappear into the shadows
you know i can see "orbs" nearly exactly like these in any spot where light is glairing off the rims of my glasses, its just sort of what the extreemly close and out of focus glare looks like.
That doesent look like an alien craft to me. It seems more sensible that it would be a human aircraft of some sort. I always imagined ufo aircraft to be more bigger and less discreet afterall they are more advanced than us :rolleyes:
Re: orbs are real

Originally posted by nettie282001
hey i have photos of orbs you guys seem to be able to explain them away as something other than what they really are.you should really try to be more objective than just jumping to your own delluted conclusions.but i do believe in the supernatural and have seen ghosts and shadow people.so until you have seen what ive seen i guess theres always a away to explain it away!!sorry if i sound rude but nonbelievers will be non believers until they are subjected to the supernatural world.
Sure orbs are real. Who said otherwise?

So attributing orbs to a well-known, verifiable optical phenomenon if not being objective, but attributing them to an unknown paraphysical phenomenon is? Well, excuse me :rolleyes:

I have been subjected to a number of "supernatural" phenomenon over the years. Whenever they could be tested, they invariably turned out the have a mundane explanation.
