Operation Predator

c20H25N3o said:
Right so do you take my point that a country as resource rich and educated as America has a responsibility to stamp out child abuse in any form? And if so, why not start right on your own doorstep by negotiating with immigrants to the effect of 'you attend our educational programs and achieve a certain set of measurable criteria that will show us that you are going to be an honest upright citizen, and we will provide you with an opportunity to help make America a better place.'?


I don't want to sacrifice my childrens lives on my "own doorstep" for your wacky social experiment.
kenworth said:
i can deal with it usually but sometimes it makes me want to cry.dont worry there is no chance of shutting him up, ever.
With your last comments giving us your laxed morals about children being raped, I can see why you would hope and want for people to ignore this subject.

I see a pattern here :mad:
J.B said:
With your last comments giving us your laxed morals about children being raped, I can see why you would hope and want for people to ignore this subject.

I see a pattern here :mad:

you know nothing of my morals.ive just been really tired lately from work and i cant get into arguements when people are on completely different wavelengths when im tired,it makes me actually unhappy.
kenworth said:
you know nothing of my morals.ive just been really tired lately from work and i cant get into arguements.
Why would you want to "get into arguements" with me as I try to expose a element within are own socity that is raping are children?
kenworth said:
when people are on completely different wavelengths when im tired,it makes me actually unhappy.
Ya we are on "different wavelengths", you take the idea of a child being raped as a light hearted event.
J.B said:
Why would you want to "get into arguements" with me as I try to expose a element within are own socity that is raping are children?Ya we are on "different wavelengths", you take the idea of a child being raped as a light hearted event.

your motive and i dont see it as light hearted.
Just because a large number of these sex offenders were illegal aliens does not mean that most illegal aliens are sex offenders.
spidergoat said:
Just because a large number of these sex offenders were illegal aliens does not mean that most illegal aliens are sex offenders.

A federal effort aimed at cracking down on immigrant child sex criminals has resulted in the arrest of more than 6,000 people, officials say.

Some 85 percent of those arrested are foreign-born, according to DHS officials; 40 percent are illegal aliens.
J.B said:
I don't want to sacrifice my childrens lives on my "own doorstep" for your wacky social experiment.

Let's look at that wacky social experiment in a little more detail....

I am suggesting that migration to better climes is a natural instinct for the human as well as the bird. No one tells the bird where she may or may not fly, she just knows where to go and goes there. Humans are animals whether you accept it or not and we will migrate when we think we will be more comfortable elsewhere.

America is a very attractive place for the migrating human but when he gets there, the authorities want proof that he has a right to be there. No 'welcome' or 'how was your flight?' Just ''prove your a victim!' and 'give us one good reason why we shouldn't send you home?'

Not suprising that people sneak round the back door and get lost in the crowd is it?

Your current methods are not working and you do not invest enough into finding the best methods to deal with natural migration.

What you are saying is 'Let's just send them all home cos now we are in a right mess with it all.'

Sure it is in a right mess because you were intelligent enough to understand the consequences of natural migration but your response to it was hostility - hostility is a no-brainer and costs nothing. Had America invested some real time, money and intelligence in coming up with a win-win strategy to handle immigration then they would retain control of the situation and show that they are taking their position as global leader responsibly by introducing all migrants to their well structured society in a way that profits America and profits all peoples of the world.

Instead America invested some real money in loads and loads of high tech weaponary (well those weapons companies cant survive with no sales eh? ). You can be as hostile as you like with loads of powerful weapons but you cant win hearts and minds, except your own of course.

It is not a social experiment that I speak of. It is common sense. Migration is natural. America must 'deal' with it responsibly. Have an amnesty for illegals. Invest some money in education programs for people that come forward - create a visible win win situation for people that comply. Take some of that responsibility as global leader. Lead the way in it. Be an example to follow. God knows you have the resources to do so. Well those weapons companies sales just went through the roof eh?


J.B said:
A federal effort aimed at cracking down on immigrant child sex criminals has resulted in the arrest of more than 6,000 people, officials say.

Some 85 percent of those arrested are foreign-born, according to DHS officials; 40 percent are illegal aliens.
I heard you the first time! You are dumber than a box of rocks. Wow, immigrant child sex criminals are not from here, but from other countries? Hard to believe.

You must be a relative of Bush, who once said:

"More and more of our imports come from overseas."
-George W. Bush, Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000
J.B said:
Is our children being raped, worth the price of "cheap labor"?
You tell us.

Additional international enforcement cases under the Operation Predator umbrella include cases of human trafficking. One such case involved the dismantling of a U.S. adoption agency in which those arrested pled guilty to conspiracy to commit visa fraud and conspiracy to launder money in relation to adoptions of Cambodian children who were not orphans. The object of the trafficking conspiracy was to expedite the adoption process for Cambodian children to the United States families.
You were saying about cheap labour? It seems that some Americans like to 'import' children from third world countries to be used as cheap labour and as sex slaves in the US.

J.B said:
What if I was to say that child rape happens even more often in the country's where these illegal immigrants come from?
And what if I was to say that American paedophiles are amongst the animals who go to those countries on sex tours to have sex with children? Hell, it's become such a problem that your own Government is legislating to help protect the children of other countries from American paedophiles.

Another example of how we are going beyond our borders to protect children involves the investigation ICE has launched against sex tourism from the U.S. Last year, Congress gave law enforcement a powerful new tool by passing the "Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003", or the "PROTECT Act". Under the PROTECT Act, it is a crime for any person to enter the United States, or for a U.S. citizen of lawful permanent resident to travel abroad, for the purpose of sex tourism involving children. Within a few months of President Bush signing the bill into law, ICE had arrested the very first offender under the new Act. On September 10, 2003, ICE agents in Seattle arrested Michael Clark, a U.S. citizen, on charges of traveling to Cambodia to engage in sex with minors. Clark was extradited from Cambodia, upon the request of the U.S., after he was arrested and charged by Cambodian police in June with "debauchery involving illicit sexual conduct" with boys approximately 10 and 13 years old. According to the criminal complaint filed with the court, Clark subsequently admitted to molesting 40 to 50 children.

ICE is proud to have not only made the first arrest, but also the second, the third and now the fourth Protect Act child sex tourism arrest. We have a number of additional ongoing investigations that are being worked by our foreign attachés in coordination with local police in places such as Thailand, Cambodia, and the Philippines. Based on these investigations, more arrests are expected. We want to send a message loud and clear that international borders no longer shield child sex predators from the law.
It might help to bring the numbers of child rape down if your fellow citizens who are paedophiles stopped travelling to these countries to rape the children.

Some 2 million children, mostly in poor countries, are believed to be trapped in the underground sex industry. World Vision said an estimated 25 percent of the tourists who prey on them are U.S. citizens, while the proportion is closer to 80 percent in some Latin American countries.
25% is quite a high figure don't you think?

Seven U.S. men have been arrested since President Bush signed the Protect Act in April 2003. In the first case, Michael Lewis Clark, 70, was sentenced in Seattle in June to eight years in prison for abusing two Cambodian boys, aged 10 and 13.
Hmmm.. 8 years.. talk about a slap on the wrist..

J.B said:
Damm straight it ain't working, just ask the many American children who are raped by these barbaric invaders.
Do you ask the same question to children who are raped by fellow Americans? Because you are aware that it is not only illegal immigrants who rape children, aren't you? How about the children in foreign countries who fall amongst the 2 million children sexually abused by tourist, of which Americans number approximately 25%, do you ask them as well?

My point is JB that your abject racism has resulted in you not seeing the bigger picture. Sure Operation Predator has found that a high number of sexual offenders in the US are illegal immigrants and permanent residents, that figure could also be due to the fact that the 'operation' was conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

J.B said:
Why do hispanics have such high rates of child rape in their home country's?
And I must ask, why do American sex tourist travel to South American countries to prey on these children, further adding to the 'high rates of child rape' in those countries?... May I remind you again..

Some 2 million children, mostly in poor countries, are believed to be trapped in the underground sex industry. World Vision said an estimated 25 percent of the tourists who prey on them are U.S. citizens, while the proportion is closer to 80 percent in some Latin American countries.
Link as quoted previously
c20H25N3o said:
I am suggesting that migration to better climes is a natural instinct for the human as well as the bird. No one tells the bird where she may or may not fly, she just knows where to go and goes there.

No, ye're wrong there! In many cases, birds will protect their territory and not allow other types of birds to "invade" that territory. And the same goes for almost every type of animal on Earth ....all animals, even humans, are territorial and will protect their territory with violent means.

c20H25N3o said:
It is not a social experiment that I speak of. It is common sense. Migration is natural. America must 'deal' with it responsibly.

Ahh, but the arguments abound as to what's "responsibly". And that's the main issue, isn't it? What the hell is "responsibly" and who is to decide? As I've noted above, in the animal world, they deal with it "responsibly" by protecting their own territory and not allowing others to invade it. Perhaps that's what you meant?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
No, ye're wrong there! In many cases, birds will protect their territory and not allow other types of birds to "invade" that territory. And the same goes for almost every type of animal on Earth ....all animals, even humans, are territorial and will protect their territory with violent means.

The point is millions of humans are migrating to America. I read an unnofficial figure of between 15-20 million immigrants in total. Are you proposing you shoot them all when they hit the shores or just continue to be hostile passively? Perhaps just have more border guards? Whatever you would prefer , protecting your territory is not going to work. So you have to turn that 15-20 million figure into an equal number of opportunities for America to do something worthwhile with.

Ahh, but the arguments abound as to what's "responsibly". And that's the main issue, isn't it? What the hell is "responsibly" and who is to decide? As I've noted above, in the animal world, they deal with it "responsibly" by protecting their own territory and not allowing others to invade it. Perhaps that's what you meant?

Baron Max

Well 'responsibly' in my book means showing the world the 'good side' to America. Showing that all that cash you have isn't going to be frittered away on arms/wars/clean up operations from years of neglect and poor planning.

America looks like the rich kid on the block swaggering around stealing money off the poor kids and then wasting their ill gotten gains on buying guns with which to wave even more power around with. Its about time America grew up and started winning hearts and minds. Let's see America's intelligence, lets see its heart, lets see it actually live its values of liberty and justice for all. Let's see it stand up for human rights, not just in its own country but for all peoples. Lets see America lead the other countries with its humane treatment of immigrants and its ability to turn the situation into something positive, not just for America but for all countries. I'll repeat, you have the resources to make this happen.


Bells said:
And what if I was to say that American paedophiles are amongst the animals who go to those countries on sex tours to have sex with children?
All paedophiles like to "go to those countries on sex tours to have sex with children" because having sex with children in "those countries" is a much more acceptable practice.
Bells said:
Hell, it's become such a problem that your own Government is legislating to help protect the children of other countries from American paedophiles.
Yes, child rape has "become such a problem", and now we have information on who is causing this to "become such a problem".

Some 85 percent of those arrested are foreign-born, according to DHS officials; 40 percent are illegal aliens.
spidergoat said:
I heard you the first time! You are dumber than a box of rocks. Wow, immigrant child sex criminals are not from here, but from other countries? Hard to believe.
No thats not what anyone said,
what is said is the overwelming type of people that rape children in the U.S. are foreign-born.

You see if we removed today all people that were born in other country's we would be removing 85% of all the child rapist in this country.

spidergoat said:
"More and more of our imports come from overseas."
-George W. Bush, Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000
Whats the big deal?

We do have imports from Mexico and Canada, that's by land you know?
J.B said:
All paedophiles like to "go to those countries on sex tours to have sex with children" because having sex with children in "those countries" is a much more acceptable practice.
Yes, child rape has "become such a problem", and now we have information on who is causing this to "become such a problem".

Some 85 percent of those arrested are foreign-born, according to DHS officials; 40 percent are illegal aliens.

If there are roughly 15-20 million (unverified) immigrants in the US and 6000 were arrested in a campaign specifically TARGETTED at aliens then that means that 0.03% of all aliens have been found to be sex criminals. Better to tackle the causes of the 0.03% than to brand the 99.97% criminals and send them home.


c20H25N3o said:
The point is millions of humans are migrating to America. I read an unnofficial figure of between 15-20 million immigrants in total.

I think YOU are missing the point. That point is ....there are LEGAL ways of immigrating into the USA, and ILLEGAL ways. I'm proposing that we enforce the laws of the nation. You, however, seem to be saying/implying that we just ignore the laws.

c20H25N3o said:
Are you proposing you shoot them all when they hit the shores or just continue to be hostile passively? Perhaps just have more border guards? Whatever you would prefer, protecting your territory is not going to work.

Hmm, shooting them would work, but that's probably not a good option. How about enforcing the EXISTING immigration laws and protecting our nation is not going to work??? What are you suggesting ...that we just throw up our hands in resignation?

I thought it was terribly interesting that Dallas Police officers CAN NOT turn in illegal aliens to the INS because ...well, it's not "their job"???? They're now taking a second look at that idiocy and will most probably amend it. I also discovered that the same situation occurs in most of our large cities ...the police and the INS don't work together on the problem of illegal immigration.

c20H25N3o said:
So you have to turn that 15-20 million figure into an equal number of opportunities for America to do something worthwhile with.

If there are jobs, then the LEGAL citizens of the nation should have those jobs, NOT the ILLEGAL aliens! I don't know why it's so difficult for people to understand the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration?!

And as to your idea of doing "...something worthwhile with them", it's again simply ignoring the existing laws about immigration. Surely you don't think that the USA or any other nation can just keep taking in immigrants at such astounding rates and not have any problems with employment and benefits?

c20H25N3o said:
Its about time America grew up and started winning hearts and minds.

Where does this "hearts and minds" bullshit come into play?? Who gives a fuck about their "hearts and minds"? That is NOT the job of our legal system, which IS, by the way, the very principle of this great nation.

You might ask yourself just whose "hearts and minds" we're supposed to win? Everyone on Earth? Or the citizens of the USA?

c20H25N3o said:
I'll repeat, you have the resources to make this happen.

And just how fuckin' long will we have those resources if we just keep giving them away to anyone who wants them?

I'll say it again ....there's a big, big difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration. And we should enforce the laws that we have on immigration.

Baron Max
Who gives a fuck about their "hearts and minds"?

The fundamental problem with U.S. immigration policy is that it treats international migration as a pathological condition to be repressed through unilateral enforcement actions, rather than as the natural outgrowth of market expansion and economic integration. Migration should be managed for the mutual advantage of trading partners. By migrating in response to economic changes at home, migrants do not intend to remain abroad for the rest of their lives. Some do, of course, but left to their own devices, most would rather return home because they are migrating not to maximize their income, but to overcome market failures at home. They use international migration instrumentally as a way of overcoming the missing and failed markets that are commonly experienced in the course of economic development. The money they earn abroad is repatriated home in the form of savings and remittances, which now approach $20 billion for Mexico alone.18 Repressive border-enforcement policies simply make it more difficult for such migrants to achieve their ambition of returning home.


You should!

J.B said:
Some 85 percent of those arrested are foreign-born, according to DHS officials; 40 percent are illegal aliens.
You gotta go where the customers are.
J.B said:
All paedophiles like to "go to those countries on sex tours to have sex with children" because having sex with children in "those countries" is a much more acceptable practice.
Really? Is that why those countries are constantly arresting foreigners who come to their shores to rape their children? If it was so acceptable they wouldn't be arresting the paedophiles who come to their shores now would they?

Tell me, what do you base your 'fact' on? These countries are doing everything they can to stop foreigners from coming in to defile their children and you come out and say that having sex with children is acceptable in foreign countries? Is your racism so blinding that you come out with crap like this?

Yes, child rape has "become such a problem", and now we have information on who is causing this to "become such a problem".
Right... So child rape was never an issue before immigrants started coming to America? So that means that the Native Americans did not rape their children and it all started when the Europeans settled huh? But.. Oh... you mean that Europeans don't rape children in the US, but migrants who aren't white who rape children, right? So that means that the plethora of child sex abuse cases that occur in the US are all committed by migrants? You have told that to the American children who are raped by family members or other American of European descent haven't you? You've told them that they haven't been raped because they weren't raped by migrants since migrants are the ones who cause the problem... haven't you? How about the kids who are raped by the priests in your country.. priests who are white.. they don't count?

But of course... migrants are the people who rape children in America while Americans are the ones who rape children in third world countries.. :rolleyes: And yes, if you are too much of an imbecile to recognise it, that was sarcasm..

Some 85 percent of those arrested are foreign-born, according to DHS officials; 40 percent are illegal aliens.
Yet you still won't face the fact that in some South American countries, the percentage of sex tourists from America number as high as 80%... Child rape has no racial boundaries. You are attempting to add the vile concept of racism to the even more disgusting fact of child rape and child molestation. That in my opinion makes you lower than a worm.
c20H25N3o said:
Migration should be managed for the mutual advantage of trading partners.

Agreed. And that's why we have LAWS, which we should enforce! Without the enforcement of the laws, the advantage is overwhelmingly on the side of the ILLEGAL immigrants, and usually to the detriment of the host nation. And I will point out that you said clearly ...."...for the MUTUAL advantage..." ...which, at present, it is NOT.

Baron Max