

Registered Senior Member
I haven't been around here for a while but I wanted to share these pictures...they are a friends and they come from a lot of hundreds, all very clear and definative.

~I'll be back when the storm has passed and I've figured out how to post the pictures...;)
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at my high school, you have to do a senior exit project to graduate. I did mine on Ghost hunting. I have some interesting stuff.. but i also have the main project which ended up being on orbs... if i knew where it was, id photo copy it and show it if i find it.
I found the lack of pictures in this thread to be very interesting.

Those pictures aren't showing up. I noticed that they are hosted on geocities, I don't think that they let you do remote linking. You'll have to find another host.
This is really getting annoying.:bugeye: I whipped up a webpage and still can not manage to share these photos.

The lot of a hundred pictures she has all include these 'orbs.' I've seen other pictures of these, (always in question,)
but they are nothing compared in detail and color.

If someone would be so kind as to retrieve and post the pictures from the little red X's I'd appreciate it...

Thank you...Sincerely, Frustrated in Dilettanteville
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Well hey, I could link all of you to some pictures of big healthy orbs, but like . . . that's only if you guys don't mind my posting links to gay porno sites. . .
Ok. Here is the link..the pictures are at the bottom...

Honestly- what intrigued me with these pictures is the detail in each particular orb and the fact that they are the same in whatever part of the room they are in.

- the pictures my friend has show the orbs moving, the shape of them becomes somewhat blurry towards the back.

- They were taken with different camaras.

Any thoughts?

note*I edited out anything that could be considered subjective.
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Albiet wasn't presented very well...

Though there is no proof, other than the photographs, ( :rolleyes: ,) I had hoped that I could get some kind of objective discussion...Maybe a tangible physical explanation?
Is there anyone here who can step outside their secular minds for a few minutes? (((It's you I need to question..)))

Yes, I am convinced that these things are real. I'd like to explore the possibilities..
I'd like to know if electromagnetic charges can form a pocket...Can condensation? Is light known to 'cloud' like areas of salt in the ocean?

Those 'orbs' are just the flash bouncing off of dust particles in the room. Pictures like these are all over digital camera websites where people complain about poor lens quality.

Turn the flash off.
^then how come thses dust particles always travel in perfect spheres?

not that im on each side here.. just questioning.
Originally posted by NightFall
^then how come thses dust particles always travel in perfect spheres?

not that im on each side here.. just questioning.

What do you mean by "travel in perfect spheres"? It's not light reflecting off of a cloud of dust which is the acctual size of the reflection, it is one particuarly reflective bit of fuz or the like in the air making a sort of lens flare.
Originally posted by NightFall
^then how come thses dust particles always travel in perfect spheres?

The only way to determine if they were "spheres" would be to observe from multiple angles. Something you would not be able to do....

to answer the question, the reflections create circles because the lens is a circular shape.
Hollow Man- Could I ask of a favor? Could you point me towards some pictures from 'digital camera websites where people complain about poor lens quality.' Curious, but can't find any.

The lens thing makes sense except she had had multiple pictures on two different camaras- one was digital, the ones I posted were not..
Also, could there be a reason for these to occur only with certain people? I mean, I've never had it happen with any of the camaras I had, or anyone elses that I know other than hers...

I wish I could share all of the pics because as far as I can tell, most look as though she specifically took the pictures of the orbs themselves. She says she can see them- and most of the orb pics are centered- even when there are more than one, and they each have their own particular design, sometimes color.

:confused: I don't know..I'm convinced they are 'something.'
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